


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Iris
Species Nymph
Age adult
Gender male
Theme 1 root of root
Theme 3 Tir na nOg

music written by @RomieTears

composed by @artistceilidh

music written by TICKET

Nymphs are creatures born from unfulfilled dreams of the dying finds a  closest small, still growing plant. Be it a small tree sapling, a grass blade or even a tiny flower.
Iris was born of a small iris flower, which he carries with himself all the time. He rarely leaves the forest- in fear of being caught by humans, sold and being used as a means to obtain nymphs’ flowers- which are believed to be a cure for most ailments.
Iris used to live just beside a small pond in the forest, but after he lost his wings he no longer could live on his own which forced him to live with his friend- a young witch Marcelline.
Iris is very gentle and kind, but rather cowardly and can’t stand up for himself. He loves spending time with Marcelline and Orion, and waits for sunrises and sunsets- only then he and Orion are awake at the same time!


  • observing insects- Iris finds them very interesting, especially their wings. He even has a notebook in which he sketches the insects he saw for the first time!
  • fruit and Ilya's cookies
  • sunrises
  • snow- Iris never had an opportunity to see it, but he heard a lot of amazing stories about winter, and how beautiful the forest looks covered in snow! He is very sad that no matter how hard he tries to stay awake he always falls asleep mid-autumn and wakes up in spring.


  • visiting the city market
  • sleeping- Nymphs fall asleep against their will as soon as the sun sets and wake up with the sunrise, and the same tendency can be observed in autumn- with the arrival of colder temperatures they fall asleep for winter. Their sleep resembles a coma more, and they won't wake up until spring (or dawn- in case of daily sleep cycle in spring and summer). Since they can't wake up during that time, it's not uncommon for them to die of starvation during winter especially if their wings are not working properly.
  • Aquila's singing- apparently it's the worst sound to ever exist.
  • sunsets- because he will fall asleep shortly after, but at the same time, he is very happy that he can see Orion then!



Nymphs are usually hunted for their wings- which are in fact just wings-shaped flower petals or leaves. While it's possible for a nymph to survive their removal, wings are crucial for them in order to survive winter- and wings not only protect a nymph from cold but also absorb sun and help process water from the ground. Without them a nymph is very likely to die of starvation during winter.
It is possible for nymphs to regrow their wings, and usually it happens only if they are removed in early spring- easy access to food during summer, warmth and long time left until winter allow their proper growth.
Iris had his wings removed by his friend Marcelline, in attempt to save her wife. The potion made of his wings later served to save Feryal and her siblings from the fate of being birds forever. Marcelline helped Iris recover from the loss of wings and helped him regrow them, but the ones which grew in their place were very small even if still functional- they no longer serve as a protection from cold.
They are said to be the strongest magic negating ingredient for potions.
After nymph's wings are fully developed, it’s considered to be an adult.


Most nymphs, excluding few types, fall asleep as soon as the sun sets completely and wake up just when it starts rising. A nymph can’t help falling asleep then, whether it’s tired or not and can't be roused up until the period in which they are supposed to be asleep ends. While it’s reffered to as “falling asleep”, the state resembles uncousciusness more. Nymphs also fall asleep before winter, usually mid-autumn, as soon as the temperature starts dropping considerably. Once a Nymph falls asleep for winter it doesn't wake up until the warmer season comes. Since Iris lives with Marcelline now, he stays inside her house nearly all the time trying to recuperate after losing his wings. Due to that, it's possible that if the drastic temperature hange will not affect him directly, Iris might not fall asleep for winter.


Existence of each nymph starts from a small wish, and helps them grow along their plant. Nymphs never know what their Wish was, but it is said the it causes small cravings and dreams every nymph showcases, usually about things they should be unable to know of. Iris is always talking about leaving the forest to see the mountains on the north, but he never braved it due to his nearly nonexistent resistance to low temperatures.


Nymphs live as long as the plant they were born from is kept alive. They fall ill when they do and vice versa. In hopes of keeping their plants and themselves safe, those nymphs who have relatively small plants, tend to have them with themselves all the time. Iris keeps his flower in a very tiny flower pot made into a necklace.


Small iris flowers grow on Iris’s body and in his hair, they start growing in the morning, bloom in the noon and wilt and fall off on midnight. They grow randomly in different places. Nymph’s flowers are said to have a medicinal qualities, which vary from nymph to nymph. Iris’s flowers can be used as a painkiller, however picking them from his skin hurts him, so he rarely does so. The flowers will never wilt if picked before midnight.


