Esther Orloff



4 years, 20 days ago


Basic Information

Name: Esther Orloff
Nicknames: Essy, Easter, Egg
Age: 20
Gender/Sex: Female
Job: Janitorial
Sweet: Mignon Egg

Personal Information/Background

Height: 168 cm / 5’ 6”
DOB: 1st of October

* Long, slightly wavy hair, usually done up in braids
* Milky white skin
* Round eyes
* Chubby

* Chickens
* Braiding hair
* All kinds of nuts
* Frilly clothing and Lolita style
* Dolls
* Sewing
* Making people laugh

* Ketchup
* Boring clothes
* Injections
* Making a bad first impression
* Being called “Humpty Dumpty”
* Meat (she can’t eat her friends)
* Winning

* Elevators  - She lived in a small town with the tallest building being 3 stories  high, she has had minimal exposure to elevators and is wary of them. She  refuses to step into one.


Cheerful - Outgoing - Caring - Friendly - Selfless - Playful - Careless - Self-conscious - Non-competitive - Non-confrontational

Esther  is a girl who exudes warm energy. She seems to always take everything  with a smile and look for the bright side of any situation. Raised in a  small town where everybody knew each other, she doesn’t shy away from  talking to strangers. To her, they are just friends she hasn’t gotten to  know yet. She’s the mom friend, always taking care of the people close  to her, cooking for them if they are hungry, listening their worries and  cheering them up. She often puts other people’s happiness before her  own, but if people around her are happy, she is too. With friends and  family her playful nature will manifest in exaggerated gestures like  almost fainting when told no.Despite her caring nature, she  isn’t actually very careful. Esther is the type to go with the flow and  worry later. This means she’s prone to mistakes, but that only made her  better at covering for those mistakes instead of paying more attention  to what she’s doing. She won’t sweat the small stuff. She also fights  with her body image, and is ashamed of her tummy and thick thighs. To  her, that’s not small stuff. She deals with personal problems by not  thinking about them and throwing herself into helping others, which has a  tendency to bite her in the butt eventually. She has zero  competitiveness in her and will be happier if somebody else than her  wins, she feels guilty for taking that feeling from somebody else. She  will lose on purpose to avoid it. She will avoid upsetting others to the  end and takes it hard on herself if she does.


Esther  is the third born child of Nicolai and Sophie Orloff. Due to her father  being an established author and mother a gallery owner, all children of  the Orloff family were encouraged to express themselves from an early  age, be it drawing, painting, writing, or something else they found to  be their passion. For Esther, that was clothes. Despite them living in  the remote town of Kompia, she established her sense of style early on,  wearing clothes covered in frills and sprinkles. Ever since her mother  taught her to sew, she hasn't stopped making most of her own clothes  herself and modifying the rest.

After a  peaceful childhood in Kompia, Esther was struck with a serious case of  wanderlust. She knew that Tanim was the center of all the interesting  things, so naturally, she wanted to be there. It didn't help that in her  hometown there weren't that many candies who shared her passion for  fashion. After high school she worked a half a year as a seamstress,  begging for her parents to let her fly from the nest and move to the big  city. They finally agreed, with the conditions that mom would visit her  every week as she was visiting her gallery for work, and Esther got a  job in the city before she moved in. At first, she didn't  even know where to start. She had only been in the Tanim city for a few  times, so finding a job would be hard. She was just about to give up,  when she heard that the esteemed Dulcet Laeta factory was hiring. She  submitted her application right away. Janitorial was the only position  she qualified for but at least it's a job!


Powers: Eggshell skin
Her skin has two layers: pale top layer and brown bottom layer. The  top layer of her skin is hard but fragile like an egg shell, and the  bottom layer is soft and works as a shock absorber. Together they work  like tough skin and she can take a lot of blunt strikes and it's hard to  cut, but a force focused on a small area makes the white layer of her  skin crack. It takes a while to heal back into a solid layer. This makes  taking injections terrible but she could probably survive a car crash  with minor internal injuries due to her skin taking the brunt of the  force.

Skills and strengths:
* Social butterfly
* She's a fast learner and has a good memory
* Sews well

* Puts other people before herself, even if it puts her in a worse position
* Chatty to the point of annoying
* Good enough-attitude

* She’s a vegetarian and doesn’t eat meat. Still has eggs and milk though.
*  Her and her siblings have several nicknames for each other, some ruder  than others. She only accepts being called Eggy by her brother and  sisters, and even then she's usually called that when she's done  something to annoy them
* She speaks fluent Nord F-dialect, and she uses it frequently with her father and siblings