


4 years, 6 months ago


Employee file - Arang

Name Arang

Gender Male

Assignment Control

Highest Stat Temperance

Workshift Attachment/Repression

Corrosion Level Unnoticeable

Green Stem
EGO suit
Green Stem
EGO weapon
Snow White's Apple
Bonded abnormality


Control team, highest stat is Temperance. Arang, along with Orga and Gimtteol, is one of the first employees ever hired by the Sapphire branch, and compared to his companions, his confidence shines through clear as day. Almost smug in his self-assuredness, he's a longtimer who's survived just about everything the corporation has had to throw at him and knows it. That said, he doesn't let that over-confident attitude shine through in his interactions with his coworkers- in fact, he tries to be as good of a mentor as he can be to new employees, and his chipper and friendly attitude has made him quite a few friends around the facility. He's closest with Gimtteol, though- they've been friends since the beginning.

Though he's not often worked personally with the Abnormality his gear comes from and that he's "bonded" to, he's seen Snow White's Apple a few times in breaches and finds her to be quite the frightening adversary. One particular encounter with her sits in the back of his mind even now, and he tries to avoid allowing her to breach as much as he can.

EGO Corrosion Effects

  • There appear to be no significant changes to Arang anatomically. A faint smell of apple blossoms seems to follow him, though.