
4 years, 8 months ago



Name Bit Zener
Age 37
Height 10" 1'
Species Ringox
Gender Cis Man
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Gay
Relationship Status Taken
Occupation Arcade Owner
Theme tbd

Masterlist # #107
Ring Glowstick Fluid
Core Rainbow Obsidian
Tail Archaeopteryx
Mutations None

Status Forever Homed
Designer BritishMindslave
Worth $10
Obtained Via Custom Purchase


Bit is the very definition of chaotic, and possibly the definition of good. Possibly. It really depends on which definition of good you’re going for. Lawful? Absolutely not, the laws are beneath him. He does care for others, though. He likes people. Also their money, but that’s not as important as the people themselves. But still definitely their money, too.

To put it bluntly, Bit is absolutely a cheat and a liar. Sure, he’s a cheat and a liar with a passion for video games and a moral code, but he’s still an absolute bastard. Sure, he’ll let you play with his games. That’s what they’re there for, after all. There’s some er, additional fees for certain things that probably don’t need fees but hey, rare and ancient games? There’s no real market, he gets to make all the rules.

That being said, Bit has a solid moral code. He doesn’t want to hurt people, just take their money. And since he’s intimidating as hell, he can keep bad people from hurting people. He doesn’t need a security team, he’s his own security. Bit can also be surprisingly gentle, to the surprise of almost everyone else aside from the people he’s close to. Unfortunately for him, he’s also a secret softie for kids. Kids often get a bit of a discount. Just a bit.

Bit is an ambivert. He’s fine with people for quite a while, and will get energy from them for a good period of time. However, if he hits an unspecified limit then he’ll start to lose energy. The same is true for alone time. It charges him for a bit but then he’ll lose the energy. He thrives on a balance between people and no people. You just have to respect what he wants to do when he wants to do it.

Bit’s also a hugely charismatic dude. Seriously, he can get people listening to his words and paying attention with just a few words and that smirk of his. This skill has gotten him out of trouble tons of time. Well, that plus a little illusion magic of course. He’s not the type of dude to dig his own grave, he’s the type who falls in a hole and climbs right out.

Design Notes

  • Bit’s markings and ring glow in the dark. He’s shiny.
  • Bit’s tail is massive, and he couldn’t function without it because it balances the rest of him.
  • Bit has heterochromia - his eyes don’t match, and each of them has a gradient of two colors.
  • Bit is able to shift into the ringox feral form, although he doesn’t particularly like to because he feels very small.
  • Bit likes to wear open vests and shorts. Lots of shorts. From cargo shorts to booty shorts, this man wears shorts.


  • Bit’s name was Bartholemew, but he changed it to better fit his aesthetic.
  • Bit’s arcade is called Pixel Playground.
  • Interestingly, none of the games found in Pixel Playground were obtained legally. They’re all old games from pre-Golden Isles eras, so he’s snuck into a ton of government vaults and made illegal duplicates of all these super old-timey games.
  • Bit doesn’t usually go out, since most places aren’t made for people ten feet tall. It kinda sucks, actually.
  • Bit is very sensitive to light, so if he has to go anywhere brighter than his dim arcade he needs sunglasses.


Bit wasn’t exactly raised in the lap of luxury. Of course, his family always had enough thanks to the government assistance programs but that doesn’t mean that they actually lived in a good place. Doesn’t help that both of his parents were absolute cheats and liars who kept getting caught by law enforcement. Actually, that’s where Bit started to learn his stuff, though he doesn’t like to admit it because he doesn’t like his parents all that much.

During Bit’s childhood, he became close to Atticus. They were Best Friends Forever, doing their best to hang out as much as possible. Bit loved having a friend his age. Seriously, he got super attached to Atticus and his moms, it was beautiful.

They grew apart though, when Bit’s family ended up having to relocate somewhere else in the city to avoid law enforcement. And since Bit was terrible at keeping in contact with anyone, he lost contact with Atticus for the next few years.

Bit never completed his schooling due to getting kicked out by his parents so that he couldn’t get them in trouble, the bastards. He roamed the streets, refusing to get a job or anything else. Instead, he learned how to sneak into government buildings, and especially the ones that held interesting artifacts from before the Golden Isles.

This led him to an idea - what if he got illegal copies of video games from long before? And then sell them? So he did. It took him a while - first he had to get into the vault, then he had to duplicate it, etc. However, the Golden Isles Government was not prepared for ringox at all, so he managed. Got a falsified license to sell gameplay, too.

Bit ran into Atticus again at age 23 while out and about on the nightclub scene. They still had a lot in common, surprisingly enough. And then, Atticus asked Bit out. So Bit accepted. They’ve been dating ever since. Of course, Atticus knows about Bit’s illegal dealings. He doesn’t actually care, thankfully.


  • Money
  • People
  • Video Games
  • The Darkness


  • The Law
  • Light
  • Overly Loud Noises
  • Bureaucracy
Atticus Boyfriend

Atticus and Bit quite honestly have one of the chillest, most communicative relationships. One would think that Bit’s lying tendencies would extend to his partner, but that is absolutely not the case. Bit loves Atticus too much and wants to keep him out of the shady life Bit has. Atticus is fine with that - he doesn’t actually want to get to know the Golden Isles’ more suspicious individuals. He’ll let Bit deal with that thank you.

Rhapsody Bros

Bit absolutely love to hang out with Rhapsody. After all, Rhapsody is an absolute master of chilling in the clubs, throwing parties, and having a grand time. Bit loves all these things, but especially her charming personality and her sheer drive for fun and adventure. She takes him to all these wonderful places and also maybe they do drugs together. It’s really fun, actually.

Cooper Friends

Most people find the Head Archivist of the Parthenon Archives to be kind of a stuffy bastard. And to be fair, Cooper kind of is. However, Bit finds that he’s actually kind of nice to be around. Seriously, on his off time Cooper is absolutely wonderful and gives Bit a place to chill and just be a general goofball. Cooper is also, surprisingly, a goofball. Seriously, those board game nights are just the best!

Thanatos Local Bastard

Sure, both Thanatos and Bit are anti-government. However, that’s where the similarities end. Bit tried to be friendly to her one time, and now she’s trying to get his ass in some serious shit out of simple petty spite. Jesus, why is she like this? He’s managed to get a restraining order on her but still. Bastard.