Robert Muchamore



Robert Muchamore

Kanji ロバート ムカモア
Romaji Robaato Mukamoa
Boss - (By CHERUB Agents)
Namesake Robert Muchamore - (British Children's Author)
Personal Information
Gender Male
Age 15
Birthday 26th December - (Capricorn)
Height 5'7" / 170cm
Weight 128lbs / 58kgs
Bloodtype A
Status Alive
Likes Pickpocketing, General Mayhem, Computers, Punk Music, Piercings, Anything Orange Flavoured, Nighttime
Dislikes Authority, Juvie, Formal Clothing, Being told he can't swear, Work, Bananas, Anthony Horowitz, Eoin Colfer, Mark Walden
Professional Information
Occupation Overseer of CHERUB - (Current)
Agent of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit - (Current)
Member of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Affiliation Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit - (Current)
The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Family Unnamed Mother†
Unnamed Grandparents
Unnamed Foster Parents
Spouse(s) None
Ability Name The Sleepwalker
Reference The Sleepwalker
Manga TBC
Anime TBC
Light Novel 55 Minutes
Voice Actors
English TBC
Japanese TBC

Listen bruv, I'd 'ave told ya before if I fort it wer' a bad idea, and yaknow I fuckin did. An what 'appened? Ya did it anyways ya dickhead. I ain't fuckin sorry for ya own fuckin moronic decisions.

Robert, 55 Minutes

Robert Muchamore (ロバート ムカモア - Robaato Mukamoa) is a member of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit, a subsect of The Order of the Clock Tower. He also runs his own espionage gang, mostly comprising of foster children and teenagers, called CHERUB. He is a known gang leader with a multitude of connections, and a recognised child prodigy.


Robert is an average sized boy with a skinny frame and not overly muscular build. He is generally lanky, with pale skin and dark circles under his eyes that give him somewhat of a sunken look. His skin is littered with scars, mostly from getting into trouble throughout his childhood and teenage years. He has both his ears pierced multiple times: gold studs in his ear lobes and black hoops in his cartilage. He also has a gold stud in his tongue. Robert’s face has generally pretty features for a child of his age, and has yet to actually start growing any kind of distinctive facial hair. He can appear much younger than he actually is when he wants to. Robert has yellow eyes that will glow brighter whenever he is using his ability, and very long eyelashes. He also chooses to wear black nail polish at all times. Robert has naturally light brown hair, but he bleaches and dyes it bright electric purple. It reaches his chin and is naturally straight - usually sticking out in all directions.

His choice of fashion is mostly punky and disjointed, and Robert doesn’t care all that much about how he looks. He wears a bright orange v-neck shirt emblazoned with a cherub emblem, symbolic of his gang, over tight black skinny jeans. He also has orange and black patterned trainers with loose grey laces. Around his waist Robert wears multiple belts in different colours, mostly for decoration but they do also holster multiple blades that he keeps around his waist and back. The belts are white, orange and black. Because of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit’s uniform regulation, Robert has to wear a black waistcoat - but he chooses to wear it undone and with no clothing that compliments it. It is simply there to hold his Blue Peter badge of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit. Over all this, Robert wears a black leather jacket with orange and yellow piping on the shoulders and zip. He keeps the hood up most of the time to both hide his face and to keep his hair in place.


Robert is a brash and vulgar young boy who tends to let his mouth run away with his opinions before he has really thought through what he meant to say. It can make him seem incredibly rude and uncaring, and that’s very much what he wants to be. Robert doesn’t feel like he owes anyone respect unless they have really done something to earn it from him, and so he won’t really try to be on any kind of good behaviour unless he absolutely has to. His accent doesn’t help with his image, but he’s perfectly content the way that he is. Robert swears like a sailor, threatens violence, and will always resort to being argumentative rather than try to approach something he doesn’t like or want to do reasonably. He tends to pick fights - especially if he can sense that the other person will be very easy to wind up as well. Robert enjoys getting a rise out of them, and feeds off the attention it gives him, good or bad.

