Plystrian / Plystre (Plystrian Military Notes)



Early Notes
-It's safely said that Plystrian Military Forces, especially the Plystrian Navy, are one of very few interstellar forces that have been describe as having "Absolutely no chill" when it comes their military tactics.
--This goes so far to multiple cases being recorded that when a Plystrian ship is about to be destroyed, they will literally push all available energy into the forward thrusters, set all possible systems to go critical, then proceed to ram whatever they can with only a skeleton crew left to guide it.

Noteworthy Groups
=1st Plystrian Royal Guard - The most elite of Plystrian forces and those granted the most technological advancements and best weapons, these soldiers are nothing short of perfection for the Plystrian race combined with biological augmentations and the best weapons and armour possible to supply. Several verifiable stories of their accomplishments show that they are the sharpest and most adept of the Plystrian arsenal. One such story is the 'Betrayal of [World1]', where a group of one hundred Guardsman managed to withstand an ambush during a diplomatic trip to the colony of [World1] with the then-King of Plystrian territories, and subsequently protected him with only three casualties and completely wiping their attacker's force of nearly five thousand.
=58th Plystrian [58th Name] - Commonly known as '[58th Name]' (Or 'Dragon's Maw'), this collection of soldiers is widely recognised for their collection of frankly bizarre fighting tactics that bring unpractical and often costly important victories. The name of '[58th Name]' refers to perhaps one of their most bold tactical victories, which involved simultaneously crashing a Heavy Destroyer and firing it's experimental pyroclastic cannon (That was designed to be fired from orbit) into a vital target within the recorded range of approximately 100~250 Meters. The successful landing of the shot, the crashing of an entire Interstellar Ship, and a subsequent reactor detonation caused by the crash all but ensured that fifty critical enemy commanders and officers, as well as a heavy reinforced and supplied sub-orbital control fortress, were permanently rendered decommissioned.
=142nd Plystrian Heavy Infantry - One of the more infamous collections of soldiers, the 142nd Plystrian Heavy Infantry 'Bráfaa Vassyri' (Or 'Burning Barrels') are known for specialising in Vanguard defence missions. Their title was achieved from one of their earliest campaigns, while dealing with a colossal swarm of a then-biological threat, the infantry had expended so much firepower within such little time that roughly 80~90% of the allocated weapons had become functionally unusable thanks to overheat damage turning the barrels into molten slag in the middle of any given battle. There are several videos from reporters and independent sources of the events present, and multiple rifles have been visibly combusting as attrition was slowly won over by the Plystrian forces.


SAR-44Initially produced after a poll involving the various gun-loving groups on Plystre, the Standard Assault Rifle Mk 44 (Originally designated as the '.44-PACR' or '.44-Plystrian Arms Corporation Rifle') was designed to chamber in .44 calibre rounds. While production numbers were only expected to be low due to the rarity of the ammunition used and the size of the rifle was perhaps more cumbersome to the average Plystrian then before, somehow it's performance was actually above the previous models of military rifle and after some deliberation, infrastructural changes, and the field testing of these new weapons, the SAR-44 has become a staple in the armed forces of Plystre and it's allies.
BCL-3 'Doorbell'The third iteration of the Breaching Charge Launchers produced by the Plystrian Arms Collection, this pistol-sized weapon is typically used in special operations within civilian spaces or situations where precision and speed are more important then the brute force found on heavier Grenade Launchers. While the loading of the weapon is a little less typical (Sliding the round down rails on top of the firing mechanism), the effects against their intended targets is highly effective for their price. And although the situation is rare, using this firearm against less conventional targets is nothing short of brutal. 


TAC-856 General Assault VehicleWhile it isn't as well known as their Astrological Navy, the Plystrian militaries' ground forces have their own unique tools for their assaults and defences. One notable example vehicle for these tasks is the TAC-856 General Assault Vehicle. A relatively large armoured vehicle comprised of durable armour and the ability to withstand a number of different environmental standards.
Alongside this, it carries three sets of tracks; two of which are attached onto leg-like structures that can lock up to stabilize the chassis, or move when required to pass especially difficult terrain.
Depending on the requirements of the task at hand, they can be equipped with high-calibre artillery pieces, an array of autocannons, the capacity to carry a large number of vital supplies and personnel, or various pieces of equipment to assist with engineering tasks.