


4 years, 6 months ago


Employee file - Gimtteol

Name Gimtteol

Gender Male

Assignment Control

Highest Stat Prudence

Workshift Insight

Corrosion Level Severe

Red Eyes
EGO suit
EGO weapon
Prophecy of the Skin
Bonded abnormality


Control team, highest stat is Prudence. Intelligent, observational, and at times a little eccentric, Gimtteol tends to take things at a slow, ponderous pace, writing down everything he observes and watching abnormalities carefully. He watches everything carefully, really- to the slight discomfort of other employees, particularly Lamarcus. He sincerely does not mean to be so creepy, he's just a little bit socially awkward. Both out of curiosity and because he's semi-frequently assigned to do so, he's read quite a few passages from the Prophecy of the Skin...for better or for worse. He's quite strong mentally, but the Prophecy still seems to have a noticeable...effect on him- on days where he's read through it, he seems even more unsettlingly quiet than usual, watching the goings-on of the department with a blank, unblinking stare. Recently, in the grand scheme of things, some of the Control Team employees have found him pacing listlessly up and down the halls, muttering to himself about otherworldly knowledge...

Some of the other employees in the Sapphire branch have stumbled upon hastily-scribbled notes sticking out of Gimtteol's bag, and after investigating them, some curious things have been learned. His notes consist of carefully-catalogued, yet thoroughly bizarre observations and theories regarding supposed "alternate timelines" and influence from a "higher power", suggesting that the consistently relatively-peaceful workdays of the Sapphire branch are merely one of many, many stories and branching timelines, failed workdays and dead employees throughout the alternate branches of time's natural flow, and that this is all the work of a being from outside the ring manipulating time from far away. All nonsense, of course- as far as the other employees are concerned. Gimtteol, however, is certain that it's all true.

Possibly due to his frequent reading of the Prophecy, Gimtteol seems to have an unusually strong ability to resist the cognitohazardous effects of certain abnormalities, such as Ppodae or the Red Shoes. As he frequently takes notes to catalogue what he observes, and his perspective- as someone who can resist cognitohazards- is unusual and valuable, some of his notes on the aforementioned abnormalities are saved in their info databases.

EGO Corrosion Effects

  • Gimtteol's severe corrosion resulted from a failed attempt to extract EGO from [CENSORED]. A mess of biomass from the abnormality mixed with EGO-extraction nanites fused with his arm, initially showing no symptoms but eventually causing an aggressive outgrowth of tissue. Manifesting as a bloody rash at first, he just bandaged the arm for a while, until the growth got out of control.
  • Due to the EGO nanites mixed in with the biomass, he is (mostly) unharmed by what his arm's turned into, and is still capable of controlling it. Its standard state still resembles a human arm, but in battle it becomes a vicious claw, twisted and mutated enough to trip the autoblock for [CENSORED] on the manager's camera.
  • Gimtteol's immune system is very aggressive toward the foreign tissue of his arm, causing him to experience waves of illness on a regular basis. His symptoms typically include fever, fatigue and pain where the biomass connects to healthy tissue. This is also part of why he's so thin.