Wooley Locklear



4 years, 2 months ago


Wooley Daniel Locklear, AKA Mammoth

Born: 1941

Age: 17 (1958)

Height: 6'2

Orientation: Bisexual

Star Sign: ??????

Luke was in Washington, visiting the Diodato family before the two families were enemies. While there, he ran into a lanky native american kid.
He was 50% Nisqually and clearly out of place among the homeless folks in Olympia. Luke offered to bring him back to New York.
Being a drifter with no real home, he was totally on board. Went back with Luke to New York and helped patch him and Chuck up anytime they got into trouble.

Luke founded the Golden Colubrids the following year, and Wooley was very concerned about the health of the street brats they'd brought on board.
So naturally he started taking care of them too.

Wooley is typically quiet and shy, but he's not nervous around strangers.
He HATES seeing his family of misfits fight with one another and will do his best to break things up peacefully, even picking up both parties by their coats if need-be.
He tends to be the mediator and shoulder to cry on for the rest of the kids in their crew, he's actually really easy to talk to despite his intimidating height.

Few people have actually seen him with his hair pulled back completely, as usually his bangs are draped over his eyes.
Typically he only does so in anticipation of having to fight, and believe me he hates to fight-
Though some have seen him with his reading glasses on, or have needed some serious medical care and he needed to get his hair out of the way.