Orenji Tachibana



4 years, 7 months ago


 General Information ☀ 
Full Name: Orenji Tachibana (立花オレンジ- Tachibana Orenji)
Name meaning: Orenji - “orange” | Tachibana - “wild orange"
Hero Name/Epithet: “Zesty Hero; Marmalade”; Since a Marmalade is basically a treat that combines the use of all kinds of citrus fruits, Orenji thought the idea would be a perfect metaphor and a catchy description of himself and what his quirk essentially is.

Nicknames: Peach, Sour Patch (his boyfriend is only allowed to call him these two),  Pine-sol (Ronnie calls him this as a joke mainly)

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male, he/him
Orientation: Homosexual
Species: Human
Race: Japanese
Languages/Accents: Japanese (native language), some English

Age: 16
Birth Date: June 25th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Occupation: Student at U.A Highschool (Hero Course, previously in General Studies)
Class: 2-B




Height: 5'8" | 172 cm
Weight: 138 lbs | 62.6 kg

Skin Color:  Not very tan, but not very pale either for the most part
Birthmarks: The bright orange circles on both of Orenji's cheeks serve as very large birthmarks. He's also covered in mole-like birthmarks all over his body.
Hair color/length: Has messy, medium length bright orange hair with an undercut. Essentially a mullet that he maintains himself. He typically has it up into a ponytail.
Eyebrows: Has small, rounded eyebrows that are the same color as his hair.
Eye color: Grapefruit pink

Clothes: Loves wearing sporty type clothing (loose tank tops/shorts) in colors that match his quirk (oranges, pinks, and yellows). He's also a fan of cute loose summer clothing with lots of accessories! He's too shy to really step his game up fashion wise though.
Accessories/piercings: Has basic black studs in both earlobes. Also on his school uniform he typically loves adorning it in enamel pins that he often switches out. Also a big fan of wearing hand/arm wraps.  


 Health and Image

Fitness: While a bit on the thinner side, Orenji still has a decent amount in terms of muscle (mainly visible in his arms), however he does tend to lack a bit in strength compared to say his other classmates
Body type: Ectomorph
Left/Right handed: Right


Orenji is very much regarded as a troubled boy to everyone around him. He has an incredibly rude, abrasive, blunt personality and is absolutely loud about showing it. He's very much intolerable and unwilling to cooperate with others and isn't one to typically show kindness, he will not hesitate at all to call you a silly little insult to tease you. Anger and grumpy-ness is basically his focal point even if it is very much exaggerated 75% of the time in order to keep others from getting too close to him. He's very unlikable and he's fully aware of this, a lot of it is very much on purpose. He's a sour lemon by every sense of the definition.
However, as stated before Orenji is very much highly aware of himself. Much of the anger he produces is exaggerated on purpose as a sort of wall he's created for himself over the years. He is very much the type of person that hates being vulnerable by any sense of the definition, never wanting anyone to get too close to get to know him or potentially hurt him. He's very much always put himself in a position to be alone in his life due to his own tragic past. While beforehand in his life his anger was way more sporadic and violent and he has grown from that and simmered down thanks to getting help, unfortunately it has become a security blanket to continue to keep the act up. Orenji has always been insecure in himself and his abilities and is prone to being sad when no one is watching, and he sure doesn't want anyone to get close enough to exploit this fact. Deep down he has a desire to be happy and likable towards others and is prone to being jealous over that fact, he cant help but feel like he doesn't deserve a lot of good things that come his way due to how afraid of the outside world he can be.

Although, if by some miracle you manage to crack past his brooding personality, Orenji is surprisingly a sensitive person. While he can still be a bit of a grump as that's just how he is, he definitely is a lot more sensitive and insecure, very shy to smile around others, even to those he trusts. He struggles to show that he cares in a public setting, but in private he's much more loving and kind in a physical way more so than with words as he's bad at expressing himself. He can be very needy for positive attention and affection when he wants as it's all he's ever really longed for.
Overall Orenji is a very complicated boy who hopes to improve upon himself and get better someday.

