Nana Rodov



4 years, 7 months ago


Basic Info
Name Nana Rodov
Nickname Granny
Age 82
Birthday March 6th
Height 4'8 human, 7'5 mutant
Gender Female
Species Mutant
Origin Cerines
Occupation Villain
Affiliation Beasts
Status Living and Livid
  • Strength







    • Granny is almost ALWAYS in her old lady illusion form, unless she's on the attack. Her strength--over twice that of standard humans--can be surprising to witness if it's made use of in her fake form.
    • Granny strictly follows the belief of "First you get sad, then you get mad, then you do something about it" when it comes to grief. It has certainly helped her when she started getting older and, consequently, the people around her who were older or even the same age started to die. She's quite proud of the fact that she's been able to stay healthy through the deaths of her husband, daughter, and older family members, to the point where talking about them doesn't bring up tears at all anymore--although talking about her daughter will get bitterness and underlying anger towards the ones who killed her to resurface.
    • Granny moved from Cerines (HURt equivalent of Russia) in her 20s. Ergo, Granny has a heavy Russian accent unless she illusions it away. She doesn't really want to illusion it away, though. She thinks it's fun.
    • Granny's husband died peacefully in his sleep. There was nothing traumatic about how he died. In fact, he helped her raise Rosy for a couple of years before he passed. Rosy doesn't remember her grandfather very well, but she still has a plush fawn toy from him that at this point is stained and frayed to the point of near-death, but Granny keeps repairing it for Rosy because it makes her happy.
    • Granny treats a lot of people at the Beasts like kids. Not in a condescending way, just in an old mother sort of way. Part of the reason she hasn't caught too much flack for this is probably because she's one of the oldest members there, and one who's been dedicated to working for them for decades. That's also probably why they tolerated the breaks she took to raise her daughter and then to raise her grandbaby. Granny doesn't go to work when there's an infant in the house, after all.
    • Granny isn't terribly religious. It's not that she doesn't believe in Mother or Father or Son or Daughter, it's just that she doesn't care. If they're fake--fine, oh well. If they're real, well then make room, Hell, Granny's coming.
    • Granny can hold her liquor incredibly well. Drinking spry young pups under the table is a fun hobby to her.

Polite . Motherly . Protective . Two-faced

In her illusion form, or at her house, Granny is very polite and kind and sweet. She's the little old neighbor who nobody quite remembers how long they've lived there, but they've just always been a presence that people enjoy. She'll make baked goods, knit gifts, and even makes a good babysitter to those who've known her a long time. 

As long as nobody is impolite, Granny is perfectly willing to be polite back, and even helps out younger folk who need the support and come to her with it, although she's never once fought for any hero other than her granddaughter. 

However, once someone turns impolite or she has to defend herself or go after someone, Granny drops the illusion and goes snapping and clawing for their throats. She has no guilt for the deaths of those she kills, because she kills with a purpose, villain or hero; she works fast and brutally, and hasn't faced prison time or death for all 82 years of her life, much thanks to her illusions, and over half of that she's spent working as a villain for the Beasts, in fact she's worked for them since their creation. Granny may be sweet and caring to those who wish her no harm and who need a bit of parental guidance, but once the veil is off, Granny shows no mercy. People get their chances. If they choose to abuse them, they get to face the consequences.

Granny is a villain. This is old news. She's been working as a villain for the Beasts since a civil war between mutants and humans, a war to give mutants the rights to life. She's a passionate fighter who cares about her organization's cause, and intends to keep living this lifestyle until she dies. So long as she sees mutants getting the short end of the stick and being hurt and killed by humans for the simple fact of their mutation, she's going to keep taking out the worst of the worst. Some would argue the Beasts are going about this the wrong way; the Beasts would argue, "Fuck you. We just want to live." If humans continue to get away with killing mutants with no consequence, then she'll be the one providing those consequences.

She's a murderer and, it could be argued with how she uses her power, a manipulator, but at the end of the day, Granny picks who she kills based on how much good it'll do for the world. If one person kills a murderer, there's the same number of murderers in the world, yes, but if one murderer kills ten murderers, there's a net decrease. She's a killer with good intentions.

Granny loves people she thinks are kind and good and mean well. She treats them well, doesn't hurt a hair on their head, and tries to provide guidance to any younger people who come across her path asking for it or needing it. She loves, more than anything, being able to grandmother someone, in case that wasn't clear from her willingness to raise her hero granddaughter.


ILLUSIONIST - Granny only has one power, but it's incredibly effective. Granny can create illusions: visual, auditory, and texture hallucinations, either individually or all at once. After 80 years, she's gotten incredibly skilled with them, to the point where many don't take much focus at all. It's powerful to use, since it can terrify the living hell out of somebody she's chasing down who start out with a little old lady after them, until it becomes a 7 foot wolf monster. 

Her most practiced illusion, the one that she doesn't even need to think about anymore, is the illusion of herself as a little old lady. Usually, she keeps the scars on her eye, but she can get rid of those as well, if she wants to be a little bit cautious. Although, if she really wanted to, she wouldn't need to make herself look old, but she's very fond of this 'shape', and has been since she turned 60.  Nobody expects the 80 year old grandmother to be able to pick you up and fling you across the room, after all, and she loves seeing the shock on somebody's face. Her real shape hasn't changed, she's still an enormous wolf, but her illusion would have you thinking otherwise. 


Rosy Rodov | Granddaughter

Granny's granddaughter. Granny raised Rosy from when she was an infant, after Rosy's mother(Granny's daughter) and her father were killed. Despite the fact Rosy has turned herself into a murderer and a hero, seeking to kill villains instead of arrest them so that they get no second chance to ruin people's lives, Granny still babies her granddaughter just like she did when Rosy was just a little kid. Granny would kill, and in fact has killed, to protect Rosy. Then again, Granny kills for a lot of reasons. But protecting Rosy would definitely take priority over protecting anyone else.

Posy Valentine | Granddaughter's friend

It isn't that Granny doesn't like Posy, it's more like she hasn't been given the chance to get to know him. Posy is very standoffish, keeping to himself or to Rosy, but Granny trusts Rosy to tell her if Posy were acting funny. Posy works as a hero helper to Rosy, and helps keep Granny's grandbaby safe where Granny can't, and for that, she's grateful. They have something of a cautious appreciation for the other.

Lawrence DeArson | Good boy

A villain who's ex was killed by Granny after she saw one too many red flags for her liking. Granny has been doing what she can to help Lawrence get back on his feet, despite how he retreated from her after Orca was murdered by her. She can't really blame him, she's seen a few times now how much of an influence a manipulative bastard can have on somebody. She just hopes that Lawrence will still let her know if anything is really wrong. She's rather protective of him, even if she keeps her distance for his own comfort.

Vivienne Laslow | Old friend

Good old Viv is a friend that Granny has known for decades. She's also the leader of a mutant cult, with herself as the god. Granny doesn't believe in it, and doesn't believe that Viv is a god, but she does believe that it's fun to hang out with her. And it's even better to have a friend who she doesn't have to worry about dying of old age. Just dying from being hunted down, but these days, wasn't that just something that everyone expected to happen, at least a bit?

Adriel Khuata | Entertaining fellow villain

A blind villain who Granny pulled out of a hole in the ground. Adriel doesn't work for the same organization as Granny, so they lose some respect points for that, because of Granny's low opinion of the villain organizations that aren't the Beasts or her friend's cult, but she can still appreciatea polite villain when she sees one. Adriel is still something of a stranger, but she's very entertained by them.