Ryan Duvont



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Ryan Duvont






22. February


Anderer (Human with special powers)


Assassin, Head of 'Die Vögel'


Ryan keeps dates and deadlines like other poeple their family heirlooms. He is not much of a teamplayer and prefers working alone, to working with someone who might not do the work to his liking. He may seem like a loyal person but he is constantly scrutinizing others to see, if they are still deserving of his loyalty.

Physical Description

His violet/reddish hair is something which everyone will notice, as it stands in stark contrast to his otherwise business like looks. They are thanks to the fact, that he is a Anderer and while he first dyed them, he no longer cares. He is more slender than muscled and somewhat of normal height.


His morning newspaper and whenever the time is silent enough to actually read it through. Actually he does not only like silence whenever he reads, no, he likes it all the time and much prefers it to ruckus. A big fan of everything related to stars and mathematics and most of his books consist of this topics.


Can't stand ruckus. Period. He just can't. For him, there is no need to be so noisy. His (co)workers are actually a thing of importance and while he might not show it, everything that happens to them gets deep under his skin and thus he goes to great lenghts in protecting them. In fact, his love for good plans hailed from the fear of loosing someone



Ryan did get his abilities as an Anderer late in his life, needing to get used to the fact that from now on, his life would be different. Although his dad was accepting and most people tried to brush it off, he still noticed how they behaved differently around him. One of this days his boss called him in for a 'meeting' which ended with Ryan loosing his job, based on the fact the was "not quite what they where looking for", even though he worked there since 6 years and they took him in almost instantly when they saw what he was able to do. That evening he learned that his landlord would not extend their rental agreement and that he soon would be homeless. Heleft, wandering through the streets, hoping to find something that would show him that it is okay to be the way he is. He found a drunk guy who hit him with a bottle and ended up dead, after Ryan's Rapier found it's way into his heart. 
Not knowing what to do know he sank to the ground. In this state he was found by Vin Leon, who took him in and gave him a job.



Personal Information

  • Positive
    Independent || Good instincts || Strong intuition || Loyal if trusting || Honest || Hardworking || Hands on ||
  • Negative
    Not a team player|| Judging || Scrutinizing || Workaholic || Unforgiven || Skeptical || Knows-it-all || Stubborn
  • Hand Alignment

  • Strengths
    Ryan is intelligent and knows when and how to use it to his advantage. With his great education and, along with his ability to spot dangers before anyone else seems to do, he is the perfect Allroundtalent on the battlefield. He is able to think of battle strategies before the battle even starts and can think up new ones on the spot, if the original ones fail. His power as a Anderer is to summon a reinforced rapier which he can wield with almost deathly skill. While it may not be the strongest weapon around, Ryan would never even ask for a strong one in the first place. His main way of fighting is to be faste and better prepared than his enemy. 

  • Weaknesses
    While he is an allroundtalent and might be intelligent, there really isn't any combat form he exels in. He can try to hold some enemies at bay but is not strong enough to take on groups of enemies, like his teampartners do. He tries to never encounter such a situation and likes to have plans beforehand. If he can't however, he tries to win with tactics he made up in the spot. Without his glasses on, he really can't see much and in everyday life, he is quite picky about normal stuff.


Sexuality / Lovelife

Status || Single





  • Jacques 
    His dad who took it upon himself to care for Ryan, after his mother passed away when Ryan still only was 4. Both of them get along fine and he still tries to visit him ever so often and asks for advice whenever a difficult decision is to be made. In his past, he even wanted to get the same job as his dad had. The job being a watchmaker. Even though people sometimes joke that he looks like some kind of low-budget butler, he still keeps the pocketwatch his dad gifted him, around at all times.
  • Charlott
    His mother. She died of cancer when he was 4. At first he did not really understand what happened and after that, his dad was always there for him, but he still had his moments where he missed his mother and wished for her to come back. He grew out of it and accepted the fact but still visits her grave every time he is in his home town and sends some flowers to her grave on her birthday.