Orenji is also regarded as a very intelligent person despite him not initially coming across as such. He's very good at finding solutions and solving problems quickly, and is regarded as one of the best in his class academics wise. He tends not to talk about his natural talent for this though and is very humbling of himself in regards to this.

Personality Quirks:
• He always looks down at the ground when he's walking so as to not look at others for the most part
• If he's genuinely having an angry fit, he will do little things that he was taught during his counseling sessions to keep himself in a decent headspace such as taking deep breaths or stimming with a pencil or a stress ball if he happens to have one in class
• He will always shake his head or puff his cheeks up and pout if he finds himself getting too embarrassed

Skateboarding: Skateboarding has always been a hobby Orenji has been passionate about! He's been doing it as young as 9 years old, starting it as a positive outlet to escape his home problems. It quickly became something he was very skilled at doing and it quickly became a comfort activity for him. He tends to always bring his skateboard on long walks and often goes to the skatepark by himself when he has free time to relax.
Pin and sticker collectingThis hobby is more of a recent thing he took up, but Orenji has always had a thing for liking cute small items, just so happening to focus more on pins and stickers as he loves to decorate things. He keeps a large neat pin collection in his dorms desks drawer and loves attaching them on his jackets and bags. The underside of his skateboard is also totally littered with all kinds of stickers under the sun.
Videogames While he wouldn't consider it something he's super passionate about, Orenji does love to play a lot of games, he gets rather competitive with it though.

Likes ❤ Orange, Pink, Yellow and Green | Stuffed animals | Roughhousing | Baggy clothes | Summertime | Amusement parks | Flavored waters | Goldfish | Arcades
Dislikes ✖ His smell being pointed out | Overly nice people | Wintertime | Most school festivities (ex. the school fesitival) | Group projects | Parties | Bugs | Pools (he cant swim)


Relationship Status: Taken by Finnagin Ito (RobotDotJpeg's oc)
Finn and Orenji's relationship started off in a totally unlikely scenario, Finn being the one to approach Orenji first in an attempt to try to make friends. In his typical tyrannical fashion Orenji tried his absolute best to scare off Finn with his attitude, but unlike most others, Finn just never seemed to let this stop him from doing anything. This surprised Orenji a lot, and despite his best attempts to stop it, Finn annoyed his way into befriending Orenji somehow (against his will anyways).
Whether Orenji liked it or not, the two became best friends. Orenji quickly found himself admiring Finn in more ways than one overtime; as much as he didn't want to admit, it didn't take him long to develop an absolutely embarrassing crush on him. He couldn't believe it himself, considering how hard he's tried to stay away from others his whole life. He unfortunately tried his hardest to fend off and hide his feelings for him as much as possible though, always finding himself to be insecure in their friendship in the sense that Finn shouldn't deserve to have someone like Orenji in his life. He's always admired how much of an absolute ray of sunshine he was and how up to the plate he was with his attitude compared to Orenji. He appreciated Finn spending time to make him happy more than he'd ever let him know.
Which is why it was more than a surprise to him when Finn admitted and reciprocated towards Orenji himself; as much of an unbelievable scenario that was for him, Orenji was glad that it all happened considering the relationship they're in now. Finnagin is essentially the only person Orenji is ever genuinely happy to be around, and is more than comfortable in his presence to the shock of most others that might see the pair together. While embarrassed to show any physical affection in public, it's still no secret that Orenji adores him despite his natural grumpy nature. 

Kirika Tachibana (alive)
Quirk: Lemon- The user's blood is pure lemon juice which they can secrete only by being cut
Orenji's mother is an exhausted office worker at a big hero insurance company. She's a very angry, quick to annoy woman, and isn't afraid to speak her mind and be blunt about anything. Kirika was overall a pretty mediocre mother to Orenji, even in the rare moments where she was home from work, she would very much ignore his existence and let him fend for himself. She had no problem letting him know he was a stress in her life. Now that they dont live together anymore, Kirika only seems to want to check up on him once in a blue moon. The two are basically estranged from each other at this point. 