To those he cares about, few that they are, Robert is actually an incredibly loyal and caring friend. He is incredibly protective of his CHERUBs and wants the best for them - because he knows for himself just how harsh and uncaring adults and the rest of the world can be. Robert is hardened by his life experiences and it has left him very rough around the edges. He will do all that he can for those he deems trustworthy, and nothing for those he does not. Robert tends to act in extremes, and he’s very much subject to his rampant mood swings thanks to still going through puberty. At heart there might be something good about him - but it has not shown itself in a long time. Mostly he is just very self interested and only wanting to cause as much chaos wherever he goes, with or without his ability to help him.


Kanji: スリープウォーカー

Romaji: Surīpuu~ōkā

English: The Sleepwalker

Reference: The Sleepwalker

Ability Classification: Supernatural, Physical

Appearance: Robert’s ability appears as a glowing purple light that first surrounds his body, which then appears with the signature glowing text of an ability. This glow intensifies, and is brightest in Robert’s eyes, and then surrounds the person whose body he is about to take hold of. They will then be surrounded in light, and then Robert will astral project himself into their body. Once he takes hold of them completely, the light will fade. The only indicator that he is in a person’s body is a sleepy, vacant expression on the host’s face - as if they are sleepwalking.

Capability: The Sleepwalker is a possession type ability that allows Robert to forcefully inhabit the body of another person for as long as he needs to use them. Whilst doing so, the victim remains fully cognizant but is unable to control their words or actions - as they are kept in a “sleepwalker” type state with Robert acting and speaking on their behalf. Robert astral projects himself into another person with his ability, usually by making prolonged eye contact with them that allows him to establish the connection. The person will have all their memories retained from their time spent possessed even after Robert has left their body, but they may not actually fully understand what caused them to act the way they did. Robert is also able to switch from person to person so long as he makes long enough eye contact with someone else to jump his astral projection from one to the other.

Limitations: The main limitation of the ability is that Robert’s own body is left behind when he inhabits someone else. This means that Robert must hide it safely so that it isn’t harmed whilst he is not there. It also means he will usually not go far from where his body is hidden unless he properly knows that it is safe. Robert will be forced back into his own body if his body is harmed or attacked by someone who finds it whilst he is not inhabiting it. When inside another person’s body, Robert can control a person’s movements and speech, but he has no ability to influence their thoughts.

Side Effects: If forced back into his own body, Robert will immediately feel any pain that his body has gone through or injuries it has sustained whilst he was not inhabiting it. Whilst there is no official time limit to how long Robert can spend inhabiting other people’s bodies, too long spent from his body can lead to joint stiffness and muscle ache from being away from it. It takes a few moments for Robert to recover from being returned to his body, forcibly or not, and as such he will not be able to immediately get up and run away if he has to. His cooldown period between returning to his body and being able to possess someone again is about half an hour, and if he tries again before that he can suffer badly from headaches.

Ultimate Form: Robert has no known ultimate form of his ability.


  • Nah, ain't doin' it bruv.
  • You wha?
  • Oops, just borrowin' ya for a bit!
  • Like it? I'm the one handlin' shit now!
  • Catch me if ya fuckin' can!
  • Bruv I ain't got time for this.
  • Booooooooored now.
  • The fuck d'ya think ya doin'?!
  • Huh... So that's how its gonna be huh?
  • Fuck that!
  • Can ya not be the way that ya are for like... five fuckin' minutes?!
  • I'll fuckin' shank you!
  • Nah nah it's like this innit?
  • Ya fink ya can 'andle me? Try me!
  • So it's you again huh... Long time no see innit?
  • S'just a job bruv.
  • Anthony yer a fuckin' wanker yaknow that?!
  • Euugh Boooooooooss!
  • Orders Orders Orders... s'always fuckin' orders...
  • Eugh that's disgusting.
  • You got a problem with me bruv?
  • That's mint!
  • Nah blud, ain't happenin'
  • I'm serious bruh!
  • Whatcha lookin' at?!
  • Fuckinell...
  • TBA


Robert Muchamore is a British writer who chose to write books after his nephew complained that he could never find any novels that he liked to read. Aiming to write novels that he felt he would have enjoyed reading as a child, he has risen to fame as a popular young adult novelist. His most famous series are the CHERUB novels, following an institution training and using young children as spies. His novels have received criticism for their violent and dark themes, including teenage sex and pregnancy, drug abuse and violent death and murder, but have still remained incredibly popular despite this. He continues writing to this day.


