Casper Graaf



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Casper Graaf






2. February


Anderer (Human with special powers)




Casper is a guy, which most people would characterize as being unstable or ''insane''. His behaviour is unpredictable and his only drive in life is (accoring to him) to have fun, which often results in some kind of death or destruction. He talks nonstop and most of the time about things with no real context whatsoever. There seem to be moments when his mind is clear, but they are few inbetween.


He displays no real interest in things besides the missions giving to him by Vin. Most people are creeped out by that fact, saying that he is nothing more than a hollow shell.


He does not seem to dislike something and, being asked about it, did not really give any answer.


"This is going to be so much fun! I know it!"


Casper had a dad which left the family when he was younger and a mom who tried to work extra hard to always be there for her boy and allow him to get some things to make him happy. He even got a dog and never really missed his dad that much. Why miss something or someone that just isn't there?
One day while he played with his dog he felt pain in his legs, which left after some days, going almost as quickly as it came. Casper then noticed that he had a geist (a pigeon) which he called to his side, playing with that more and more then with the dog he owned. As a result, the dog became kinda jealous and, in an attempt to show that he could pet the geist as well, tried to put it gently in its mouth, but destroyed the body in the process, as the dog did not calculate that the body would be so fragile. The geist went into Casper and his new powers emerged, spewing his chemicals and the poisons in the room. He ran out but noticed later, that his mom and dog did not follow and when he went in and tried to find them again, he breathed some of the leftovers in, before he collapsed. The leftovers where not enough to kill him, but they kinda damaged him and he became unstable in his behaviour which resulted in him being chased by the HSD until Vin took him in.




Personal Information

  • Strengths
    Casper is quick on his feet and considered the fastest person working for Vin. One moment you might think he is too far away to reach you and the next he is so close, that you can see him directly in the eyes - up close. In the periods where his mind is clear, he shows that he is surprinsingly intelligent and really not that distracted. Giving others insight and new perspectives which they did not even think about. Even in the darkest times, Casper can see the light.
    He is fairly creative in the use of his powers and even grew immune to them himself, needing no gasmask but still wearing it.
  • Weaknesses
    He does not really care for other people and he also does not really understand human interactions, leaving him out of the loop more often than not. It isn't that he thinks that people are a nuisance or need to be sacrificied, it is more a lacking of understanding, why he should care about them. He most likely never met them or interacted with them and even if he did, there are other people, no? So why should he care?
    Thanks to his condition, he also isn't the most reliable one out there. While he might give make a promise in one of his clear moments, it will be forgotten by the time the moment has passed.


Sexuality / Lovelife

Status || Single, not interested, not seeking





  • Jan
    His dad. He left the family when Casper was still young. He did never really care about his dad and does not miss him in the least.
  • Nelleke
    His mom. Casper loved her dearly and would have done everything to make her happy, just as she did it. While she was busy with work most of the time, the times when she was at home, where happy and filled with laughter. He cooked for her and helped clean the house as not to cause her any more work. She died when Casper's powers first emerged, as she did not get to leave the livingroom fast enough.