Hassaku Tachibana (alive)
Quirk: Orange punch- The user can expel orange juice from their hands in a strong hose-like fashion
Hassaku is a man living in the shadow of his former self. He used to be a sidekick working in a hero agency, but he was quickly forced to resign due to his absolutely unbearable attitude towards everyone he worked with. As he was fired from his dream job not too long after Orenji's birth he quickly became depressed and angry at the world. He became a stay at home father, and, much like Orenji's mother, never seemed to pay any mind towards their son. He's a very brooding man and has no issue getting physical with others. He's a lot more estranged to Orenji compared to his mother is, and is honestly jealous that he's proving to be more of a hero than he himself ever was during his time as one. Orenji's glad they don't seem to talk anymore for the most part.

Hanako Satsuma (alive- current legal guardian)
Quirk: Grapefruit- The user can secrete grapefruit juice from their body
Unlike Orenji's parents, Hanako's attitude towards the world is very bright and kind. Taking the role of being a parent by taking in Orenji really has been a breath of fresh air in his life. Unlike his parents treatment towards him, his aunt has been his number one supporter in his life. Hanako understands to be patient with his attitude, and is very understanding of his boundaries. However she cant help but want to let him know how much she loves him anyways, and is absolutely the embarrassing aunt that will spoil him senseless.
Hanako lives in a cute little house a ways from the city, making ends meet by making and selling soaps and essential oils by using her quirk! When she's not busy she tries her very hardest to make sure she sees all of Orenji's big public training events to cheer him on. She just wants to see him grow up and succeed, and Orenji is more than grateful for her and loves everything she does for him. He very much regards her more as a mom at this point than his own biological one. 

Friends: N/A
«Unfortunately the sad reality is Orenji really doesn't have a lot of friends and doesn't consider himself to be someone with friends. He finds himself to be in a room full of nothing more than acquaintances for the most part.»
Ronnie Carter (Class 2-B Member)
Much like with Finn, Ronnie loves to try to constantly annoy Orenji, acting like they're both good buddies when in reality they aren't and Orenji finds his antics annoying. However, he puts up with him the best his can considering Ronnie is friends with Finn himself and they all have to be in the same space together sometimes.

Luke Marshall (Class 2-B Member)
Luke doesnt seem to care much for Orenji, but Orenji does seem to tolerate him considering Luke is always hanging around Ronnie. Although, he does find him just as annoying as Ronnie considering Luke loves to feed off of Ronnie's behavior which can result in Luke trying to poke at Orenji's attitude in the same way.

Kiyoshi Mayonaka (Class 2-B Member)
Orenji doesn't really care for Kiyoshi much but he can very much tell Kiyo does not like him by any sense of the word. Orenji definitely has hit a wrong nerve with him by using his typical teasing insults that he uses towards everyone in the class and he can tell that very clearly due to how actively he tries to avoid him.

Ayami Akira (Class 2-B Member)
Funny enough, as much as he doesn't try to show it, Orenji is actually somewhat afraid of her. Ayami's absolute powerhouse attitude along with her overall appearance scares him slightly. He definitely tries to avoid her or avoid training with her by any means possible.

Brooklyn Lawson (Class 2-B Member)
While the two have barely interacted with each other, he'd be lying if he said he hasn't tried to take advantage of her absolutely gullible attitude at least once. He finds it very funny.

«Honestly for a majority of the rest of the class, Orenji doesn't really seem to have strong opinions or interactions regarding the rest of them. He can tell they actively tried to avoid him and his angry antics, and he's very aware of this, and cant blame them for doing so.»

Katashi Seishin (Class 2-B Member)
Katashi is very much the only member of the class he has a huge bone to pick with. Orenji knows how much Katashi hates his guts, and he himself cannot stand how hard Katashi tries to fight back his attitude, as nine times out of ten it only fuels the fire more. Orenji knows Katashi thinks he is undeserving of being in the class, and as much as Orenji thinks this way of himself, it very much hurts hearing it be said out loud by someone else like that. Orenji really has no problem escalating any sort of fights between them, and hopes to prove his opinion wrong about what's what regarding becoming a hero (even if his intentions are somewhat based on being better than him in every aspect out of spite)



 Quirk + Costume

Quirk Name: Citric Acid
Type: Emitter
Description: All of the user's bodily fluids contain citrus acid, the potency of said acid differing depending on where it comes out of the body, in this case the most potent being from the sweat and saliva.
Fighting Style:  Uses a mix of both close and distance based combat but mainly relies on long distance.

