


5 years, 2 months ago


  • Khazael

  • Age Ancient
  • Gender He/Him
  • Race Poogle
  • Status Reaper
  • Alignment True Neutral




[expand later] Khazael is at least 70% to blame for everything wrong in Xai and Jace's lives, whoops. While he had nothing to do with the beginning of Xai's problems (though he was close friends with Michael), it is because of him that Shady Mysterious Organization(TM) gained the ability to steal souls in the first place after he lost one of those Playing Chess With Death deals with the organization's founder. He just found it annoying at the time, but this snowballed until it eventually led directly to Michael's death and lots of other Bad Things that Khazael likes to pretend he had absolutely no hand in whatsoever like the mature ancient being he is. Anyway, he's sort of training Xai now out of guilt and has been a fountain of excuses to keep the other reapers off their backs.
But when he's not breaking serious reaper taboos, Khazael has taken a liking to trying to collect Mortal Opulence (because he's bored), watching mortal lives like TV dramas (he's still bored), and chilling in a random tourist trap castle because mortals can't typically see him anyway (bored but also drama queen). He normally grants the souls he reaps who are unable to pass on the option to stay in his castle with him if he helps them tidy up any loose ends they still have. He may be a little lonely without Michael around since his reputation with the other reapers is a little, uh, not super.


DoB: Unknown
Sexuality: Pan
Height: 5'6"
Build: Slim
Demeanor: Relaxed
  • Watching mortals like a TV show
  • Collecting mortal affluence
  • Literally any show of gratitude
  • Socializing
  • People crying or screaming when he comes to collect their soul
  • Confrontation
  • Dwelling on the past
  • Chess




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


  • Khazael purposely looks as nonthreatening as possible to stop people from screaming/crying when he comes for them
  • He currently lives in an old tourist trap of a castle. It's fun except when a tourist has more sixth sense than expected and can actually see him lazing about 8);; Just a few embarrassing moments there
  • White or pink mist can seep through those white holes all over him, it depends on which abilities he's tapping into. Also aesthetics
  • Khazael can choose to make himself visible to mortals but he never bothers changing his clothes to fit in so he looks like an edgy cosplayer or like he got lost on the way to the Renaissance Festival 100% of the time
  • He likes to make deals with ghosts to help them tidy up any loose ends they have in exchange for sticking around his castle for awhile. He might be just a wee bit lonely since he doesn't get along well with the other reapers anymore and mortals live for like, two seconds
  • Stop challenging him to games of chess for your mortal soul, he hates that so much. Chess is the worst
  • Khazael is jaded to pretty much everything and is desperately looking for fun ways to pass the time. Currently he's collecting Mortal Opulence as a hobby since mortals seem to love it so much
  • He loves Halloween and thinks it's the cutest thing when mortal children dress up like him :3









[ definitely a friend ] An angel who recently moved into Khazael's domain!! It's so hard to find other immortals to talk to in the land of people who die in five seconds compared to himself, so Khazael immediately started badgering him for company and it's been going great so far, thanks. :) It'd be nice if Aaryn could loosen up about his duties for an entire minute or so but whatcha gonna do.



[ Michael's project ] Khazael and Michael were inseparable for millenia and Khazael is still taking his death hard so the least he can do is pick up where he left off on his mortal experiment. 3: It's somehow made him even less popular with the other reapers than he already was but he doesn't mind, Xai seems like a good kid. She's fun to tease anyway and that totally makes up for it.



[ panicky kid ] This nerd freaks out everytime Khazael so much as looks at him, it's both insulting and funny. Normally this would be the biggest nuisance in the world, but in this case it makes it really easy to squeeze information about that organization Khazael accidentally helped create out of him so whatever. :>



[ lol ] A hilariously sheltered fallen angel who lives with Aaryn. He's so much fun to tease since he believes almost everything Khazael says, but Aaryn made him stop after he almost got him arrested once. =w=; Still, he's a nice guy so Khazael likes talking to him.
