
Anthony Horowitz

Kanji アンソニー・ホロヴィッツ

Romaji Ansonī Horovu~ittsu
AKA Horowitz
Ant - (By Robert Muchamore, Mark Walden and Eoin Colfer)
Boss - (By Scorpia Agents)
Flea - (By William Wordsworth)
сучка - (By Dmitri Glukhovsky)
Namesake Anthony Horowitz - (British Author and Screenwriter)
Personal Information
Gender Male
Age 22
Birthday 5th April - (Aries)
Height 5'3" / 160cm - (Without Heels)
5'7" / 170cm - (With Heels)
Weight 140lbs / 64kgs
Bloodtype A
Status Alive
Likes Computers, His Phone, Videogames, Energy Drinks, Climbing, Sailing, Reading
Dislikes Being assumed to be younger than he is, Seafood, Philip Pullman, Confined Spaces, Height Jokes
Professional Information
Occupation Overseer of SCORPIA - (Current)
Agent of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department - (Current)
Second Class Knight of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Affiliation Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department - (Current)
The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Family Unnamed Parents†
Ian Fleming - (Uncle)
Jack Starbright - (Housekeeper)
Spouse(s) William Wordsworth - (Boyfriend?)
Ability Name Stormbreaker
Reference Alex Rider
Manga TBC
Anime TBC
Light Novel 55 Minutes
Voice Actors
English TBC
Japanese TBC

Try me! Just try me! Piss me off one more time and I'll delete System 32 from your cerebral cortex you utter, utter wanker!

Anthony, 55 Minutes

Anthony Horowitz (JP: アンソニー・ホロヴィッツ | Ansonī Horovu~ittsu) is an agent of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department, a subsect of The Order of the Clock Tower. He also runs his own personal espionage unit known as SCORPIA. Anthony is a recognised child genius, known particularly for his hacking and technology skills allowing him to access a wealth of information at any required time.


Anthony is a young man in his early twenties who has a youthful build and appearance, leading to many assuming he's in his teens rather than a grown adult. He has a baby face with soft features and high cheekbones, making him extremely attractive to look at. His skin is pale, with no glaring blemishes aside a few scars on his wrists that are almost entirely faded. However, as he is self conscious about those scars, he keeps them covered as much as he can with his clothing. Anthony is slim built but not underfed, and shows remarkable fighting strength from all his physically demanding hobbies like climbing and sailing. In particular, he has good upper body strength. His eyes are almond shaped with long eyelashes, and a hazel brown in colour. More often than not he is always seen smirking and thinking about something on his mind. His hair is dirty blonde and swept in a long fringe over the right hand side of his face, sticking out messily. He has one strand of hair that sticks up in an ahoge from the top of his head, and the rest of it reaches to the nape of his neck. Anthony doesn't bother to style it in any way, it mostly just gets blown about in the wind.

Clothing wise, Anthony always tries to dress sharp and stylish and in his favourite colours. He wears a long sleeved white button up shirt with black buttons on the front and on the cuffs to fasten it in place. He makes sure the sleeves always cover the scars on his wrists and arms. On his hands he is never seen without black leather gloves. The collar of the shirt has a black piping band along it, and around his neck he wears a red and black school tie that has a pound coin concealed inside it. This is to prevent peanutting. Over his shirt, Anthony wears a red long waistcoat that is double-breasted and fastened with six black diamond buttons made from onyx stone. On one side of the chest of the waistcoat, Anthony has a black scorpion emblazoned upon it, and on the other he wears the Blue Peter badge of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department. Around his waist he wears a black leather belt with a gold buckle, holding up white trousers. These trousers reach his ankles, but they are tucked into knee high tall leather boots with four inch heels to boost his height. They have pink fronts and laces, but are actually fastened with zips at the side.