• Orenji is totally immune to any sort of lower potency acid
• His quirk makes an extremely good irritant when aimed at an opponents eyes and opens wounds
• Orenji mainly relies on chemical reactions installed into his hero costume to help strengthen the deadliness of his quirk. Citric acid is extremely flammable, so as a result he loves to use fire in combination with his quirk to cause more damage
• His acid can also be combined with a baking soda substance to create pure carbon dioxide gas, which when used in the right situation, he can use to cause adverse harmful affects to his opponents. The co2 in turn also makes his fire based attacks way more affective, he could even make things explode in enclosed spaces with it if he wished.

• While not really a fighting weakness, he cant taste citric acid whatsoever, it's totally bland
• He becomes dehydrated extremely quickly the more he pushes himself to use his quirk, he can easily cause himself to pass out due to lack of water in his system
• He has to regularly take vitamin supplements in order to ensure he even gets the right amount of vitamins in his system after overusing his quirk so much
• Unfortunately, without the aid of his hero equipment, it is very hard for Orenji to catch up to speed with the others. Even still his quirk cant really be regarded as "impressive", necessarily. As a result Orenji must push himself to be very fast and quick witted as well as being very good at physical hand to hand combat
• If he's against an opponent with heightened senses he'd be very easy to find due to how strong his lemon scent is

Power: 3/5 C
Speed: 4/5 B
Technique:  4/5 B
Intelligence: 5/5 A
Cooperativeness:  1/5 E

Hero Costume/Equipment:
The mask Orenji wears serves as protection as well as a device that collects his spit as disgusting as that sounds. Inside the mask are two tiny tubes he sticks into the corners of his mouth that collect it (think of it like the tool they use at the dentists office but with more mobility capabilities). The tubes connected to his mask connect to a cannister on his arms which serve as a sort of shooting device, allowing him to shoot out the acid he collects from himself and/or whatever chemical reaction he's able to produce with it, such as fire.
• His mask also protects him from directly breathing in any carbon dioxide gas as well as protecting him from fire.
• The cannisters on his arms also contain a baking soda mixture as well as a lighter that he can control and use at will with his acid via special buttons on the gloves he wears.
• His entire outfit is anti flammable and is designed to be warm so he can sweat more. The cannisters do also have the ability to pick up and absorb his sweat to collect and use if need be.


Life for Orenji growing up for the most part was extremely tough for him. Orenji was the result of his own parents irresponsibility (and a sort of attempt to try to bring happiness to their already miserable lives) and as a result had to deal with paying the consequence for a life he didn't even ask to begin with. For as long as he could remember Orenji just remembers his home life as nothing but an uphill battle against his parents every waking moment of his day. His parents overall just never seemed to care much for him, or even encourage him along with his accomplishments growing up, even for something as major as his quirk manifesting. They were extremely neglectful and very uncaring of him for the most part, and Orenji had to quickly learn from a young age to take care of himself properly (learning to make his own food, getting ready for school in the morning, etc.).  Unfortunately these weren't the only circumstances he faced either. Having to grow up with ill patient parents was like walking around a mine field for him. Violent fights between his parents were a common occurrence that he had to witness daily, as well as having to endure his own share of fights and sometimes physical punishments over the most mundane things.
Growing up in an environment where he was not cared about nor loved by anyone quickly began to set the course for him down an ill shaken ground mentally for sure.

Over the years, with having literally no one to turn to and no healthy ways of coping with his surroundings, Orenji unfortunately grew to copy his parents tyrannical behavior, developing an extreme sense of anger as a way to help protect and shield himself from being hurt. It didn't take him long to start violent fights with other children at school, frustrated fits were a common occurrence for him that would often get him suspended at school. Which, of course in tern would result in angry punishments from his parents back at home.
He really had no one else to turn to at the end of the day. He was considered a bully and and outcast most of his early pre-k to middle school years, so it's not like he had any friends. Insecurities and having to deal with so many negative emotions was something no one his age should've had to go through. Orenji really couldn't help the way he felt; he was always so used to being so scared and alone, he didn't know how else to direct his feelings towards the world other than to bottle it up into rage.