  • Robert is a germanic name meaning bright fame.
  • The origins and meanings of Muchamore are not known, but it is thought to be connected to Dartmoor, England.


  • Robert keeps multiple blades on his person, hidden from view but easily accessible when he needs them.
  • His hair has been multiple different shades of colours over the years.
  • He doesn't mind being called a Chav, it is what he is.
  • Robert can pick locks and is very good at pickpocketing and breaking and entering.
  • Without a weapon he is still formidible in a fight, he can punch and kick hard.
  • Robert tends to resort to his ability first and then think later about what he actually intends to do with that person's body.
  • When inside another person's body, he cannot feel their pain.
  • Robert is an incredibly reckless person by nature.
  • He has a history with drugs, though mostly dealing rather than taking for himself. He has experimented with some, however.
  • His criminal record is longer than his arm and he wears it like a badge of honour at this point.
  • It is very likely that if Robert hadn't been found by The Order of the Clock Tower then he would have been sent to juvenile detention for most of his life before going to adult prison.
  • He hates being ordered around and looked down on by those older than or bigger than him.
  • Robert is strongly anti-authority and will not respect people unless they have truly earnt his respect. He believes that no one should expect politeness or loyalty from him just based on who they are or their job.
  • His favourite colour is purple.
  • He prefers to wear practical clothing for running around in climbing in. The punk look is purely coincidental.
  • He intends to get a tattoo once he is old enough to.
  • All of Robert's piercings were done by himself with a needle and ice. The tongue piercing hurt the most.
  • He likes alcohol but doesn't drink often, he likes to stay sober so he can get up to mischief.
  • He doesn't care much about other people in general. Unless they can do something for him.
  • Robert once broke both his ankles from jumping out a second storey window, it is the worst injury he's had to date.
  • He keeps multiple burner phones for his work.
  • All of CHERUB are foster-care kids. Robert drafts them into his gang to keep them from joining actual gangs.
  • Despite his bad behaviour, he is genuinely trying to keep other kids from suffering like he has.
  • Robert keeps a stash of gum in his desk in the main office. If any of it goes missing he gets violent.
  • He likes cats a lot, sometimes he takes in the local strays.
  • Most of the fights that break out in Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit is between Robert and Anthony.
  • He isn't much of a gamer. Robert prefers to be outside doing things.
  • Robert is not very academic, but is very good at strategical thinking and using the resources that he has.
  • TBA


Early Life

Robert has very few memories of his early childhood, but access to his medical and social work records has allowed him to know what was known of him when he was younger. He was born in Luton to a drug addict mother who vanished from the hospital not long after he was born. She didn’t even name her child, and no father was ever named nor found and so Robert has no father named on his birth certificate at all. For a while, he did not have a mother listed either, but DNA was found to match with a woman found dead by overdose and complications within the weeks after Robert’s birth - proving her to have been the mother of the baby.

For a while, this woman’s baby was placed into the care of her own parents, who decided that they would name him Robert after the midwife who delivered him. They did not have much parental attachment to the child, but did provide him with the basic care he needed to live and thrive. Robert has little memory of this time, but didn’t think of it as much of a childhood and definitely has never felt like his supposed grandparents actually cared about them much. They were never abusive physically, but perhaps a little neglectful. Robert learnt quickly in his toddler years to be an independent child and to not expect things from others.