Anthony is a difficult person to get along with, mostly because of his own overconfidence and his predisposition to answering everything extremely sarcastically. He has a sharp tongue and always the right kind of snappy response, especially when he doesn't want to do things or be helpful. He's extremely intelligent, but he is also very aware of that fact and it can make him outright insufferable at times. Anthony doesn't want to make friends, and his personality shows as much. That being said, he's also extremely proud, and his pride shows in both his work and his attitude. Though he understands the importance of authority, he does not have respect for those who try to command him, and especially those who think that they can treat him like a child simply because they are older than he is. That, therefore, is what brings him into frequent arguments with Philip Pullman. Many assume Anthony's behaviour to be childish, which he finds most insulting, but in many ways it is true. He acts much younger than his true age and gets easily frustrated when things don't go his way.

Though he can be difficult, Anthony does at times show a more fun loving and positive side to his personality as well. He is headstrong and a very hard worker, mostly motivated by his strong desire to succeed and prove himself. When allowed to participate in or talk about his hobbies he becomes passionate and interested more and will open up. He can have difficulty connecting with others and learning to trust, but once he has established a bond between himself and others, he will be outstandingly loyal and attentive to them and their needs. This is best shown by how expertly he leads SCORPIA, his espionage unit. All the members are loyal to him and have great respect for his leadership and strategy abilities. Anthony is a man who will not let life or others stand in the way of improving himself. He also has a thirst for knowledge and understanding, always taking steps to build on his existing hobbies and skills and find new ones.

Anthony is also incredibly intelligent beyond his years. Much of this is thanks to a very well rounded childhood of academics, sports and trips that has broadened his worldview and given him a wealth of experience to draw upon, but he is also naturally very gifted. He’s extremely good with technology and problem solving, languages and with planning and executing his own assignments. It can get to the point where people have genuinely questioned if Anthony has psychopathic tendencies, because of the dedication coupled with lack of empathy that he has once he gets drawn into a scheme, but nothing has been officially diagnosed in him. Anthony is extremely cunning, but paired with his charm he can quite easily win people over if he needs to - and he often uses his charm and good looks to his advantage. It is only when people see through it that he gets sulky.


Kanji: ストームブレイカー

Romaji: Sutōmubureikā

English: Stormbreaker

Reference: Alex Rider

Ability Classification: Virus, Supernatural

Appearance: The virus takes the appearance of a glowing lightning bolt scar that appears over the eyes of the infected person and will remain there for as long as Anthony has control of their body. The ability itself transmits via an infected email, text message or other digital communication that, when opened, will display the lightning bolt pattern on their device before it appears on their eyes. Whilst using his ability, Anthony will be surrounded by scarlet glowing text, particularly around his own eyes. This will also surround the device that he is using to transmit his virus through. When he makes contact and infects a person, he will lose consciousness and collapse until he is done with them.

Capability: The virus is produced inside of Anthony's body and is transported through electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops. Anthony can produce the virus at any time, and usually keeps it stored within his own technology before attaching it to emails or text messages intended for people he wishes to infect. Though it appears like a computer virus given its transfer method, his ability is in fact a human virus that, once a victim makes contact with a piece of technology that he has corrupted, will spread inside their body. The virus, once inside a human host, allows Anthony to access the memories and thoughts of the infected. From there, he can analyse, alter and transfer those thoughts and memories into his own mind, or delete them entirely from someone's mind. In some cases, he can even wipe a person's memory completely.

Limitations: Anthony's ability is entirely reliant upon making the connection with the other person - they have to open the corrupted message that he sends them in order to be infected by him and there is no other means by which he can transmit his virus. If they do not engage with it, then his ability is rendered useless. That is why it can sometimes take multiple attempts to "phish" for victims before Anthony gets a hit. It can also be broken if the device he is using to transmit his virus through runs out of charge or is unplugged or switched off.

Side Effects: The catch, however, is that constant use of his ability begins to affect Anthony's own memories in return. Should he take too much from a person's memory in one go, or delete excessively, it can cause him to lose his own short term memory temporarily. Causing great confusion and worry for himself. It happens so much that he has started writing down his objectives prior to using his ability, so that he does not forget what he was using it for. Anthony also suffers from fatigue if he over uses his ability, causing him to space out and become forgetful, including walking into walls or dropping things unexpectedly. As such, he has to carefully regulate the use of his ability, and fully research his intended victims before he infects them so that he knows what he may possibly be getting himself into.