Nymphs used to be a very common species, partially due to their immortality- as long as their birth plant lives, they cannot die, unless they are sick or injured. However, with decline in accessibility to professional medical help and regress in technology used in medicine, Nymphs and other species who are said to have qualities helping with healing, are hunted and sold. In case of Nymphs, the most valuable are their flowers, wings and a plant they are born from, which if consumed, is said to be a cure for all illnesses.



Orion  [ significant other ]

Orion spent years in his mother's magical lantern- Alcina, the sorceress locked people she cared about in the realms created in her lantern, to protect them from harm and pain she experienced. He tried to hide from her in the forest protected first by Penelopa, then Marcelline. Alcina tried to keep him from interacting with humans, and in an attempt to force him to stay at forest occupied by people and creatures she knows- she placed a curse on him upon his departure- the spell forced him to fall asleep on sunrise and Orion can't wake up until sunset.
After a while he met Iris during one of the sunrises, and they kept meeting every sunset waiting for the other to fall asleep while talking and watching the sky. Now, with Marcelline’s help it’s possible that Orion will be able to stay awake during the day- as the young witch devotes every minute of her time to find a way to counter the Orion’s mother’s spell.


Marcelline  [ best friend ]

Iris's best friend. A witch which after losing her mentor to an unknown disease, fulfills her mentor’s wish and tries to take care of the occupants of the forest. Marcelline is a witch, but she serves as a medic and protector to all the creatures living there.

Marcelline and Iris became friends by accident, when as a young apprentice, Marcelline was looking for flowers for her potion- Iris shown her his flower field. From then, Iris visited the young witch very often, and she was always happy to talk to him and provide shelter from the wind once the autumn started.

Even during Marcelline's frequent travels as an apprentice she didn’t forget about her friend- she tended to send him small trinkets with each letter to her mentor and later, after Penelopa's death directly to Iris. During one of those, she fell in love with Feryal, a princess whose family often used the estates close to the forest during summer and while Mercelline's journeys at first were purely focused on research shortly after that she was leaving her home on every opportunity to meet the princess. After the rebellion drove the young ruler away from her kingdom, she took refuge in Marcelline's home. Since Feryal along her sibling was turned into birds during the rebellion, Marcelline did everything to find the way to counter the curse, but apparently the ingredient strong enough to do so were nymph’s wings.

After Iris gave up his wings to save Feryal, Ylli and Echo he was unable to live by himself any longer- not having a warm house the winter or even just a colder night would be a certain death for Iris. Even though Iris still tries to recover from their loss, the wings managed to grow out, just much smaller and thus less functional which limits his ability to live on his own. Marcelline felt indebted to her friend who gave a large part of his freedom and health in order to save the person Marcelline loved dearly. However, she didn’t want to feel like she didn’t give Iris anything in return, so she dedicated herself to find a charm which would help Orion counter the curse placed on him by his mother.


Alcina/ Penelopa  [ Orion's and Ilya's mother; sorceress ]