When Robert was around four years old and starting school, his grandparents decided to relinquish parental rights entirely and passed Robert off to the foster care system. Social workers picked Robert up on his fourth birthday, and he never saw his grandparents again. Initially, the young boy didn’t understand what was going on and cried - but this was short lived. It wouldn’t be the last time that he was picked up by social services from then onwards. He was passed around from foster family to foster family, and several children’s care homes, and hardly had time to truly settle anywhere before he was once again passed on. This was not just in Luton but soon across Bedfordshire as a whole to try and find him a place.

This became the norm for Robert, and growing up as a child he got accustomed to never really unpacking his things or even owning many things for himself anyways. Some parents were nicer than others - and some of them were outright abusive to him. But Robert never really let much of it sink in. Social workers began to notice that Robert was a highly defensive child, numb to many of his own feelings and prone to lashing out at others he felt were threatening him. His tendency to threaten adults and teachers was quickly becoming a problem, and measures were put in place to try and tackle the behaviour problems before they could worsen. He was enrolled with a therapist, but rarely showed up because of his foster parents situation and the constant moving, and efforts were made to try and keep him in one primary school. This was not always possible.


Finally at age eleven, Robert was placed into a permanent foster home, since his worsening behaviour was making it less and less likely that he would be adopted by any of the foster families that he had been a part of. Robert was kept in Marsh Farm, a rough area of Luton, and sent to the local secondary school - Lea Manor. He lived with 15 other young kids between the age of 5 and 18, and was influenced a lot by those older than him as well as befriending the younger kids. The group were all considered “troublesome” and because of that they all banded together - believing that they could only trust one another since the rest of the world had written them off.

It was here that Robert started learning to make use of his bad habits. The older foster children taught him how to steal, and Robert quickly showed a knack for it as well. They took him out breaking and entering with them, and Robert started gaining a lengthy list of cautions and misdemeanour charges whenever he was caught out with them. It only encouraged him more as he liked to fight back at the authorities who had been letting him down so much anyways. The older kids were involved in local gangs, and it was thought that Robert would likely go down the same path.

Robert, however, had other plans. Though he enjoyed thievery and chaos, he wasn’t a fan of the large-scale criminal activities that these adult-run gangs were getting involved in. After seeing one of his older friends from the foster home get stabbed and admitted to hospital over an altercation, Robert soon learnt to harden himself against some of the dirtier and darker sides of being in gangs. He didn’t like the very young kids getting involved and exploited - and so he founded his own gang. They weren’t completely official, but mostly consisted of gang children under 15 years old, who reported to Robert who would speak up on their behalf if they ran into issues.

He named the group CHERUB, after a logo on one of the shirts he owned, and the group became popular amongst the local gang as a group who could mediate street debates and protect the kids in the neighbourhood. Whenever Robert moved now, his influence and connections in CHERUB widened with more kids coming under his wing. He fetched some flack from adults for it - but by fourteen Robert knew how to handle himself in these situations. He was charming, as well as physically capable of fighting and defending himself.


Joining a gang and then forming his own was not the strangest thing to happen to Robert, however, as he soon found other strange things about himself happening. Whilst fighting, he made eye contact with his opponent for a brief moment - only to find himself jump from his own body and into the person he was fighting instead. There, he could control their movement, and speak through their mouth in their voice - all the while that person’s mind yelled at him to get out and explain what the hell he was doing. He could see his own body, lying on the floor in front of him, and he had no idea what had just happened to him. He completely panicked - forcing himself back out of that person’s body and into his own. The cooldown left him unable to move, and he took a bad beating from his opponent for it.

This event got Robert curious, and he started to experiment with this newfound power. He’d ask members of CHERUB to help him out with it - and the kids were delighted to let him try. They thought it hilarious how he could jump from each of their bodies and have them do weird things before returning to his own. That only boosted Robert’s ego and made him even more keen to see what other ways it could be used. None of the kids had any idea what it actually was - but it did help get them all out of a lot of situations.