Ultimate Form: Anthony does not have any known Ultimate Form to his ability.


  • Eugh why are you three such idiots! Working with you does my head in!
  • Uncle... You were hiding this from me the whole time?
  • Are you done complaining yet or do I need to stop listening for longer?
  • It wouldn't be hard for me to delete all of your memories you know.
  • Oh come on! How hard is it to open an email!
  • Heheh... I'm in!
  • I need tea before I deal with any of you.
  • I was going very fast. Til I hit the fence.
  • When the doorbell rings at three in the morning... It is never good news.
  • Yeah well I can't spot you £100 I'm saving for a new graphics card because somebody here melted mine by bitcoin mining.
  • Do I have to? Really?
  • I'd hate to see how you're gonna treat the runner up.
  • Huh... ninety nine percent water, no brains, no guts and no anus? No wonder you see yourself in it.
  • I set fire to the boat.
  • Have you ever seen us all work together? It doesn't happen. Ever. At all.
  • Cross me again. Go on, try it. See what happens!
  • Ohhhh my Goooood! Get out of my rooooom!
  • Uncle! Don't go telling them that!
  • You are all going to ruin what remains of my reputation.
  • There's this absolute asshole of a player online who keeps kicking my ass and then swearing at me in Russian and I will learn that language just to tell him I hate his guts I swear!
  • Childhood. Huh. What a concept.
  • Orders from the higher ups are in and I fucking hate what they want us to do already!
  • Can you leave me the fuck alone?
  • Let's see... I'll get into their heads and take a look around.
  • SCORPIA will do anything I ask of them. You can leave the heavy lifting to them.
  • Think I'd sooner kiss a horse than you.
  • Assholes!
  • Books are okay but I'd sooner play on my computer if I'm really honest.
  • Nice day for a funeral.
  • We're going to Japan? Cool I've always wanted to tour the castles!
  • Pergo et Perago. I try, and I achieve.
  • People need to learn to stop messing with my tech!
  • I know who my enemies are, and I will eliminate all of them.
  • I am surrounded by absolute idiots.
  • Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department specialises in crimes that the regular police force have given up on, where they suspect that a slightly-smarter-than-your-average-bear criminal might be behind this rather than your average thickheaded chav.
  • Eoin I will buy an electric fly swat and hit your fairies with it.
  • Did you really think that this was the best idea for us?
  • Ah yes. Uncle hires only the best you know? Me, an infant with two imaginary friends, mister sticky-shocky fingers and a chav.
  • Repeat that I couldn't understand a fucking word out your chavvy mouth.
  • I can't believe you've done this!
  • Why are we working for this lunatic?
  • I'm having weetabix and finishing my data mining.
  • You're spouting crap again.
  • I don't like seafood and I really don't like fugu.
  • I am not short!
  • Eugh Pullman stop it! I'm not taking orders from you!
  • I'm twenty two! Old enough!
  • Mariokart is just a game. Not every piece of tech I own is some kind of fancy bomb device.
  • No! Not doing it! No sir!
  • Eeek! Agatha picked up!
  • TBA


Anthony Horowitz is a British writer and screenwriter most known for writing young adult fiction. He has multiple series of novels and primarily writes mystery, thriller and suspense novels, the most famous of which being his Alex Rider Series, The Diamond Brothers Series and The Power of Five Series. He has also written several standalone books for adults, and was asked by the estates of Ian Fleming and Arthur Conan Doyle to write official novels for both the James Bond and Sherlock Holmes series. Horowitz has also written for television, and has done screenwriting for a number of shows for the BBC and ITV. He continued to be deeply connected to the detective genre in screenwriting for Agatha Christie’s Poirot and also the series Foyle’s War. He continues to write to this day.


