Tia Diodato



4 years, 4 months ago


Tia Dalia Diodato

Born: 1937

Age: 22 (Died in 1959)

Height: 5'3"

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ?????

Tia was practically a photocopy of Max mentally, and of Hannah physically. She and her brother Fred were the best of friends, and worked most jobs together. Including the job that got them killed. Tia and Fred were messengers and couriers for the family, running back and forth between their allies and either Richard or Max. Unfortunately, Gregor's Hellions never heard the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger." and they murdered Fred and Tia as a declaration that they would no longer associate with the Diodato family. The two men who killed them (The second in command and his brother, both brothers of Gregor.) were the two who found themselves in the basement with Maximilian, Hannah, and Donald.

Tia was cynical, un-trusting, but very charismatic. She always expected the worst out of folks she didn't know, and was pleasantly surprised if they turned out to be decent folks. She and Fred were very close, and she took the majority of the shots in an attempt to protect him. It wasn't until she was shot in the throat that she finally went down, and the last bullet in the six shooter went through Fred's heart.

As a ghost she first tries avoiding her mother, afraid that she'll just make her more upset. But she's spotted after Hannah comes up from the basement, covered in blood that isn't hers. Her eyes well up with tears and she walks up to her holey daughter. "I was afraid you'd moved on already." Hannah choked out. "There's no way I could have without seeing you first." Tia started to cry as well.

The ghosts in the manor can eventually move on, but many chose to stick around. There was one who simply faded out after years of being around the house against their will, but it's very uncommon, Harold is the only known case of fade out.