Amichai Werther



4 years, 1 month ago


Amichai Werther
  • Name meaning “My people are alive”
  • Age 48
  • Gender Nonbinary (he/they)
  • Birthday February 29, 1996
  • Height 187 cm / 6'2"
  • Nationality German (Hessian)
  • Alignment True Neutral - “The Balanced”
  • Occupation Shepherd
  • religious beliefs Reform Judaism
  • Handedness Left-handed
  • Orientation Pan + t4t only
  • music hate dance + Alvermans Wraak + Ruumiinmultaa
“The Original Caramel-flavoured Shepherd”
„Es war Claudia, die darauf bestanden hat, dass wir einen Hund kaufen. Schlimmer noch, sie hat es hinter meinem Rücken gekauft. Wenn du sie siehst, vergiss nicht, sie für mich zu rügen, einverstanden? Sieh doch, wer ihn jetzt spazieren führen muss...“
― Amichai Werther

Amichai (also called Ami) is Anselm’s father and Claudia’s partner. Originally a history major demotivated by his bad grades and anxiety, he followed Claudia in her crazy idea to become shepherds.

Amichai is very grumpy and doesn’t like “loud” animals, especially dogs… but they made an exception for Lotte, the German Shepherd (what a clever pun, I know) Claudia bought behind their back, at Anselm’s request. Now they are best buds. Sheep, on the other hand, were never a problem to them. Watching over them, far away from everything else, actually soothes them.

Ami is also a big symphonic and folk metal enthusiast. Every occasion is a good occasion to listen to some. Yes, Claudia, it even makes a good lullaby for baby Anselm! Amichai might have tried to start a band with some friends back when they were “young and stupid”, but shh, don’t tell anyone. Their old band shirts are well hidden in their dresser now.

Amichai knows how easily flustered Anselm is. They like to tease their son about many things, especially being straight; that’s something that, according to them, “hasn’t happened in the family since generations”. Actually, Amichai is always messing with Anselm over silly stuff (like the fact that he doesn't like caramel or how he doesn't want to be a shepherd), as they have trouble saying and showing people they cares for them.

A short time before the events of Flying Popcorn, Anselm’s mysterious disappearance (actually due to time travel gone wrong) led Amichai to believe he died, and feel terrible about not having been able to tell their son how much he actually loved them.

Despite his rough exterior (Manari doesn’t find him intimidating for nothing), Amichai is good at baking and knitting, and also enjoys tea, although he is by no means a specialist. Additionally, he enjoys vanilla-scented stuff. Like candles. And Claudia.


  • Amichai prefers people to use masculine titles over gender-neutral titles to refer to them. This includes Anselm; they are his father specifically, not only their parent.
  • They have two mothers.
  • They chose the name Amichai for themselves to reconnect with their heritage in a way their deadname didn't.
  • They used to be Bobby's penpal during their teenage years, but the two of them have since then lost contact.
  • Their favourite bands are Korpiklaani and Arkona.
  • Their own band was named "Einsame Amseln", a folk metal band themed around the forces of nature; they mainly played the guitar and wrote some lyrics for it.

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