  • The name Anthony comes from the Roman family name Antonius. Its meaning is debated, though some say it means priceless one or highly praiseworthy.
  • Horowitz is a Jewish last name that comes from Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic. Horowitz is a habitational name, that is taken from Horovice


  • Anthony uses a lot of styling gel to make his hair stay in place. He can get very vain about it.
  • He's had several girlfriends and flings, but he tends to be bad at commitment because of his heavy workload. He's never cheated, however.
  • He and Wordsworth are in a relationship, but there always seems to be some kind of drama going on between them.
  • That being said, he has been known to shirk work in order to go on dates.
  • He likes to walk by the river at night and enjoy the atmosphere.
  • Anthony wears heels because he's self-conscious about his height. He, however, cannot walk well in them. He's been known to trip and twist his ankles frequently.
  • Anthony is incredibly stubborn and does not like to be contradicted or told he is wrong.
  • Anthony's computer is his baby and if anything happens to it he gets very upset and angry.
  • He has built and modified all of his tech himself and takes very good care of all of it.
  • He also always keeps a top of the line phone on him as well, that he can use if he has to go outside.
  • Anthony also always keeps a notebook on him with his important memories in it - in case his ability makes him forget them. Anthony is very paranoid about forgetting who he is.
  • His pockets are full of multiple USB memory sticks and small SD cards filled with data. Some of it personal and others full of info on his targets.
  • Anthony has expensive tastes and likes designer clothes and shoes.
  • He takes his tea with milk and six sugars. His coffee is with milk and nine sugars. Ian despairs for his teeth and pancreas.
  • On the weekends, he goes rock climbing, diving and running.
  • Anthony keeps himself to a strict exercise regime and tries to go out for a run every day or every other day if he can. This is a habit he's had since his teens.
  • Anthony is known for being disrespectful to other Clock Tower members, he has particular disdain for Philip Pullman and tends to smack talk him to his face.
  • He still gets in a lot of trouble for it, however.
  • Anthony is also very determined to impress higher ups in The Order of the Clock Tower so that he can climb the ranks. His bad relationship with Philip does not help this, however.
  • Anthony has a fear of sharks.
  • His favourite food is sushi. But he dislikes fugu and any other kind of seafood. He won't even eat fish if it is not in sushi.
  • His favourite animals are birds, however his least favourite is the jellyfish.
  • Anthony is a big gamer, but tends to get angry if he plays online multiplayer. He spitefully learnt russian so he could cuss out One Player he is against regularly and often loses to.
  • Although he acts smug, Anthony can be a colossal coward when he suspects himself to be in trouble.
  • One day, he hopes to go to space.
  • Anthony has a fear of enclosed spaces because of getting trapped in a vent shaft once in his youth. Since then he has to have a door open at all times as he doesn't like being closed in.
  • He does wonder what his parents were like, but doesn't think of them too often as it makes him sad.
  • When he goes home, he usually hangs around with his Uncle's housekeeper Jack who looks after him. Even though he's an adult now she still spoils him.
  • Anthony is a black belt in karate, judo, krav maga and taekwondo and has been fully trained in self-defense. He can shoot multiple firearms and enjoys a lot of extreme sports.
  • His whole life he was moulded to become a spy, he just had no idea that that was happening to him.
  • Anthony holds several qualifications in diving and swimming as well as for climbing and abseiling - he could teach in all these areas if he wished to.
  • He has multiple social media accounts and multiple online personalities that he uses for information gathering.
  • Anthony refers to using his ability as "hacking someone's mind" jokingly.
  • He loves memes.
  • Because of all his screen usage, he does suffer from eyestrain and gets bad headaches from time to time.
  • He can be incredibly sarcastic and rude when in a bad mood.
  • SCORPIA is a group he personally assembled using forces from MI5 and MI6. He hand selected each member and they are all completely loyal to Anthony and Anthony alone.
  • At times, Anthony will go out into the field himself if he really wants to find out something and can't trust others to get the information for him.
  • Anthony has kept pictures of his parents and the last post card he received from them in his diary. He gets very defensive over them and does not want them out of his hands.
  • He has been on planes, but has to take sleeping pills to get through the flights. He absolutely hates flying.
  • TBA


