
4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Full Name:

Rem Sanae








175 lbs

Date of Birth:

December 15, 1940

Spouse (Formerly):

Cessa Somnium

Parents (Deceased):

Ethan Sanae, Truci Sanae


Spook Somnium, Corydon Somnium




   Cirem struggles with her past life on a daily basis. Since she was a young child she'd always had trouble letting go of grudges, spite and guilt. She is extremely irritable, lashing out at anything or anyone if she reaches her limit. She tries to distract herself from her past and enjoy herself when she has time to spare. When she encounters the one she hates most, Cessa Somnium, she attempts to cause him as much pain as possible, regardless of whether or not she causes herself pain in the process. She wants her grudges and hatred gone, fast and as soon as possible. Her mental health has been steadily declining, she convinces herself that she is right and everyone else is wrong, convincing her otherwise is a waste of time and effort. If her father is ever mentioned to her, there is no telling how she will react or what she will do.

   Rem Sanae was born into a loving home, the only child of Ethan and Truci Sanae. She lived happily with her parents for the first 6 years of her life before everything was ruined. Truci Sanae died tragically in a car crash, leaving her and her father alone in the world. The loss of Truci had drastic effects on Ethan as a person, upon losing her mother Rem had also lost her father. A barrier seemed to form between her and father, he became more and more cruel, a man who Rem feared. Even as a young girl Ethan was tough on her, if anything she did was inadequate in the slightest her father would be brutally honest, as if he was trying to hurt her feelings. Rem needed constant reassurance and approval from those around her, she was unhappy with herself and the way she acted and looked. Her father controlled every aspect of her life when she was young. What she wore, how she talked, what she ate, who she spoke to. Rem moved from home to home, city to town until she and her father settled in the town of Willow Creek due to business. Ethan often took Rem to his depressing place of work, a place that exploited children and made them work for up to 16 hours at a time. It was there where she met Cessa Somnium, one of the many children employed at the factory. The two took notice of each other quickly, they began to talk regularly and see each other during the few hours of freedom they had. Rem was fascinated with this boy from a different world, a boy who had to care for himself and make his own choices. Unsure of his future, no father to control him. Rem pined for a life like that, a life of total freedom and no expectations. Her father eventually put a stop to them meeting, believing that Cessa wasn't even worthy to lick the dirt off of his boots. Rem spent the rest of her childhood in school and at home in fear of her father, who wanted her to marry a rich man and become a mother.