Eventually his outbursts at school became so bad that he was required to go to a counselor that he started speaking to after school regularly, which really did help him and was a big turning point for him in the long run. While he did start to develop healthier coping skills and mechanisms and overall totally stopped his violent outbursts, it still could never really seem to totally diminish Orenjis now set in stone grumpy defense mechanism. Being so late in middle school now though, he was proud of himself for at least maturing a little bit. Even if he did still taunt his classmates.
At this point in time though, now that he was getting older, his fights at home with his parents seemed to be getting worse and worse. When Orenji wasn't actively avoiding his folks at home, they were all fighting, Orenji getting the blunt end of the stick in terms of it all. Meanwhile at school things didn't really seem to change either. He was very much used to being outcasted and feared by others at this point. The rumors and comments he heard about himself daily hurt, but, he tried to remain focused on a goal he started to set himself in mind for; graduating and enrolling into courses at U.A highschool's general studies program. Being a hero wasn't always Orenji's initial goal at first- he wanted to work extremely hard and get exemplary grades, enough to be able to get out and away from his parents to make himself a something out of nothing in his life. As much as Orenji had a crippling outward hatred for himself and the world around him, he didn't want his anger to boil over into keeping him down forever. Becoming his parents, essentially, is the absolute last fate he wants for himself. At the end of the day, all he wants is to be happy.

Working hard and having the intellect Orenji naturally boasted it didn't take much at all for him to be able to get into U.A's General Studies program with his outstanding grades. He was extremely proud of himself, and now being graduated from middle school and going into summer break, he was looking forward for what his future ahead of him was going to be like once classes started. However, now that he was stuck in the house all summer, and with the way things have been going downhill regarding his abuses in the Tachibana household it proved to be far too much for him to handle. After countless horrible fights between his parents and himself, Orenjis parents seemed totally done with their son; he was approached by them both one day being forced to pack his things absolutely unprompted.
While it was a plan the pair have had for a while unknowing to Orenji, they simply just had no room to tolerate their son anymore, and finally decided it was time to drop him off to live with his aunt, Hanako. As absolutely heartbroken and hurtful it felt for Orenji having to be dumped and disowned by his parents so suddenly, at the same time, he couldn't help but feel relief for it. It felt nice to be in a calmer environment now, and it was all the more exciting knowing he was starting a new life at a new school soon. He was very much elated.

Soon enough his first semester at U.A began, and Orenji was having a better time fending off for himself. Sure he was still regarded as the unlikable bully, but, he genuinely was doing far off better than he anticipated. Being in such a prestigious school and seeing all of these things going on there inspired him to do better for sure; he certainly didn't expect seeing the hero course to inspire him as much as it did though.
Considering the school is known for it's hero course, of course seeing and hearing about everything they did was a normal occurrence for him. The idea of it was something he couldn't really seemed to get his mind off of. The whole idea of doing remarkable things every day, living such an outstanding life, and mainly; having people love you and look up to you for being you was something that really stood out to him. The longer Orenji was in this building, the longer the urge to get into those courses lingered for him. But, his own insecurities and lack of skill definitely was a setback for him at first.

Long story short, with the help of a lot of loving encouragement from his aunt to overcome his worries and insecurities, taking his own time to train himself in his busy schedule as well as maintaining his high grades, he was eventually able to get himself to be at a point to impress and convince the schools higher up staff to be transferred into the hero course. It was honestly such a stressful experience for him but it was something that ultimately in the end he was grateful he did. Sure, he's still in a spot of being seen as a negative force and he still needs to work on his own personal struggles and issues, but, he's absolutely not going to let this stop him from his initial goal he had growing up- being proud of himself and living a good life for once.

Headcanon voice (N/A rn)  ✖  Spotify Playlist  ✖  
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Date of Creation: February 10th, 2020

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