Madalantis island (Gargasaur)



4 years, 5 months ago





Scientific NameMagna sonitus cete
DietOther gargasaurs, locogos, strange liquids
PowerSonar and immense strength
WeaknessBig appetite


Another bio power class of Madalantis. It has immense strength due to its huge size and has the ultimate power for finding prey. Its recommended you never stand near a gargasaur as it bellows. The sound is loud enough to make you go deaf, and guttural enough to make your stomach turn. It uses this as a form of sonar which helps it pinpoint the location of everything in a 50 mile radius. Using this power leaves the gargasaur very hungry.


Gargasaurs live up to the name and are gargantuans of the watery depths. They reach 100 feet in size which outsizes the locogo, another watery giant by 70 feet. It sports blue and red colors and has stubby arms with large claws and big reptilian like legs. Its unclear if this creature is mammalian or reptilian but either way it requires air through its blowholse. A red star can be seen on their head with four nostrils to sniff out prey.


The gargasaur is a feral social class emotibeast. It has a very thick skull and small brain. Its appetite is huge making it an enigma of sorts. A creature this big needs a good source of food. Its even more confusing how they remain alive when they are carnivores. By all laws of biology the race should not be able to sustain itself, which it partially can't. The total gargasaur population is 83. It also doesnt help that some gargasaurs turn to cannibalism to lessen competition. Some say an outside force sustains them. Its easy to find a gargasaur in Madalantis from how loud they are. 


A product of the red star cataclysm. As the red star fell to the ocean depths it exploded, changing the fates of several creatures who once roamed the waters of Madalantis. Gargasaurs were once normal peaceful whales but after the explosion they became even bigger and louder. All whales have vestigial legs, this explosion merely triggered a primal devolution of sorts. They grew their legs as their arms shrank becoming a missing link of reptile and mammal. The transformation even affected their brain, which is why they act in such primal prehistoric behavior. They now roam a land known as Shipwreck wastes. Its a graveyard of sorts for sailors whose ships were destroyed by gargasaurs coming up for air. The gargasurs would take these ships down to their abyssal home and scour them for rations and food, even eating some of the sailors in the ship. 


● Gargasaurs love to rise up from the depths and eat a locogo in a single bite.

●  The strength of their dive creates a current that drags down everything with it.

●  The gargasaur head is as thick as steel.

● The gargasaur bellow can reach 180 decibels 

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