Akorri Lowe



8 years, 3 months ago


"I know. I can't run away from things anymore."

NAME: Akorri Lowe

NICKNAME(S): The Red Rogue, TrapmasterOCCUPATION: Adventurer, ex-thief
AGE: Late teensHOME: Treetop Village, Tananshia
SPECIES: FillianFEATURES IN: First Meeting, Vistus, Respite, Storm Queen

Quirky Bones - Divinity Original Sin II OST
 A former thief with a witty sense of humour and a guilt complex. His snark could once bite through the sturdiest armour, but he mellowed out ever since he started travelling with Laerya, Jinny, and Shady. Now he's just a little rough around the edges, but generally friendly and down to earth. His observational skills are second to none, however, so watch what you say around him.

 Orphaned at the age of ten, he got by on stealing and, later, by being paid to do so. He was a sneaky, cowardly thief working for someone who he knew would have him dead the second he slipped up. Luckily for him, things turned around after the infamous Greenglade incident, where he met his best friends.

 He currently travels around Vistus with them, and is trying to combat the guilt that plagues him over everything he's done over the years. He's grateful his friends are so understanding.
 Akorri Lowe, he’s the guy you wish you had at a party even though you wouldn’t admit to it. He’s your mother if your mother was a tall, lanky boy with permanent bedhead. He takes you home after a wild night out and tucks you into bed, but he does it in a way a stray cat pretends to be disinterested in your affections. He’s sharp as a knife, he reads you like a book, and he’s got that cocky smirk the whole time he’s doing it. He’s both the pill and the water you swallow.

  He's got a past, and it keeps him up at night, sours his interactions if he's not careful. He wears regret and guilt as his favourite outfit, and he has the self-confidence of someone with a borderline inferiority complex. He tries to be better, but it's an uphill battle.
❤ Shiny things✖ Responsibility
❤ Cool weather✖ Isolation
❤ Baggy clothing✖ Horror films
❤ Sleeping at an inn✖ Himself

 Akorri was born in Treetop, the tree house village in eastern Tananshia. When he was a child almost his entire village was wiped out due to a forest fire. His parents died with the village, leaving Akorri alone to fend for himself. He left Treetop and made a name for himself as a thief called the Red Rogue, stealing at first out of necessity and then out of sheer habit. Once he started travelling with Laerya, the rabbit girl he saved from a pack of Wolfbeasts, she forced him to stop.

 Before he met her a second time however, he came across Lorelei, who employed him for his thieving services. Seeing as he only had a hole in the ground to call his home, he had no choice but to accept her jobs. His work involved stealing and gathering intelligence, and even though the money rolled in, his attitude began to deteriorate as a result of his living situation. He lost the will to live, operating only out of instinct.

 It was during this time he came across Laerya again, sent by their friend Fericeus to visit the village of Greenglade. It was there he met Jinny the mage and Shady the dragon, and through their shared experience in the village with its various ups and downs, they grew to become friends. Akorri regained his spark thanks to their presence, and now the group all travel happily together.
tales_from_vistus_first_meeting_thumbnai"As... oblivious as you are, you're good company."
Laerya and Akorri's relationship has not always been as steadfast as it is now. This short story details the dangerous first meeting of the two travellers and acts as the prequel to Vistus.
tales_from_vistus_vistus_thumbnail_by_da"Get ready, Greenglade. You're in for a real treat."
The main story. Intrigued by her friend Fericeus's offer to study magic in the peaceful village of Greenglade, Laerya and her assigned companion Akorri set out to visit this magical haven. However things are never that simple with Laerya, and the two find themselves forming new friendships and testing old ones as they are caught up in events they never would have expected.
"It's okay. I... want to talk."
A short one shot that takes place a month after the events of Vistus. On a warm, peaceful night, Akorri and Jinny share their thoughts.
i5V0T94.png“We’ve been at this for like four months now and you still can’t handle heights?”
Four months after the events of Vistus, Laerya and her friends embark on another adventure, making new friends, exploring the far reaches of of their world, testing their bonds, and crossing swords with an old enemy.

278754?1464302855Jinny Ninkei - Best Friend/???
Akorri met Jinny in her home village of Greenglade. He had the opportunity to see her in a pretty bad state very early on in their relationship, and while he had been initially put off, he discovered she had a quiet kindness and hidden courage he admired and grew to understand the reason for her distress. He draws strength from her kindness, and the two of them work hard to help each other through their issues, exchanging many a heartfelt conversation in the quiet of the night when Laerya is asleep. Akorri respects and treasures her, thinking himself beyond fortunate that he is able to be by her side every day. The intensity of his feelings is unknown to Jinny, and he can't bring himself to voice them yet. They spend their down time during their travels reading beside each other and playing games.
278738?1497311655Laerya Lightningdancer - Best Friend
Akorri first met Laerya in his previous home in the Bleakleaf Woods, saving her from a pack of Wolfbeasts. They got along well initially, but they did not cross paths a long while after that incident, and by then Akorri had changed for the worse. They clashed many times when they had to visit Greenglade together, but their time there helped Akorri come to terms with his ordeal, and she encouraged him to start a new life with her. He admires Laerya's tenacity and courage, and she inspires him to be better. Though they often butt heads, they are true friends.
1196394?1501635055Shady - Best Friend
Akorri and dragons had never really gone well together. In fact, Akorri lived in terrified awe of them for most of his life, and as it turned out, he did not take the initial meeting with Shady too well. Nevertheless they managed to get over their grievances, and now Akorri trusts Shady as much as he trusts Laerya and Jinny. He still prefers walking on foot to Shady's air travel, though.
284214?1496690909Katarina Vatrica - Friend
Akorri met Katarina in Greenglade. He did not think too much of her at first, but she ended up helping and reassuring him during one of the darker moments of his life, and he has been grateful for her steadfast encouragement ever since. He embraces her maternal nature. He really needs it sometimes.
281037?1491517766Yuli Ren - Enemy
Yuli is a former colleague of Akorri's. They sometimes worked together when he was in Lorelei's employ. He was always a little intimidated by her seemingly callous and analytic nature, especially when on the job. He has nothing against her as a person, but his distrust of her has only worsened over time, especially since she is still working for Lorelei.
281035?1495533213Lorelei Schreiber - Enemy
Akorri did not expect his first job to end with a boss who wants to destroy him, but sometimes that's how life goes. After pulling one too many shady jobs for Lorelei, he realised how grave the consequences of his actions were and turned on her with the help of his friends. He did not escape the encounter unscathed; physically he has recovered, but memories of her do not fade from his mind so easily.
♦ He is very stealthy thanks to his many years as a thief, and is good at setting and dismantling traps.

♦ He has a fondness for shiny objects and hoarded them at home.

♦ He has a small appetite that he developed out of necessity when he lived as a thief. He still cannot eat a lot, even though he no longer has to ration as much.

♦ He has a thin, frail body which he is insecure about. He refuses to undress in front of others.
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Speeding Cars - Imogen Heap

Little Fang - Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks

Fonte - Nagi no Asukara OST

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