Janet Plane



5 years, 1 month ago



Janet Plane








4’9” ft













Janet is a Phi Floss that’s currently traveling the world to write news articles about the latest social trends in the world of Caramella.

Though she’s never in one place for too long, she will settle down in a clan every now and then before picking up the pace once more. She has several options: she could either visit her younger brother Luca and her Mousiki Monkey Coco, she could stay with her boyfriend or girlfriend, etc.


Janet can be a naggy and strict ass bitch, but she usually means well and bears no malicious intentions. She’s pretty educated as a person and tends to speak at a rapid-fire pace whenever she’s getting invested in learning about something.

Other than that, she’s pretty normal overall. She doesn’t really have any abnormal personality quirks. She doesn’t have any spooky secrets or icky fetishes or anything that makes her stand out like that. She’s used to being in charge and playing the role of a responsible leader at her work’s headquarters, if that counts as anything, but it probably doesn’t.


As a Phi, Janet has the ability to duplicate herself. She can make up to five doppelgangers (at the max) and use all of them to help her interview and get the scoop on certain stories. They can talk, walk, and act just like her, and they are her. They’re like an extension of her.

She’s pretty above average in terms of her Phi abilities, but she tries to only use her power for work since none of her doppelgangers can last more than a couple days anyway. Once they go poof, she gets their memories and she starts to feel more exhausted. That’s a lot of energy being depleted.


Growing up, Janet was born and raised in the Zeta Clan for a while since her mother was a Zeta Floss. She had a pretty normal life, aside from some little things here and there. Like for example, she had always been a little envious of her younger brother Luca. He was always more noticeable, even in school, while she would just be there. He always had the spotlight and she never did.

She had always been perceived as a plain and average person, nothing more and nothing less.

She would soon appreciate this more by the time she went to high school, rather than hating this part of her. Joining her school’s newspaper committee definitely helped support that sort of view. Blending into the background and going behind the scenes was actually pretty great.

And now, after having gone to university to get her degree from the Phi Clan, here she is as a journalist. Her life has suddenly gotten a lot more hectic due to her occupation, and she’s actually had to improve her Phi abilities to get more coverage on the latest stories too.

It’s amazing that she gets to travel more now. It gets almost lonely sometimes, but she can always travel to see any friends or her boyfriend and/or girlfriend as well. Her girlfriend Zorra usually travels too since she’s part of a biker gang, so she’ll often crash at her boyfriend Iggy’s house instead.

Things have gotten a lot more crazy, but it’s also fun this way.


Janet practically lives with Iggy. If she doesn’t have to go anywhere for work, she’ll go over to the Gamma Clan to see him. She already has the key to his apartment too.

She doesn’t really believe in marriage, especially when it’ll only complicate the peaceful and loving poly trio that she has with Iggy and Zorra. The Candyfloss society that they live in doesn’t really accomodate to poly relationships all that well either. They’d like to think that they’re all technically already married to each other, even if they don’t have the multiple marriage gems to show that off.


2OZ7jPo.png Zorra Schneider

her girlfriend

5VKhY5L.jpg Iggy Belladonna

her boyfriend

fnIa0ma.jpg Blaze Bane

former work rival and current best friend

PJp7p0q.jpg Luca Plane

her younger brother

x3AYYHS.jpg Hades Telos

like an annoying younger bro

4vVxhuU.jpg River Telos

like a younger brother

ihGVQHH.png Oakley Lancin

Luca's girlfriend

XfIIJkN.jpg Rose Belladonna


ri6Z6Qi.jpg Destiny Mazda

her seamstress

5Bqf4zU.jpg Kris Mazda

shit, she hit his car one time

00hk6Qp.jpg Tobias Matthews

one of Iggy’s friends

4410582?1578497091 Dulcie R. Pippin

she almost killed her by accident once

vNvxKhh.jpg Wilson Wilde


nUhL8sM.jpg Vee Ngo

one of the idols she’s interviewed

og8jX1j.jpg Lucy Hyde

one of the idols she’s interviewed

lu3QXfr.jpg Tori Nini

one of the idols she’s interviewed

3913404?1580315671 London Griffin

one of the idols she’s interviewed

SZzREVL.png Nikki Song

one of the idols she’s interviewed

4300923?1589073188 Summer Maxwell

one of the idols she’s interviewed

GGaerV7.png Coco

her Mousiki Monkey

What is your opinion on the matter?
