Mitch Morales



3 years, 11 months ago


world’s buffest gamer. mitch is both a video game streamer, and a powerlifter. sometimes simultaneously. he’s a good friend of marsh’s, a bit like an adoptive daughter of sorts. despite spending most of his time at the gym and being manastalker professionally, he’s a dictionary definition dork. snorting while he laughs level dork. he’s extremely excitable, and often gets carried away because of it, only to get embarrassed. practically anything can embarrass him at this point. he’s a passionate person, but only behind closed doors. a bit too humble for his own good, he supposes! secretly though, he would love to be reassured.
despite being a little shy, he certainly has a lot of friends. he claims it’s because he simply has a lot of friend-of-friend connections, but that would discredit how easy he is to get along with — he’s a genuinely sweet person, even if he can be a bit awkward.