Early Life

Anthony was born in Stanmore, Middlesex, to an upper middle class family who wished to provide the best that they could for him. His father was in high ranking political and financial circles and had a lot of money in many offshore bank accounts as well as in the United Kingdom, allowing for the family to lead a very lavish lifestyle. Anthony was spoiled, with a private nanny and tutor, and often overfed resulting in him being quite overweight as a young child. His mother, a stay at home parent, was heavily into gothic literature and would read to him in order to encourage Anthony's already vivid imagination. She even bought him a real human skull for his fourth birthday. His parents were incredibly loving and were always trying to be present in his life, even if work often took a lot of their time up. When they weren’t around Anthony still had support and comfort from those around him. He liked his family and found his home life to be enjoyable.

At school, however, Anthony was an unhappy child. Despite all the luxury, as he was picked on at his preparatory school for being overweight. To keep away from being teased, he would often spend a lot of time indoors. He would read, and then later as he grew Anthony became interested in computers. Not just computer games, though he enjoyed those immensely, but also coding and programming. Anthony found he was very skilled with technology, and would use it often to keep improving. He learnt to build a computer by the age of 7 and made his own special gaming PC for fun. His parents were impressed and praised him, and Anthony was pleased that he had skills that other kids his age did not. With this computer, Anthony successfully learned how to hack into websites using tutorials he found online. He hacked into his school’s system and changed the marks of the students who bullied him into failing marks and caused chaos that they could not link back to him at all. The school was left baffled by the incident, but after that Anthony noticed that these kids left him alone a lot more.

However, things were not to last forever. When Anthony was 9 years old his parents left him in the care of his mother's elder brother, his Uncle Ian Fleming, whilst they went away on a second honeymoon. The two promised Anthony that they wouldn't be away long, and that in the meanwhile he would be in good hands with his Uncle and his Uncle's housekeeper Jack (she had always been like an elder sister figure to the young boy anyways). Initially, Anthony was fine with this as he had stayed with his Uncle in the past and he knew that his parents wanted a break. He waited each night for their return, and was overjoyed when he received a postcard from them whilst they were away. They often took trips, and they’d send him a postcard without fail, this time was no different.

Tragedy struck as the plane carrying Anthony's parents back to England was subject to a terror attack, with a case of plastic explosive strapped to the landing gear that was set to explode whilst the plane was in flight. There were no survivors of the crash, and custody of Anthony was handed over to his Uncle. Distraught and traumatised, Anthony became further reclusive because of fears that going out would lead to him dying similarly. He developed acute anxiety and bad depression from his isolation, and began self harming to cope with the stress. Still upset over his weight, which he was gaining because of his depression, Anthony spiralled into despair at his life and situation. Even attempts to reach him by Jack were futile as he felt he could not continue on like this. He missed his parents terribly, and would spend nights rereading all of his postcards to remember their voices and faces.

Life With His Uncle

Anthony's Uncle, however, was quick to notice his nephew's decline in mental health, and he took immediate steps to counter it. Though busy with work - which he would not disclose to Anthony the details of - Ian enrolled Anthony in counselling and therapy to provide him with care and a safe place to talk to, with the hope that at some point his nephew would feel open and safe enough to talk to him of his struggles as well. Aware of the boy's isolation, Ian enrolled him in numerous clubs and classes, and took to taking the boy on trips in order to get him out the house. Anthony was taken skydiving, climbing, caving, abseiling and on trips around the world (to this day he still wonders where his Uncle got the money from), and was enrolled in karate, judo, language classes, software programming classes and dance. The activities kept him busy, though Ian was careful not to burn him out, and gradually Anthony found both his mental and physical health improving. He lost a lot of weight, and gained muscle, and his academic performance picked up tenfold.

