Fred Diodato



4 years, 4 months ago


Fred Ernesto Diodato

Born: 1938

Age: 21

Height: 5'5"

Orientation: Homosexual

Star Sign: ?????

Fred was a fairly well balanced blend of his mothers courteous nature, as well as his fathers cynical attitude. He and his sister Tia were the best of friends, and worked most jobs together. Including the job that got them killed. Tia and Fred were messengers and couriers for the family, running back and forth between their allies and either Richard or Max. Unfortunately, Gregor's Hellions never heard the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger." and they murdered Fred and Tia as a declaration that they would no longer associate with the Diodato family. The two men who killed them (The second in command and his brother, both brothers of Gregor.) were the two who found themselves in the basement with Maximilian, Hannah, and Donald.

Fred was courteous, honest, and observant, no small detail escaped his attention. He spent most his time either working, volunteering, or reading fantasy books, and was exceptionally popular both in school and around town. Most homeless folks in the area would seek him out for either advice or a job, but they knew better than to ask him for a handout. Fred looked up to his sister immensely and was mortified when she kept. getting. up. to take bullets for him. He still kicks himself for not making it out.

In death, he gave his mother space, never making the first move, but he did approach his father to help him pin down the bastards that killed him and his sister.
"Uh... hey pop." Fred said quietly from across his father's desk. Max jerked his head upward, seemingly shocked for a moment.
"Oh fuck me.. Fred?" Max stood from his desk. "I didn't expect you to materialize for a few days yet. What do you need bud?" His face softened.
Fred notably relaxed, his shoulders slowly lowering. "I hate to be the vengeful one... but do you want help pinning them down?" Fred ran his hand through his hair uncomfortably.
"You're not vengeful, and even if you were there'd be nothing wrong with that. Take a seat wherever, we've got some planning to do." Maximilian smiled deviously.
"You got it pop." Fred flew over the desk and hovered in the air next to his dad, helping him to mark locations on his map.