
4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Firefly

Rank: Warrior 


Proof of Adoption:

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221 words

Firefly has condescending attitude about her all the time. She thinks highly of her own intellect and experience and prides herself on being able to read and understand the human language. She also disdains help from other cats, claiming that she is more than capable of handling herself in any sort of situation that comes up. In all honesty she is quite skilled and therefore usually can take care of herself. She typically avoids other cats, usually because she claims that the nonsense they spout makes her head ache. She is quite standoffish and other cats usually avoid her as well, since she is hardly any fun to spend time with, constantly fact checking a cat or correcting them on their 'grammar'. However she does care about her clan, idiots and numbskulls they may be and though she acts put upon whenever she has to deal with their ridiculousness she has multiple times put herself in peril to save them and often plays arbiter between fighting cats. She is a more than decent fighter, even though her agility and skill set  make her most useful as  a scout, hiding and lurking in the shadows, she is always more than willing to join the fight. Cowardice and hesitation are two things she is definitely not, despite her upbringing as a human pet.


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