Since she was a little child, Alcina, or then Penelopa shown a talent for magic and for that she, along her friend Bernadette were shunned by their families and neighbors- partially due to the superstitions fed by local leaders. After Bernadette was accused of causing te famine, and consecutively murdered, Penelopa fled the village in an attempt to hide in the nearby forest. Following the tales she heard as a little girl, Penelopa tried to find the famed guardian of the forest- a powerful sorceress who for ages kept it safe from humans.
Penelopa became the sorceress'- Liliana' apprentice, learning everything from her and pledging to keep the forest and it's occupants safe. But Liliana, after years of isolation was afraid that once Penelopa gains the knowledge and experience she desired, will leave her alone- so the sorceress devised the spell meant to keep everyone who entered the forest unable to leave it and made humans who entered it become animals after a while, but when she realized it's not enough, Liliana cursed her apprentice to keep losing every person she cares about, hoping that it'll cut Penelopa's connection to the anyone beside her. And just as she intended, the girl kept seeing the friends she made in the forest die- first Rowan- a nymph whose tree burned down in the forest fire, then Isolde- a human girl who fled her family after they tried to force her to marry- first became a rabbit and then was killed by the wolves.
Penelopa thought that the deaths of her friends are just unfortunate accidents, but once Liliana tried to trap her in the lantern, she realized it's not the case- and managed to trick her mentor and capture her in the lantern which was supposed to be her own prison. The lantern was Liliana's invention on which she worked for years to complete. It allowed it's bearer to construct and control realms within it, effectively trapping the people contained within it in an illusion of a happy life. Trying to leave her life with Liliana and keep her private life and new duty as the forest's new guardian separate, she chose a new name- Alcina, and built a small house in which she intended to hide until she'll find a successor to train.
Over the years, Alcina continued to take care of the forest as Penelopa and lived peacefully as Alcina. However the spell which Liliana placed on her didn't cease- as it's caster still remained alive. Alcina knew that she can't defeat Liliana, and kept her imprisoned. However, Aclina always wanted a family, so she tried to find a way to reverse the spell.
Alcina found Orion when he was a little child and raised him- he was just one of the many children abandoned in the forest. He became friends with Sylvain- an imprisoned spirit watching over a castle in the forest, and in an attempt to free his friend he challenged the demon residing in it for a duel. But as a result of his mother's curse, he was mortally wounded and Alcina, in an attempt to save her son, captured him in the lantern, just like Liliana before him, and healed him-but without enough experience with the device she deleted his memories as well. But as she tried to release Orion,s he realized that she can't do this without letting Liliana free, and has to wait until her child learns how to leave the lantern by himself.
Many years after imprisoning Orion, Alcina started taking care of another child- Ilya- a small angel whose parents readily gave up for few coins. With many spells placed in the forest Ilya was unable to leave and Alcina was afraid that she'll start caring for the boy as well- only for the curse to hurt him, like it did with her friends and Orion and avoided him and treated him like a commodity. At the same time, as Penelopa, she started training Marcelline- who was supposed to inherit her duty of taking care of the forest in the future. Aclina started taking frequent trips to Lilianne,s old home in which she taught Marcelline everything she known- leaving Ilya alone for extended periods of time. Eventually the boy escaped with the help of two sisters who were trapped in the forest as cats. Leaving, Ilya took one of Alcina made from him in the past- it changed his wings natural appearance, when they reflected the current state of the sky, to resemble suset as long as he carries the charm.
After Ilya's escape, Alcina was anxious that ultimately Orion will leave her as well, if he manages to escape the lantern so she kept him imprisoned, creating an illusion of happy life for him.


Sylvain  [ friend ]

A spirit bound to a teapot.


Rowan  [ Iris' mother ]

A nymph born of a rowan tree, who adopted Iris and three other small nymphs- Cypress, Larch and Snowdrop. She died alongside Larch in a forest fire caused by Liliana's curse.


Ilya  [ Marcelline's friend, Orion's brother]

Ilya is an angel adopted by Alcina, who fled the forest with the help of two sisters- cat shapeshifters trapped in the forest by an old spell. He was adopted by their parents and takes care of their bakery. He sometimes trades cakes and cookies for Marcelline's potions.
Orion doesn't know that Ilya is his brother, even though they are close friends.


Aurelius  [ friend ]

A former prince who lost his kingdom during the rebellion which started shortly after Feryal abdicated in her own country. He lives in the same forest as Iris, and has an annoying bird on following him all the time. It resembles Feryal a bit, when she was still cursed. The bird screeches horribly instead of singing. Aurelius seems to have been injured before he managed to leave his country, but no matter how many times Iris asks, he is very anxious to ask the witch for help, and tries his best to stay unnoticed. He knows that Feryal, his fiancé's, Echo's, older sister is there, but not knowing the whole story and convinced of Echo's death he is scared of talking to her- something that would be unevitable if he went to ask Marcelline for help. Iris tries to help Aurelius by making him tea from the flowers growing on his body- they act like a mild painkiller.


Echo/ Aquila  [ a very annoying friend ]

Aurelius's fiancé cursed to be an annoying bird, Feryal's and Ylli's sibling. He seems to like screeching in Aurelius's ears and picking fights with everything larger than him- and since he is a sparrow, a lot of animals are larger. He likes to take naps in Iris's hair while he makes tea for Aurelius.


Feryal  [ friend ]

Marcelline's wife and a young queen. Feryal and the witch married each other in secret just before she and her siblings were cursed to turn into birds during the rebellion. Feryal left her sibling to fend for themselves shortly after their transformation on tried to look for Marcelline alone- since she didn't want for their relationship to be revealed to anyone. Over the time Feryal started slowly losing her humanity and acting like a real bird, with her memories becoming less vivid each day. Marcelline looked for every possible recipe which could help Feryal, only to succeed in turing her back to her human form after using Iris's wings as the main ingredient of the potion. Now she and Marcelline are looking for her younger brothers, Ylli nad Echo, before they become birds permanently

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