Halis Yilmaz



5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Halis Yilmaz




23. September


''Gang Leader''| Working for Vin


Halis may come off as brash, but once someone gets to know and trust him, they have a loyal companion for life. He is outspoken and brave and would rather break a leg then see someone he cares about suffer. Despite all that, he can be extremely stubborn and is not above being pouty, when (for example) his ideas and plans are overlooked for others.


His skin is grey thanks to being an Anderer, seeing as this turns one physical aspect of the body, into what the Geist would have had.


"Wha- you have never heard of Halis, Ruler of the North? Don't fuck with me!"

Halis always knew, that he was destinied to be great. At least he decided to be, when he was the only 5 year old who could climb the slide from the wrong side. Since then, he continued to try to be the best (or at least better than the rest) at all things he encountered. This brought a lot of admirers to the plate and when he was 17, he decided it was time to finally take over the part of the city he was living in.  Far too many friends had been lost to drugs and Andere who just wanted to try out their powers and Halis decided that he would not stand for that.
So, in one fell swoop he drove them as far out as he and his group could. The rest, while still there, went mostly into the shadows, trying not to get on their bad side. This went on for some years and while Halis knew what he and his group had done, no one else really seemed to care much. The people all having enough on their plate already, to really notice some shady folk gone.
It was on one of his patrols, that he met Vin's people and, after some convincing, decided to join up with them and lend them his strength

Personal Information

  • Positive
    Fast || Brave || Headstrong || Quick to jump into action || Not afraid to get dirty || Loyal || Checks people before trusting them ||
    Does not trust easily || Judging || quite the ego || Distracted || Tends to think lesser of others, until they have proven themselves || Stubborn
  • Hand Alignment

  • Strengths
    Halis is fast on his feet and fast to jump into action. Giving his position as a Gangleader and being the (self-proclaimed) owner of the northern part of the city, Halis values strength. He himself never skips on training and, if someone wants to rise in his ranks, they better start to train as well. While he may have some muscles, he isn't all muscles. Behind that brawn is actually a brain that works almost as well.  
    His powers enable him to show people images via telephatic link, when he looks into their eyes. This is a power, which he came to use in a number of ways. Even fighting gets a whole lot easier, when you show the enemies images of their friends dying.
  • Weaknesses
    He tends to be stubborn, always thinking that he knows whats best and that his solution should always be the best one. In addition to that, he tends to pick his friends based on their strength, being somewhat miffed, when he learns that their strengths mainly hails from their powers and not from their body. To him, everything should be trained equally. (And absolutely not, because his power isn't directly offense. Never.)
    While his powers are versatile, they have a few specific catches, which makes it difficult for him to use them. First of, the images he sends are created via his imagination, which can result in horryfing images being send and second, he needs to look the recipent in the eyes for it to work.