By the time Anthony was 14 he had a number of transferable skills and talents that he didn't even realise were a carefully constructed training regime. He could play a number of sports, including extreme sports, and he had developed good stamina and personal strength. His intelligence was also well above his peers, and Anthony was most skilled with technology and mathematics as well as in writing and literature. He enjoyed all his new hobbies and skills immensely - and remained innocent of the fact that they were anything more than just a way for his uncle to encourage him to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle. He attended a private boys secondary school, where he was encouraged to apply himself and work hard alongside his peers. Anthony got along well with teachers and was popular with the other students as well, he felt like he was finally coming past the problems and trauma of his past and growing strong. In particular, he joined the after school programming club in order to get better with computers.

Ian had another motivation for training his nephew, but not one that he could freely tell anyone of. Ian, unlike what Anthony believed, worked for a spying group known as the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department. This organisation worked underneath the larger group: The Order of the Clock Tower, where Britain and Ireland's ability users collectively worked and were monitored. It also worked alongside the police and the government in settling internal and international criminal cases. Ian himself was an ability user, but had never told his nephew of it, and suspected that Anthony also had an ability that had not yet manifested. He had known both Anthony's parents to have shown traits of abilities that never manifested fully - and he hoped those traits would fully form in their son. As such, as Anthony grew more interested in pursuing his hobbies, Ian began quietly testing to see if he could get it to reveal itself. He would watch Anthony at work on his computers, feigning an interest (though, truthfully, he did feel pleased that his nephew now had productive hobbies and was making good use of his intelligence) and observed for any signs of a potential ability within him.


It took several months before anything significant happened, but it was actually during an argument between Anthony and his uncle where his ability first manifested. Though he doesn't remember the exact cause of their spat, Anthony remembered being angry at how intrusive his uncle's observations of him were becoming, and he swore that he'd find out all his uncle's secrets in revenge for it. It was then, whilst attempting to hack Ian's laptop, Anthony's ability suddenly manifested and caught him completely off guard. He "infected" Ian's laptop with a virus, but not a computer one. This virus was Anthony's ability, and when Ian next used his laptop Anthony found himself hacking his Uncle's mind and memories directly instead. It was an overwhelming experience for both of them, but Anthony was quickly pushed out from Ian's head because he was unaccustomed to using his ability, and collapsed. The first attempt at using his ability, which Anthony would later name "Stormbreaker" caused him to have a small seizure. Thankfully he recovered quickly, but was left with many questions.

Ian had to sit his nephew down to explain everything, about his parents and ability users and all of the truths that had been hidden from Anthony all his life. It was overwhelming, and the sudden revelation that much of his life had been a lie was a lot for him to take in. It was also the revelation that all of his childhood studies and hobbies had been Ian's way of preparing Anthony for a future in spying, and Ian explained that he worked for a government espionage team, who were founding a department specifically for ability users. Anthony took a few days to process all this information, and in that time he also made more attempts to use his ability again and get used to it. But Ian allowed this, he was simply satisfied that he had proved his suspicions.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department

Anthony's ability was immediately reported to The Order of the Clock Tower, and Ian informed Anthony that once he turned eighteen he would be formally recruited by the order. It was decided that Anthony would join his Uncle’s team working in government, and become a part of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department once he turned eighteen. In this department, it was explained, Anthony would be in charge of assisting government espionage missions and projects, as well as monitoring ability users in the U.K and abroad. There was no real choice to not accept this offer, and Anthony didn't really have any different plans for his future that he was particularly attached to, and as such he accepted the Order's offer. He was placed in Order approved education for the remainder of his schooling and was placed into training in order to learn how to use and control his ability.

Sure enough, when Anthony turned eighteen he formally joined Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department under his Uncle's management. He was allowed total freedom so long as he complied with the missions he was assigned to, and the Order had substantial funds for him to play with in order to fulfil anything he was given. It was perfect for Anthony as it meant he could afford as much high end technology as he wanted. He also had access to MI5 and MI6 as much as he wanted, and it didn't take him long to form his own elite group of spies to assist in his research - including helping to spread his ability virus to their targets. They soon became known as SCORPIA, and Anthony would also use them in order to scout new Ability Users for the Order. He was highly praised for taking to the job so quickly by his higher ups.


Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia

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The Guild Arc

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Cannibalism Arc

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Decay of Angels Arc

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Dead Apple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Light Novels

55 Minutes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Armed Detective Agency


Yukichi Fukuzawa

Geez you're as strict as Uncle is.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Anthony and Fukuzawa have only properly spoken over calls rather than in person, so Anthony wouldn't say he knows the man particularly well. He sees Fukuzawa as very strict, almost too strict for his liking, and thinks that the man's leadership over the rest of the Armed Detective Agency is similar to how Anthony's Uncle is with him. He's polite to Fukuzawa, and hasn't done anything to upset him aside be himself, but he'd rather not meet him in person since he's heard about Fukuzawa's swordsmanship reputation.


Kunikida Doppo

Huh! So much for the great Kunikida I guess. Getting into his head was easy!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Anthony has had unrestricted access to Kunikida's head and memories thanks to a successful attempt at getting into his mind with his ability. Kunikida was extremely displeased to find out this fact and the two have been on very thin ice with each other ever since. Kunikida is furious at having his privacy and ideals violated, and Anthony sees it as having been necessary for the job that he was doing. They are extremely short with one another when they have to interact and mostly keep their distance.


Ranpo Edogawa

Oohhhh You think you're soooo incredibly smart hm?

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Anthony dislikes Ranpo for a number of reasons. Mostly because the man is so incredibly smug and self-assured it completely clashes with how smug and self-assured Anthony is about his own intelligence. Being in the same room makes them both incredibly competitive with each other and they will often try to see who can solve things first or quicker so that they can outdo one another. Anthony has made several attempts to hack Ranpo's head, but the man always sees it coming and does not open any messages or emails that could contain his ability virus - thus avoiding infection.


Atsushi Nakajima

Christie talks about you, tiger boy, and I wonder what she has planned for you.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Anthony is very interested in learning more about Atsushi, as he watched his efforts to save Standard Island from destruction. He was impressed, and he very much would like to get the chance to get into Atsushi's head and learn more about him that way - but no chance has yet arisen. Anthony also knows that Atsushi has a much bigger role to play in this than he realises, given Christie's plans, and he is eagerly looking forward to seeing how things play out with him.

The Special Division for Unusual Powers


Ango Sakaguchi

A job is a job, and I don't take orders from you.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Ango and Anthony have a purely professional relationship that mostly only comes into play when they are asked to work together because of government cooperation. Anthony has no interest in developing any kind of deeper relationship outside of work and mostly ignores Ango and his orders unless his Uncle tells him that he needs to work with him. Investigation has meant that Anthony knows of Ango's past with the Port Mafia, and he keeps that information safe as blackmail just in case.

The Order of the Clock Tower


Agatha Christie

I won't let you down Ma'am.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

As a loyal member of The Order of the Clock Tower, Anthony is keen to impress the higher ups in the hope that it will land him better privileges and positions in the future. There's no better person to be on the good side of than Agatha and he knows better than to even try to go against her wishes or orders. He's also seen what happens to those who defy her and would very much not like to have that happen to him. Anthony does actually behave around her, and treats her with proper politeness and respect. They rarely meet in person, but all of his correspondance with her is always formal and correct and he would never, ever dream of trying to use his ability on her. He fears what the consequences might be of him doing that to her, and also what he might find out goes on in her head if he ever looked.


Philip Pullman

Would you stop lecturing me for five minutes?!

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Anthony tries to be polite and civil towards Philip, particularly considering how the man is always around Christie - whom Anthony admires. Their personalities, however, clash badly and they often end up bickering and arguing. They get competitive over Agatha's attention to an extent, and Anthony does like to push all of Philip's buttons to annoy him - just because he can. He often finds Lyra stalking him to make sure he's working on his assignments.


Oscar Wilde

Do you have what I need or are you just here to pester me for reports?

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Oscar and Anthony mostly interact for professional purposes, and the vast majority of the time it is because Anthony is behind on reports that Oscar needs and he has come to ask him for them. It means that they usually speak very snippily to one another, and they definitely clash personalities. They keep their distance otherwise, and Anthony is content to not bother getting close to the man. He's less interesting to wind up compared to others like Philip.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning

So uhm... Are you free later?

