



Name: Graystorm

Rank: Healer


Gender: Male 

Proof of  Adoption:

Physical Description:


240 words

Graystorm is a very quiet cat, soft spoken and unlikely to argue or disagree with anyone. He's extremely anxious and he gets very nervous if left by himself, either to deal with a problematic situation or if he's just being alone. He has various fears and phobias and is absolutely terrified flying insects, which causes him to hide away during the rainy season which is the most active time of year for bugs and is paranoid, about the bugs but also about life in general.  However he is very calm when handling a medical emergency and oftentimes can offer valuable insight on many problems, from two arguing friends to troublesome rouges. He's also very good with calming kits and keeping them entertained, making him basically the resident uncle of Songclan, a position which he thoroughly enjoys, especially because it is an activity he can participate with his brother. He relies on Grayflight for support when he has a nervous breakdown because he saw a gnat, he relies Grayflight for a lot actually, to the point where he refuses to sleep unless he knows exactly where his older brother is.
Despite all his problems, Graystorm genuinely cares about being a healer and is dedicated to his craft, follows a very strict set of guidelines when it comes to healing and herbs and can usually get over any of his fears if only presented with a sick cat that needs his help.


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