Masakii Treven



8 years, 1 month ago


  • Masakii Treven

  • Age 19
  • Gender Cis man
  • Race Keeto
  • Status Filthy Rich Necromancer
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral


Masakii is the poster child for overcompensation. For all intents and purposes, he is narcissistic, self-centered, arrogant, pretentious, and all around an unbearable prick who is more than willing to enact revenge on a 10+ year grudge if the opportunity should arise. Also attention-seeking. Masakii could not care less if the attention is positive or negative as long as it is being noticeably directed him, though he will be significantly more polite in public if someone Important is there or if he is planning on using them in the future. Which, of course, brings up that Masakii is borderline incapable of maintaining actual relationships due to both his condescending nature and his belief that everyone else is as ruthless and willing to stab anyone in the back for their own gain as he is. Masakii has no trust in other people and would rather do everything himself than rely on other people who would certainly just screw everything up (or try to screw him over which he considers more likely), which is unfortunate because Masakii really doesn’t like working or moving in general and is much better suited to the role of yelling commands.

BUT. If someone (for some unfathomable reason) went past the first ten/fifteen layers of all this terribleness, they would discover that- - -!
Masakii is still a prick. But he’s a very distressed and lonely prick who is driven by the need to prove that all those disgusting feelings of self doubt and worthlessness that are constantly bombarding him are COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED and he did not (somehow) completely delude himself into thinking he was The Best just to falter due to his own insecurities. Despite his attempts to completely block them out/suppress them with his unyielding smarmy narcissist shtick, they are still running in the background and are the reason Masakii is so easily insulted and takes everything so seriously.


The Treven’s ancestors used to be super tyrannical rules waaaaaay back in the day who maintained control mostly through the populace’s fear of their plethora of undead hordes. It was a fantastic arrangement until multiple revolutions eventually booted them out of there and they had to go into hiding with their necromancy severely limited due to maddening meddling mages.


Back in present day, Masakii was originally meant to exist so that:
1. The family line and very important tradition strain of necromancy could continue
2. The prestigious Treven Corporation would remain in the family and therefore easily controlled and maintained
But something went horribly terribly wrong in the process.

Continuing the weirdly prevalent trend that excessively rich people somehow don’t understand how children work, Masakii had expectations placed upon him that basically boiled down to “if you are not the best at everything how dare you claim to be a part of this flawless fam.” This was compounded by how his parents were constantly comparing him to the DUMB WORTHLESS SON of their bff/rivals who was somehow almost always ahead of him even when comparing DUMB WORTHLESS SLATE BRAT’s past grades to masakii’s current ones since DUMB WORTHLESS SLATE BRAT was quite a few years older.

At some point Masakii realized that his grades had stagnated and that the only way to make himself look any better was to completely and utterly destroy anyone who threatened his obviously completely and utterly deserved status as the Best and so he began his delightful and not at all petty and horrible lifestyle of using any method necessary to tear others down to remain on top where he belonged.

Lucille the Soulfox


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


DoB: June 14th
Sexuality: Money Pan
Height: 5'10"
Build: Scrawny Slender
Demeanor: Smug
Origin: Outside Niryn, Mirais
Occupation: Heir
  • his pet soulfox, Lucille
  • Gold
  • Studying necromancy and any other artes that pique his interest
  • Money
  • Collecting gold versions of everything
  • His excessive Victorian Gothic aesthetic
  • Socializing
  • being better and more attractive and also significantly more intelligent than anyone else at any given time apparently
  • Physical labor
  • Losing any type of competition
  • Pretending to have no interest in the occult
  • Halloween
  • being compared to a vampire in any way
  • Early mornings
  • The slightest and vaguest implication that he is not the best
  • Pretending to get along with his parents




  • Necromancy
  • Exorcisms
  • Can technically perform summonings but won't due to a bad experience once
  • Unyielding smarminess
  • S rank in enemy making
  • Deciphering old tomes


  • Masakii hates Halloween because of how much pop culture gets wrong about the paranormal/dark artes
  • He also really hates puns (he lacks a sense of humor that isn't steeped in schadenfreude, you see), but it's only the rabbit-based ones that get him hopping mad other than just annoyed
  • He will turn everything into a competition if given the smallest chance, especially if the "opponent" is older than him
  • His relationship with his parents is really stressed and drowning in passive-aggressiveness, though they do genuinely care about him. In a way. Sort of.
  • Speaking of which, his parents are significantly more comfortable with murder than he is. Masakii would much rather use blackmail/potions/etc as an alternative to straight up murder
  • His athletic ability is about on par with a toddler
  • He will address someone by their full name constantly if it seems like it will lowkey irritate them
  • Masakii remembers Every Single transgression against him (which is amazing actually considering his impressive enemy-making abilities) and is definitely planning revenge for all of them


Don't Stop -Innerpartysystem

Reaper Man -Mother Mother

I Will Be King -The Hoosiers

King of Nothing -Saint Asonia

Terrible Things -April Smith and the Great Picture Show


Alaster Slate

[ Childhood Rival ] The physical manifestation of all of Masakii's shortcomings in one convenient form. It's been six years since Alaster vanished but Masakii has yet to get over or even accept that he never surpassed him in anything that mattered and even the slightest reminder of his existence is a surefire way to tank Masakii's mood. Alaster has been turned into a scapegoat in Masakii's mind to blame for his tumultuous relationship with his parents, his pretty uh questionable mental state, eternal Number 2 status, and basically everything that went wrong in his life ever. He might be just a little bitter but who could say.



[ Useful ] Masakii feigns ignorance at anything involving Izumi due to her abhorrent personality and shabbiness that he does not want himself associated with, not to mention the general shadiness of what he's ordering, but he's her #1 buyer of potions. As annoying as both she and the horrible trek out to the boondocks are, the quality and convenience of the potions are worth it so he'll tolerate her fake idiot witch act until he finds something better.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