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Anthony has no idea about Elizabeth's ability, and that she's much much older than he thinks she is. Which is why she has rejected every single one of his advances for friendship outside of their work together because she suspects he might start developing a crush - and she's definitely not interested in that. Equally, Anthony also has no idea that Elizabeth is actually a double agent and working against him. It's thanks to him accidentally giving her information by telling her what he's doing that Elizabeth is able to keep Agatha and the rest of The Order of the Clock Tower away from The British Library.


William Wordsworth

You're such a prissy princess flower baby! I hate your goddamn guts! Now kiss me!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Anthony and William are on again and off again boyfriends who seem to go between hating each other, loving each other and loving hating each other at the drop of a hat. They are shameless in their antics and have been known to get touchy and handsy when they both should really be working instead. They also spit insults to one another and get extremely competitive. Anthony and William both want to be the best that they can be and rise up the ranks of The Order of the Clock Tower, and won't even let each other get in their way of greatness. That being said, even if they're extremely chaotic, they are the first to leap to the other's defence in time of need.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department


Ian Fleming

Uncle! Why am I surrounded by idiots?!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Anthony was raised by Ian, who has been both an uncle and guardian figure towards him since his parents' deaths. He respects him, and admires him and his hard work, but can't help but think that there is much he doesn't know about the man. He knows that Ian was aware he had an ability, and did a lot of work to get it to manifest, but Anthony remains in the dark about much else aside that. Nevertheless, he trusts Ian and will do as he asks because he wants to impress him. In a way, he wants to do well enough that Ian tells him he's proud of him - and he's been working hard towards that goal ever since. That being said, he can still be extremely childish when annoyed and whines to his Uncle to solve his problems for him or to get him out of his workload.


Eoin Colfer

What are you like? Five? Six?

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Eoin and Anthony are incredibly competitive, and Anthony deeply hates that there are times where he is bested by a person almost half his age. It irritates him and he often plots ways in which he can get back at Eoin for his smugness. Anthony also finds both of Eoin's fairies, Holly and Opal, incredibly annoying and he has a tendency to swat at them like they are flies. They argue and bicker often, but their combined work and plans does tend to mesh well together and that is why they are made to work together. Even if it is the last thing that either of them want. Often they will trade insults whilst working in the same room together.


Mark Walden

You have three seconds to return every item you have filched off of my desk before I remote hack every electrical item you own and make them send "Mark is a tosser" to all your contacts.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Anthony tries to remain neutral and tolerant towards Mark, seeing as they are part of the same team and need to somewhat work together cohesively. However, he cannot stand the man's rampant kleptomania that results in many of his personal and work items being stolen nearly daily. Thankfully things do get returned, but not before Anthony has had to make multiple threats of violence first. It seems that Mark enjoys that, however, and their dynamic of arguing over stolen things seems to continue on like a game of cat and mouse. Anthony has tried locking his things away, but not even that can stop it. It very much annoys him.


Robert Muchamore

Oh for fucks sake would you speak clearly?!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Anthony and Robert are the only two members of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department who have come to physical blows with one another. They had to because they discovered, to both their horror and annoyance, that their abilities completely cancel one another out and they cannot possess each other. In particular, if they use their abilities at the same time on one another it actually causes a lot of chaos - that neither of them realise to be the creation of a singularity. It has meant that the two of them are mostly kept separate - which they're both very glad about - but it has also attracted a lot of interest in their dynamic from other members of The Order of the Clock Tower who believe that this singularity could be exploited and used.



H.G Wells

Fascinating... You really knew what was up the whole time huh?

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Wells and Anthony have never formally met, but once he learned that they were alive, Anthony managed to successfully hack Wells' phone and gain access to their mind and memories. He saw all that happened on Standard Island, and was very curious to know what Wells did for England during the war and whether that had ties to The Order of the Clock Tower or not. Sadly, he has yet to find out anything further. But he hopes that perhaps he and Wells might one day might meet in person and he can ask.

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint