Madalantis island (Dragruin)



4 years, 4 months ago





Scientific NameServus est mortis
DietEveryone and everything
PowerFeels no pain, regenerating cells with parasitic properties
WeaknessRancorn horn, light magic


Dragruins have a strange power. After much debate about the source of its power, people have decided that it belongs in the bio power class. This power lets the dragruin attack without fear as it feels no pain and can still function even when parts of its body are mortally wounded. To make matters worse dragruins slowly regenerate their bodies over time and replace former vital organs with brand new ones. If they happen to have part of them severed, they can attach themselves to their enemy's open wounds and let their cells grow on the wound. This will result in the dragruin slowly taking over the enemy's body and will.


Dragruins have a ghostly appearance. They loosely resemble a dragon. They have red scales and big fins remsembling wings. They also have a large underbite with sharp fangs that protrude out and a lure in the shape of a red star. They also have black horns and two pairs of tail fins. Dragruins can reach varying sizes from three feet to twenty feet. The different sizes can be attributed to dragruins assimilating larger sea life for their regeneration.


Dragruins are specter social class emotibeasts with deadly personalities. They will wait for the right moment to attack and then lunge without mercy. They excel at bringing disaster to everywhere they go and despise the thoughts of harmony and peace. They believe a world filled with chaos is far better. Such philosophies have brought them plenty of enemies on the island.


Out of all the races affected by the red star cataclysm, dragruins got the biggest impact from it. Dragruins were deep sea fish which the red star affected in its explosion. They were the second closest species to the explosion. The blast obliterated them, but cell by cell they regenerated better than ever without having felt a thing from the blast. They felt as though they were ready to serve a higher purpose and made their home in the ancient Megalo Ruins. Thanks to all their merciless acts of violence and aggression dragruins have earned the title "servant of death". They follow the will of the Red Star directly serving as eyes and ears. It is said that that the Red Star can see through them and other members of the cataclysm. Dragruins in particular do not hesitate to storm the city recklessly braving through obstacle after obstacle until they make it through the founder's wall. When this happens the rancorns are called upon to dispose of them.


● For some reason, getting cut by a rancorn's horn will disintegrate them.

●  They also have a big weakness to light magic since it cancels out their power.

● They can feign death quite easily which makes it easy for a sneak attack.

●  A dragruin's teeth are sharp enough to harm a Gargasaur.

profile html by Hukiolukio