Calhoun "Claw" Brighton's Literatures

A list of information that'll be helpful in understanding the world of Vastia--the Rebellion's story specifically. Has a glossary of terms and creatures, but also a list of Vastian characters, miscellanous notes on rebel and noble behavior, a list of gods and goddesses, a small list of holidays and books, and detailed descriptions of the various regions and towns making up the Pelisian Empire.

Parental abuse (physical, threats, emotional) Monster fighting/monster killing

Disillusions Book 2 Draft 1, but there's cat boys, and it was written in and hasn't been updated since 2021. Marked work in progress only because I don't think I'm gonna upload all the chapters tonight/in one go. This is NOT getting updated any further, I'm not adding new content, I'm just copying and pasting what I had.