Bumblebee Agate



5 years, 11 months ago


"Bee" - Bumblebee Agate

  • PRONOUNS She/Her
  • HEIGHT 6'5"
  • AGE 30,000
  • ORIGIN Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Port Valkos
  • FACTION Umbran Pirates
  • ROLE Intel Operator
  • WEAPON Taser Gun
  • VOICE Unknown
  • DANCE Mambo
  • VALUE $12

The Beginning

Factor Eight


At first Bumblebee Agate seems like a pleasant person but it becomes painfully obvious her real intentions fairly quickly. She's definitely the worst gem aboard the Penumbra Starship in regards to caring about the others aboard the ship. Selfish and Vain, she's generally only out for number one, herself. She plays her role perfectly and definitely enjoys doing the job so she doesn't go out of her way to sabotage her relationships, but it could be pretty apparent how strained they may be. At least, in most cases, Bumblebee is a nice and pleasant person to be around as long as you're a friend and not in her way or a potential target.

Bumblebee Agate is very good at what she does and she knows it. Generally unless the role is an immediate need to get done, she likes to take her time with certain things. She particularly enjoys interrogating and she'd be more than happy to draw it out as long as possible if she's able, and no matter what she almost always gets the information she needs. Bumblebee is also pretty good at acting in order to fulfill her role as a spy for the Umbran Pirates. With enough confidence, she can infiltrate almost any Homeworld location.

Literally everything else about her is negative. She uses her positive traits for bad means, more or less, and she can be extremely lazy. Bumblebee may act sweet when she needs to but she's honestly a very mean and vindictive person. She enjoys to see others suffer and will thrive off making others suffer by her own hands. She isn't always the best at listening and will cut corners if she can as well as bend or ignore rules completely if she can get away with it. She has a terrible problem with being extremely bossy too, which doesn't help when she doesn't always take orders well. But she plays it smart and knows how 'important' she is so she can get away with being a bit manipulative with the others in the crew. Even her own captain from time to time.

Bumblebee Agate and her kin were formed around thirty thousand years ago. Upon being created, she quickly took a liking to her position. There was something thrilling in her mindset about being the one in charge and she wasn't even remotely hesitant to flex over others at any given time. After training, her fellow Agates were sent to their stations where they would remain for the rest of their miserable lives. But unlike other Bumblebee Agates, "Bee" and one of her Favorite Sisters "Bumble" decided to lead together rather than going off on their own. They worked their way up the social structure, making quite a name of themselves, and eventually took control of an intelligence operation station where together they are in charge of making collecting and evaluating information that Homeworld scouts return back with on their missions off planet. As leaders of the station they know all the ins and outs of what Homeworld is up to and where they may go next.

After serving Homeworld loyally for ten thousand years, Bee and Bumble were awarded a set of Pearls for their service. Honey and Gold Pearl were beautiful and youthful twin Pearls, eager to serve for the masters they were created for, though their mindsets quickly changed once they got to know the two Agates a little more than they wanted to. Bumble happened to enjoy having a cute little toy to doll up and show off. Gold Pearl quickly grew to dislike the attention, the outfits, being forced to perform like a monkey, and having to do anything he was told to, really. He grew to dislike being bossed around but he couldn't rebel. Especially not whenever Bee was around.

Bee, to put it in the nicest way, was downright mean to both the Pearls but especially awful to Honey. With Honey, a whole new perspective of power came into play and it was one that seemed to change Bee forever. Over time her harassment towards Honey turned into tormenting, then it turned into hurting her, then eventually torturing her. Until one fateful day that Bee ended up going a little bit too far and accidentally shattered Honey. She had been the first gem Bee actually broke, and definitely not the last. Though she chalked Honey's death as a work accident, her sister believed her but Gold did not. Gold knew of all the terrible things Bee would do to Honey. Gold knew that, slowly but surely, Honey would have been broken physically or mentally, if she hadn't mentally broke long before that.

After Honey's death, many other lower ranked gems started to go missing or getting into similar "accidents". Once, Gold confronted Bee about Honey's death, as well as several reported missing gems from the station, and Bee realized she may not have been as careful as she thought she was. So unfortunately for Gold, that put him on her radar and her new favorite victim. Whenever her sister was too busy, Bee would ask if she could watch Gold Pearl for her, making up excuses how she missed her own Pearl dearly. And since Gold had been threatened to be broken if he said anything, Bumble was completely oblivious and allowed it.

It was like this for a while until eventually she began to search for new victims outside of the station. It was just after Gold had been reported fleeing Homeworld when Bumblebee began hearing more and more about a gem group that had been terrorizing various factions and groups in the area. She'd heard of them before and eventually became curious enough to check them out. Eager to branch out further, she gifted her sister a Lemon Jade (mostly to stop her from whining about losing her dumb Pearl) and started having extended leaves from the station.

Because of her sister more than willing to take the reigns of their work, Bee is able to come to and from her station at any given time. She is always let back in with open arms, no matter how long she had been away, with Bumble assuming that Bee just took a liking to exploring. She has no idea of any of Bee's activities outside of their station, she doesn't seem to mind or notice anything different about her sister, really!

Eventually she came across the Umbran Pirates in that wretched place called Port Valkos. She located Alexandrite, the captain of the crew, and chatted with her for a while. She asked to join them, with promises for intel on current and all future Homeworld activities, just as long as she was allowed to join in on the fun. It took a little convincing but Bee was let aboard and she very quickly started proving her worth to Alexandrite and the rest of the crew, leading them to the best heists and the biggest raids they could have ever asked for.

Even if Bee had long lost all interest in Homeworld, to this day Bee still returns back to her station for more intel on what her species is up to. Not only do they get information about them but other species as well, where they are, where to hit, where to make bank. Not to toot her own horn or anything but Bee is likely one of the most valuable members of Alexandrite's team. Even if she does get on the Captain's nerves quite a bit.

  • Hurting / Tormenting / Torturing
  • Seeing others struggle / have a difficult time
  • Making messes
  • Bossing others around
  • Booze
  • Shiny things
  • Pearls and Servants
  • Most other Gem types
  • Organics
  • Having nothing to do
  • Being told "no"
  • Cleaning up after herself

  • Powers
  • Powers
  • Powers
  • Limits
  • Limits
  • Limits


fusion name
[component x component]


  • Bumblebee Agate used to have her own Pearl until she broke her.
  • Bee gave her sister a Lemon Jade when her Gold Pearl ran away.

Artist Notes

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Character Credits

Code by Aurorean