Teenage Years:
   During her teenage years Rem's insecurities only worsened. She felt terrified of the responsibilities she would have as an adult, the duty of becoming a mother. All of her friends were like her, raised by their rich fathers, their lives controlled by their parents with the goal of marrying rich men and having children. Rem hated her life at that point, she never stopped thinking of breaking free from her father's control. Ethan would often vanish for days at a time on business ventures and return home in a furious frenzy, he would wake Rem mid sleep and berate her with insults, expectations and judgement. Nothing she could do would satisfy him. It was by chance that she would meet Cessa Somnium again, who worked at a coffee shop near the center of town. After noticing him working there the first time, she had no idea whether or not he'd recognized her. She would return regularly to the shop, looking at him when she thought his back was turned, wondering what his life had been like up to this point. She wondered where he lived and what he was doing in life, if he was still the same free man as he was when she'd met him as only a boy. Eventually, he approached her, he had recognized her after all of those years. The two started meeting again, they would fall in love. Cessa shared his entire life with Rem, Rem shared hers with him in turn. The two were perfect for eachother, Cessa became the role model of her life, the person who she felt safe and wanted around. Cessa shared his ability to Dreamleap with her, granting her access to the Contingentplane. This new realm of reality was a place where she had no responsibilities and no authorities. Her reality took the form of a massive city, similar to the places her father would take her to during business ventures. The city was full of danger, adventure and romance. A place where she and Cessa would spend their entire nights. Once her father eventually found out about her and Cessa it was far too late, they were connected through an entire plane of existence that the man lacked the capacity to even fathom. Cessa shared his dreams of starting a family with Rem, his dreams of becoming a father. The thought of it terrified Rem yet she was equally afraid to tell Cessa that she had never wanted children. Notable dreams and nightmares Rem had during this time: A shady man with four arms by the name of Captor who kidnapped and threatened her before she was saved by Cessa. A large man, similar to a business colleague of her father's who had always frightened her of the same name, Gris. A massive doll named Betty, a nightmare had when she and Cessa watched a horror film in the theater. 
Early Adulthood:
   To the dismay of her father, Rem and Cessa got married. The two moved in with eachother after Cessa landed a job as a contractor. Her father distanced himself from her and Cessa, wanting no part in the family Rem would start with what he viewed as a filthy drifter who was good for nothing. Eventually, the time came to have a child with Cessa. At the age of 19 Rem would become pregnant, she would give birth to her firstborn son, Corydon Somnium, at the age of 20. When he was a young child, Rem felt extremely overwhelmed by the constant cries of the young Corydon, Cessa's absence during the day didn't help matters either. She felt depressed with the state of her life which had once been so free and full of happiness, wonder and freedom. Rem told Cessa that she'd only wanted one child, to which Cessa agreed. By accident, at the age of 21 Rem would become pregnant once more. She gave birth at the age of 22 to her daughter, Spook Somnium. She now had the stress of raising two children, mostly on her own. She would frequently have nervous breakdowns and have trouble caring for her children. The time she spent with Cessa was still full of love and support, yet she felt grudges growing inside of her. She hated what he was becoming, she began to notice similarities between Cessa and her father. Both men wanted her to be a mother, and now she was. She had thoughts of going to her reality and never returning, thoughts that appealed to her more and more as the days progressed. Though Rem never wanted to be a mother, she still tried her hardest to do it well. She grew a bond with Corydon, who she and Cessa helped learn about his reality and the Contingentplane. The three of them had good memories with each other, the bad simply outweighed the good. Rem saw much of Cessa in Corydon, a determined, smart boy with a kind heart. Her relationship with the young Spook was very different. She saw much of herself in her daughter, a thought that haunted her deeply. Rem tried to share a lot of her life with Corydon, including a special place where she would go when she needed to think, Cessa's old shack in the woods, the place where they fell in love. It was a place that was important to her, it held some of her best memories. One day, at the age of 25, Rem received a call from the hospital informing her that her father had suffered a stroke. With Cessa absent at the moment, the terrified Rem decided to face the man one last time before he would hopefully die. The confrontation was heartbreaking for both involved, as Ethan realized his mistakes in neglecting his family, Rem refused to forgive him. 
