Clover Ritchie Vaccerelli



5 years, 6 months ago


Clover Vaccerelli is the only daughter of the previous leaders. Her father was big,  intimidating, and strong Popfloss while her mother was a weak and frail  Sugarfloss. She was raised half and half by a mother who wanted her to  be dainty and lady-like and cute and a father who wanted her to be  powerful, strong and tough. She had a lot of pressure because she was an  only child and her royal mother couldn’t have more children. Because of  all of this, she acted out against her father a lot and rebelled  against his wishes after her mother died when she was about 14. He was  abusive when she didn’t shape up to his expectations as he didn’t know  how else to get her to change. After her mother died, Clover really  leaned into dainty fashion and being ladylike like her mother wanted,  but the rebelliousness never went away. Being pampered and spoiled, she  was conditioned to never take no for an answer and she doesn't give up  easily. One thing that was hard for her was never being very skilled in  her nullification abilities. It did not come easy for her despite all of  her efforts. Because of this, she was forced to show interest in  firearms and is very skilled with weaponry, building, using, and  modifying any and all she can get her hands on. She is also very adept  at deception and manipulation. She comes across to people as being  small, cute, and dainty, but her attitude can change on a dime and she  has a short fuse. People who know her know that her cuteness is a front  that she uses to catch Floss off guard. She rejected her father and as  such has more of a chosen family that she trusts and spends time with.  She hangs out with the gangs, especially Don Cannoli’s gang, who taught  her about weapons and the underworld. She is very knowledgeable about  the streets and gang life, from her time spent in his care. Her father  also died during this time when she was in her early twenties. At that  point, her life changed dramatically. There was a lot of power struggle  and politics that she wasn’t interested in before. She never talked to  the other clan leaders before taking the throne, though they knew about  her. And finally, she started understanding more about how the rest of  the world was different from Iota and she left her clan for the first  time to meet with the other clan leaders and travel around. Iota is the  smallest clan and she felt like they really needed to make their mark to  make their importance known to all of the clans. During the peppermint  outbreak, they started getting in with Alpha and sending them weapons  which was entirely Clover’s idea. She had worked towards this for as  long as she had been on the throne and it was a huge moment of pride for  her to be able to support her clan with the things that they had made.

Clover often would hang around the Viper Kokkino's territory. She found   their high energy and ruthless attitude attractive. The Vipers' leader  Rocco  Ritchie would constantly flirt with her openly. Clover rejected  him each  and every time, always saying that she only likes men who are  stronger  than her. She was rather cruel to him in how she would deny  his  affections, but Rocco always shrugged it off and would do it again  next  he saw her.

During the War of Pnevma, Clover saw an  opportunity  to gain some much needed land for the Iota region. This  land could make  huge differences in the clan's economy and benefit the  Iotan people  greatly. It was a deal she couldn't say no to. To help  Clover try and  stay neutral in the war, Rocco took on the face of the  Rebel's ally, and  took charge in the war efforts. At the climax of the  war's final battle  Rocco stepped in to save Inoue and is partially  responsible for the  Rebels victory in the war.
When the clans met to  negotiate the peace  treaty, Clover was close to being severely  punished for the Iotan's  betrayal, but thanks to Rocco aiding in the  discussions they were able  to get off without too much punishment, and  even secured the land they  were promised.
When they returned to  Iota, Clover and Rocco were  both hailed as heroes to the Iotan people,  and Rocco was praised as a  great general and powerful fighter who  saved the clan! During their  Celebrations, Clover revealed her true  feelings for Rocco. All along her  harsh attitude towards his affections  were based on shyness and  confused feelings for him, but now that he  nearly died to help the clan, and aided in defending her during the  Unity trials when they  succeeded, Clover realized her true love for  him. When Rocco casually  flirted with her at the celebration, Clover  slapped him on the face,  then pulled him in for a passionate kiss.  Rocco was floored. She  announced their engagement that very night.