Cain/Beetull Island (Plushimp Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameToy Daemonium
DietFish, Smaller mammals
PowerDemonic/Plushie Morph, Bonesless, Grab Ghosts


Plushimps are proud mebers of the Morph Power class, they can choose between using a small compact plushie form, or unleash their power with a demonic form. Each of these demonic forms allows an enhanced sense or attribute depending on the type of plushimp.

Cubs are highly skilled plushimps that are considered perfect predators. They have a well balanced mix of speed, strength, and cunning.

Pups are known for their tracking. They have incredible senses of smell like a bloodhound.

Chicks are one of the flying plushimps. They are fast in the air and become thickly covered in feathers for defense.

Calves resemble small bovines and are the strongest plushimps.

Lambs are covered in thick hairy wool that lets it shrug off most attacks. Even blades can't get through all of its wool.

Hatchlings have the strongest biteforce of the plushimps. They have big toothy mouths can bite like a hippo or a crocodile.

Tadpoles are the fastest swimmers of the plushimps.

Larvae are a poisonous plushimp. They have venomous fangs that carry bee toxin in them.

Foals are the fastest plushimps with the most endurance as well.


Plushimps come in many varying forms, as well as colors. There's the calf class that looks like a humanoid cow, the Cub class which resemble a bear cat hybrid, with a curly mane and curly fluffy tail, the Pup class which have a stitched on nose, and a small poofy mane on their dog body, finally there's the Bat class, which resemble patchwork winged bats with little feet. All of these forms come in many color, but all seem to fall under pastel colors. These forms go under big changes when they morph in their demonic forms. All plushimps tend to have button like eyes, even when they transform, these button eyes are still present but now accompanied with a dark sclera.


Plushimps belong to the Feral social class, but have a very well organized society. They live at beaches, where they have set up their own houses and piers, which puts them in position to be very successful seafolk. Not only can they sail around the island for trade, that also makes them able to get around the entire island in mere days. Their ships are not advanced, many of them being just log rafts with makeshift sails, but nonetheless they handle sailing very well. Plushimps are also of course, very impish. They are born with a high level of sass, and are very blunt about how they feel about things. If angered, a plushimp won't hesitate to kill, many of them get in fights with themselves that end with death. Hybridization can lead to new plushimps. They are records of a berror plushimp with three legs, and also a rat plushimp with a shuriken tail.


Plushimps were once a very thriving community. Then Cain came to the island and became king. With Cain, came the social classing system, so Plushimps were now in the gutter now that they were Feral class. Many other races on the island would no longer trade with them, and soon their resources began to dwindle. They would always have a ready supply of food for community, but even then they lacked other resources now, like clothing, paper, and especially crafting materials. This soon created a housing shortage with the plushimps, and so some of them tried to move out into other territories on the island, which ended worse for them. Not only were Plushimps viewed as inferior Feral class emotibeasts, but some races saw them as something lower. Many plushimps who went out into different territories would be captured and then made into butlers, maids, slaves, even pets. Now Plushimps are very aggressive more than they ever have, and it only got worse when Cain started regulating their sailing routes, sending in his artificial beasts to watch over their ships, and go along with them sailing. Now handicapping their availability to sail and catch fish, the food supply is slowly getting less, still manageable, but in a few years, it may not. 


● Notable Plushimps include Cotton and his hybrid son, Roni.

● Plushimps are very vulnerable to fire, like Painequins they are very flammable.

● Plushimps absolutely love fish, sometimes its used for bartering 

● Cubs are the more rare of plushimp classes, only making up 10% of the plushimp population.

● There have been some cases of rainbow plushimps, these Plushimps usually recieve high praise and are highly sought after hunters for their pelts.

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