


4 years, 8 months ago



Name Thanatos Isidors-Stellesburg
Age 20
Height 5" 8'
Species Auracorn (TOS)
Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Lesbian
Relationship Status It's Complicated
Occupation Medium
Theme tbd

Status Forever Homed
Designer Me
Worth $8
Obtained Via MYO Purchase


Thanatos is one of the most obsessive people you could ever meet. If she’s interested in something, she tunnel visions onto it. Unfortunately, that something is often people, and not in a good way. She has had restraining orders put on her before because she doesn’t understand how to step away.

Unfortunately, Thanatos is really manipulative, and she’s really good at it. She understands how people tick and what can get them to change. Her words are carefully tuned to what people want to her so that she can get them to do what she wants. Plus, Thanatos is really charismatic. She speaks with words that catch and hold people’s attention.

As is to be expected, Thanatos is really morbid. She finds death fascinating (and not just because she has the souls of the dead screaming in her ear 24/7). She’s the kind of person who has a skull collection for the fun of it and makes a lot of really dark jokes. This makes the people around her really uncomfortable, which she’s fine with.

A lot of the way Thanatos is can be explained by the fact that she feels completely and utterly out of control. Many of her actions have been spurred on by the dead whispering in her ear and she doesn’t feel like she can ignore them. In her mind, Thanatos’ hands are tied, and she must fulfil the requests of the dead. Thus, a loss of control.

Because of this, whenever Thanatos is in control of her actions she’s incredibly selfish. Everything is for her benefit - pleasure, survival, etc. No one else matters. Heck, she’s totally fine with hurting people as a means to her end. She may even enjoy it (but she’s not sure about that yet).

Design Notes

  • Thanatos has an equine form that she can shift into at will.
  • Thanatos can summon a light-based horn from her gemstone in order to perform magic.
  • Thanatos’ eyebrows are optional because she has four eyes.
  • Thanatos tends to wear all black and dresses like she’s royalty for the fun of it.


  • All her life, Thanatos has been plagued by the voices of the dead. Although she’s been able to control it somewhat, the voices are slowly driving her mad with all their incessant requests. People have actually met the ghosts, so she knows she’s not losing her mind.
  • Thanatos has a very peculiar connection to the moon. She’s not sure why but the concept of “moon” fills her with peace even though the moon doesn’t actually exist.
  • Thanatos doesn’t technically have a “job”, but people come to her to talk to their deceased loved ones so why not charge people for it, right?
  • Thanatos is one of the Golden Isle’s witches, which means that she can manipulate some of the background radiation to do her bidding. She’s specifically able to control darkness and on rare occasion the souls of the dead.


Thanatos was born to Mortimer and Kaia, the witch and the fashionista. Now, Mortimer and Kaia weren’t bad parents. In fact, the younger Thanatos adored her parents because they always made time for her. They celebrated her achievements and encouraged her on her way.

However, the spirits of the dead had been whispering in Thanatos’ ear from day one. No one knows why - perhaps it was just a fluke, perhaps a curse, perhaps interference from other witches, or perhaps the moon from another universe had it out for her. Whatever the case, Thanatos found herself bound to the requests of the dead.

Because of this, she had multiple incidents with law enforcement. After all, the dead cared little for laws with their requests. And sure, some of them were innocent last requests. Others, however, involved things like theft and maiming (though she drew the line at murder).

Her parents had no idea why she was acting out like this and brought her to multiple psychologists. Thanatos wanted to tell them, wanted to scream, but the dead kept her silent. Slowly she became bitter towards her parents, especially Lady Mortimer. After all, Motimer was a witch. How could she not see what was plaguing Thanatos and deal with it?

As she grew, Thanatos’ obsessive tendencies came to the forefront. This wasn’t great at all - she even got a few restraining orders against her. So, she tried to settle down. She became a medium in order to connect people to their lost loved ones. It went… okay. She wasn’t the best at getting the right ghost to speak to her but whatever.

Now, Thanatos has met a couple of young women she really, really likes. Hopefully they get away from her before she ruins their lives.


  • Death
  • Ravens
  • Skulls
  • Jewels


  • Ghosts
  • Bats
  • Doves
  • Snow
Mortimer Mother

If Thanatos had to pick which mom she hated more, it’d be Lady Mortimer. If Mortimer wasn’t a witch, Thanatos wouldn’t have the issues she does. If Mortimer hadn’t brought her into the world, there wouldn’t be so many problems. If, if, if.

Kaia Mom

Okay, so maybe Thanatos doesn’t hate Kaia. Kaia’s… fine. She certainly did her best, even if she didn’t understand what was going on. However, the irrational part of Thanatos’ brain doesn’t understand that. Maybe it’s the ghosts who hated their parents influencing her. Regardless, Thanatos has a strong distaste for her mother for no apparent reason.

Anubis Older Sister

Anubis and Thanatos want nothing to do with each other. That’s fine with Thanatos. Not to mention that the weirdness of having an older sibling old enough to be your parent causes some… gaps. Best just to leave her alone.

Bit Obsession

There’s something so fascinating about this man. Why do the ghosts seem to like him so much? Why does he have so much money? Why do people seem to love him so much? Unfortunately, her obsession has gotten her a restraining order. Another one for the record.

Delilah uh....

Delilah is so sweet, so innocent, and so, so tempting. Plus, Delilah is interested in Thanatos. So, Thanatos would like to use this to her advantage in some way, if at all possible. After all, she’s just so easy to manipulate.

Ryukin uh....

Oh how cute, Ryukin doesn’t understand Thanatos’ true personality. Plus she’s also interested in Delilah. Well, if you can’t have one without the other, you might as well have both. So, Thanatos is luring Ryukin in as well.