The Order of the Clock Tower

After a while, Robert’s activities were caught by the authorities. They had suspected criminal activity was on the rise, but couldn’t pin it down entirely until they caught CHERUB in the act. This landed Robert in trouble with the police once again - but this time he thought he had a failsafe escape. He attempted to get out by using his ability on the guards at the detention centre. This backfired, as he was caught by higher up guards and his body was seized before he could get it to safety. Thus, when he returned to his own body he was still trapped - and now the police knew of his ability.

Higher ups knew what this sort of ability was, and got in touch with The Order of the Clock Tower to bring them into the loop. Sure enough, they confirmed that Robert was an ability user - and that now he had a choice to make. Prison, and likely a long sentence as well since he was a gang kingpin, or join The Order of the Clock Tower and make a new life for himself in the organisation as an ability user for the government. Given that the latter option promised food and board (and education but Robert was much less interested in that), he went for it.

Robert fit in well with The Order, surprisingly, and soon found himself enjoying his time there. He was allowed to keep working with CHERUB, which he reformed into a spying and communications network as well as making sure they were all taken care of well - and with funding from his new organisation this was much easier to do. He was also placed into a subset of The Order, Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit, to make better use of his communication and networking skills. There, though he has fierce rivalry with the other boys who make up the group, Robert has continued to thrive.


Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia

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The Guild Arc

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Cannibalism Arc

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Decay of Angels Arc

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Dead Apple

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Light Novels

55 Minutes

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The Armed Detective Agency


Yukichi Fukuzawa

You still fuckin' mad at me old man?!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Robert doesn’t trust Fukuzawa at all, and is very much on guard around him because he knows that Fukuzawa doesn’t trust him either. Being captured by the Armed Detective Agency left Robert on the defensive, and he found himself acting out towards Fukuzawa in particular because he is an authority figure. Robert has tried to possess Fukuzawa as well, so that he can make an escape, but this plot was foiled and made their relationship even more strained.


Atsushi Nakajima

Catch me if you can tiger bread!

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Robert took great delight in possessing and having ahold of Atsushi’s body and making use of his ability for as long as he could before he was caught. Even after, he hopes to get the chance to do it again sometime since he had so much fun with it. Though he knows that there is more to Atsushi than meets the eye - and that he is very important in the plans that Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit and The Order of the Clock Tower have - Robert mostly only sees the fun side in using him. He doesn’t really care much for Atsushi as a person.


Kunikida Doppo

You just fuckin' pissed cuz I win!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Kunikida doesn’t like thinking of what Robert did to The Armed Detective Agency and feels very defensive towards Robert because of it - especially as he knows that Robert always brings trouble with him if he is near. Robert finds it funny to wind him up. Even if he isn’t going anywhere near the ADA he gets a kick out of knowing he brings Kunikida stress and just enjoys annoying him whenever the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit calls the ADA for business. He has possessed Kunikida several times, and has found it a tonne of fun every single time.


Akiko Yosano

Aaaaack! Fuck no! No! Don't come fuckin' near me!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Robert fears Yosano, after he has had several near misses with her cleaver. He knows full well that getting too close to her or pushing too many of her buttons will result in her getting violent with him. It scares him, but he does get a little bit of a thrill out of testing his limits with her. He doesn’t care too much for the consequences - thinking that there will always be some way in which he can weasel his way out of harm's way from her. Robert knows that there’s likely more to Yosano than she lets on, as he’s heard rumours from his work, but he hasn’t asked her about it.


Osamu Dazai

Hell no. Ain't goin' near 'im.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Dazai is the only person who is able to force Robert out of another person’s body just by touching whoever he is possessing. It immediately throws him out and leaves him vulnerable to capture - a fact that Robert absolutely loathes about Dazai. He’s tried many attempts to get petty revenge on Dazai for spoiling his fun, but none of those attempts have ever worked. It’s made Robert incredibly annoyed, and he gets irritated whenever the topic of Dazai comes up or he has to work near or around him.

