


5 years, 11 months ago


Information is at the first appearance of the character in the story.
All info is subject to change.

First appearance: Hasn't appeared yet.

RaceSouthern avian
GenderNonbinary (they/them)
Body typeStocky build. Pointed, movable, ears that naturally tilt back. Slanted eyes. Scar over their right eye (and lip), cannot open it. Broken, pointed nose, thin eyebrows. "Pentagon" shaped head. Freckles. Long, smooth, black hair that is colored by red-brown and bright green.
Bird form also has scar over eye, and beak is cracked with a piece missing on their right side.
IntelligenceHigh average, wise
PersonalityQuiet, observant, serious, "does everything with purpose"
MagicLight magic. Brown color. Magical weapon is a bow, which can shoot up to three arrows at once. They have enchantment magic, and uses it most often to enchant jewelry, which they keep on their belt for emergencies. They are a decent healer. Can create vines. Can use their magic to sense the environment around them.
The bird they transform into is a Javan green magpie. Has an affinity for plants.
FearsHeights, water
HandednessRight-handed, though still quite good with the left.

Miscellaneous: Extremely good aim (despite no depth perception). Sometimes acts conflicted and disappears for days. Great understanding of the world, letting them see things others don't.

Backstory: Charcoal was born in the jungles of the south as Emerald, an angry, reckless child with no sense of purpose or meaning in this world. They left home as a young adult, and came across an old temple. Fascinated they went in, and immediately started to mess around in it. But the temple was not abandoned as it may have seemed, it was full of monks. One caught him but instead of being angry, they were calm, and seemed actually concerned for Emerald. Emerald was intrigued, also a bit enraged at this too-calm reaction. The monk offered to "show them the way", and they agreed, but only for a week, mostly because they had nothing better to do. Emerald then stayed for months, far past what they said. The monks there taught him all about what the world was meant to be, and how to improve the self and find understanding. Emerald began to see past the fog of life, and came to understand. They changed their name to Charcoal, something more plain. Charcoal stayed there for years and became "enlightened" like the other monks, which gave them a great understanding of the world and life itself. After their enlightenment, they headed north.

Notes: Hair is three colors: emerald green, which is the main color; russet brown, which is what their weapon is colored by; and dull black, which is what they're named for.