   The encounter with her father had been the last thing she'd needed in her life at that point in time, as she drove home she made a decision: she would return to the hospital on the next day and suffocate Ethan Sanae in his sleep. The thought of it satisfied her, putting an end to the curse that had caused her so much pain, doubt and self hatred for all of her years. She returned home and told Cessa of her plan, believing that he held the same hatred for the man as she did. When Cessa tried to talk her out of it, she felt as though she didn't know him anymore. He'd sided with her greatest enemy, he wanted to deny her the best chance she had at finally snuffing out the demons of her past. She snapped, lashing out at Cessa in a violent confrontation. She left her home in a maddened fit of rage, returning to the place where the man she'd once loved gave her access to the Contingentplane, the world that she'd loved so much. She decided that she would abandon her life in the Neutralplane, she wanted to stay in her reality for the rest of her days. Before she would leave and never return, she had one final loose end to tie up. As she conspired against her father, planning to go through with killing him, Corydon had found her, believing that he could bring his mother back home. Knowing she couldn't let Corydon free now that he'd found her, she took him, tied him up and left him in the shed as she went to try and finish off her father. She arrived at the hospital to the news that he had died in his sleep, news that filled her with even more fury and hatred. She had been denied the chance to choke the life out of him herself. She took Corydon to an undisclosed location where the two would be able to stay hidden, Corydon crying and struggling all the while. She and her son would spend the rest of their lives within the Contingentplane, lives of pain, suffering, vengeance and hatred.
30s to 40s (Pre Twisted Reality):
   Cirem changed her name because she grew to hate the name Rem, the name that everyone she hated would call her. After having kidnapped her son, she left him in his reality most of the time where he couldn't disrupt and disturb her. She tried living out her life as one of the carefree citizens of Los Remeia, the city of lights that made up the better part of her reality. Eventually, she killed the creatures who she'd encountered time and time again with Cessa, the monsters called Gris and Captor. After realizing that Cessa had been in her reality, snooping around trying to find her, she realized that he wouldn't leave her alone. He wanted to find her and control her just like her father had, he wouldn't and couldn't let her go. Her hatred of Cessa grew more and more until she'd had enough. Using the pieces of Gris, Captor and several other mechanisms and machines, she would create the first prototype of Tresn. Tresn was meant to be cruel, brutal, deadly and hateful. He was designed to do all of the dirty work that Cirem couldn't manage. Eventually Cirem would learn of Spook's reality, as well as the reality of a mysterious stranger that was next to Spook's. Cirem had Tresn inspect and search through the two new realities. She sent Tresn after Cessa first, upon his failure she then sent him after Spook on a retrieval mission. After Tresn had failed a second time, she felt as though Tresn needed to be improved. As she worked and spent time with Tresn, she failed to notice that the mother in her would come out when she was around Tresn, her only creation she would show no shame in making. When improving Tresn, she gave him the ability to speak and walk on two legs. She made him less brutal and mindless, giving him a cunning mind with a sharp memory. The capacity to learn and grow just like any other living thing. She had Tresn rip apart every resident of Los Remeia, Tresn would tear the city to shreds. As Corydon grew older within his own reality (which unusually allowed him to age), Cirem tried to find purpose for her son, deciding that he wasn't suffering quite enough. Eventually mysterious monsters of unknown origin began appearing, which Tresn was able to overpower and use for Cirem's own purposes. Firstly there was Watcher, a dark humanoid monster with blinding white eyes. It moved quickly and silently, allowing for an easy and efficient kill. Secondly, Magisni. A small stone carving which, while not threatening in the slightest, was useful for exposing the location of wandering fools who walked through The Gateway. Thirdly, The Puppeteer, a massive rotting man who used strings to control living things as though they were puppets. Finally, Tentoria, a colossal jellyfish capable of scorching worlds into oblivion. Using The Puppeteer's strings and methods of torture, Tresn was able to turn this massive threat into a weapon. Through The Puppeteer, Cirem found a suitable method of torture for Corydon. Cirem had Tresn fashion an outfit that matched The Puppeteer's, Tresn took the liberty of stitching Corydon's mouth shut and replacing his eyes with buttons. Corydon was reduced to a puppet, of which The Puppeteer would refer to as "Jester". As Cirem grew as a threat, Cessa grew to match her. Tresn told her of his encounters with an undead deer, a bipedal beast with razor sharp claws, and most frighteningly, a massive living oak tree which even Tresn failed to overpower. Interestingly, it was The Puppeteer who told Cirem of a monstrous totem which had attacked him and Tresn. Cirem was left to wonder why it hadn’t been Tresn who informed her of this. As extra measures of defense, Cirem had Tresn create numerous contraptions and machines which could be used to locate, deter or lure Cessa or Spook to Tresn. Tresn made 12 machines dedicated to hunting down Cessa, each of which required organs of living things to function. Eventually, Tresn needed to create a being capable of leading Spook to him, it would need intelligence, authentic organs and an authentic brain. The brain of a living thing that originated from the Neutralplane. Cirem was well aware of the presence of Fido Tenacity, who she decided would be suitable for the creature.

Other Stories Featuring This Character:
TTR: City of Light