The Port Mafia


Chūya Nakahara

Huh... S'pose we meet again.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Chūya and Robert have somewhat of a past together - though nobody actually knows it. When Chūya was younger, he crossed paths with a much much younger Chūya who was at the time part of the Port Mafia Flags on an assignment abroad. They spoke only briefly, and admittedly Chūya saw a lot of himself in Robert - particularly as the boy is also the leader of a gang of young children. Chūya attempted to recruit Robert into the Port Mafia, but he refused as he wished to stay with his found family. Chūya understood and did not press the issue. Now they are on opposing sides, and Robert’s feelings on Chūya are conflicted. He hopes not to have to face him.

The Order of the Clock Tower


Agatha Christie

Yeah Boss, anythin' you say.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Robert has respect for Christie, he’s just very bad at showing it. His vulgar way of speaking and his accent can get him on the wrong side of the leader of The Order of the Clock Tower and her higher ups - but he really doesn’t do it out of a place of maliciousness. He does feel grateful towards her for the opportunities he’s had in the organisation, and for the free room and board he gets too. Generally he tries to be on his best behaviour around her wherever he can.


Philip Pullman

Alright Alright ya gotta get the stick outta ya ass Pullman!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

It’s safe to say that Robert and Philip don’t get along well - mostly due to very strong personality clashes. Because of Philip’s strictness and demands for authority and respect, Robert tends to deliberately act out and wind him up because he doesn’t like to be ordered about. He finds Philip too uptight and would prefer to avoid him as much as possible so as to not have to deal with it. Robert has tried to possess him, but didn’t find much use in it as Philip has very little mobility. As such, to Robert he is pretty much a useless lost cause.


Oscar Wilde

Are ya havin' fun with my friends yet?

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Robert does take a little bit of delight in winding Oscar up - and won’t just do it on his own but will actually get the rest of CHERUB involved in it where he can as well. He’s possessed Oscar several times to make use of his appearance and connections - allowing Robert to get to areas he shouldn’t normally be allowed to access. Much of this has made Oscar dislike him immensely. Robert doesn’t like that Oscar criticises his way of talking either, which just leads him to speak in an even thicker and more slang-ridden accent.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit


Ian Fleming

Yeah boss, anythin' ya say.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Robert generally respects Ian, but that doesn’t mean he will behave well around him. He does as Ian orders him to do, to a degree, and will listen when he is given instructions so long as he sees reason for it to be of interest to him. He does not, however, think that Ian should expect this loyalty and obedience from him unconditionally. Ian has done much to earn his trust, a rare thing, but it is very much built upon mutual understanding rather than expectation. Robert knows that Ian is the difference between him being part of The Order of the Clock Tower and the streets, and keeps that in mind always.


Anthony Horowitz

Oh fuck off ya fuckin wankbiscuit!

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Anthony and Robert have come to physical blows, and it was a big fight at that. They both discovered, to their absolute horror and disgust, that their abilities cancel one another out. Robert cannot possess Anthony, and Anthony is unable to hack Robert in return - due to their abilities being too similar in nature. Both of them trying to use their abilities on each other at the same time actually causes a great deal of chaos - which was a huge mess for the rest of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit to deal with. Now they just take their issues out on each other with their fists instead.


Eoin Colfer

Tha fuck you say?!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Eoin and Robert mostly find one another completely incomprehensible. Eoin speaks in a deliberately thick irish accent, or just straight up in gaelic, and so Robert feels compelled to respond in as thick of a chav accent as he can muster in return. It simply leads to even more chaos and confusion between them. The only thing they can bond over and work together on is bullying Anthony. Interestingly, Robert is able to possess both Eoin and his two fairies which causes endless chaos whenever it occurs.


Mark Walden

Whatcha get offa him?

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Mark and Robert both like to steal, and take great delight in stealing things from each other as a challenge to see who makes for the better thief. It can escalate quickly when they are both left unsupervised, and their fights have come close to getting physical - but have yet to go the whole way. Mostly they simply bicker and argue a lot. They are both perfectly fine with keeping their dynamic as it is and do not ever intend on becoming friends - but in a way Robert would say he does get on best with Mark out of all the boys at Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit.

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint