Newido (Her Entire Gaggle Of Kids)



She has seven kids and they're all gr8 for that deal making shit, I mean just look

actually don't, i'm only writing this for my further reference. thank tank for the link ur th best. From oldest to youngest:

Haspar - Aura sight - five eyes - 30 - theme: All About You - WARR!OR

Lucy (he a boy tho) - Retrocognition - triple tailend - 29

Vitis (named after insta noodles. and then grapes. grapesoup.) - Astral vision - double teeth - 27

Viscon(they're running out of ideas already) - Life vision - double wings - 25

Wiąz(that's a tree) - Boundary sight/manipulation - six fingers - 22

Mlodin- Premonition manipulation - double horns - 19

Maia- Vision/dream manipulation - 11