Scott Puglia (Personality)



Stubborn and the type to be direct with someone, telling them exactly what he thinks both good and bad, Scott might not have the best personality for someone who works constantly on the internet like he does but he knows better than to be an outright jerk. An unintentional one? Maybe. However even that is more on a case by case basis when interacting with him. Scott isn't exactly a man of many words and hasn't ever been really. Opting more to just do things and either apologize later or get whatever he was working on done? Scott's motto is very much in the camp of actions not words. Although even if it were the latter there might be an issue give his propensity to be a rather slow and plodding speaker. Taking seemingly twice as long to say something with half as many words. Scott knows better to get into a fight that he has no skin in but that doesn't mean he is at all a push-over. You push him and he pushes back; hard. Among his minor fan-base he has something of a reputation of being someone who doesn't sugarcoat when something or someone is awful but in that same breath he will give kudos where it is due and while some might not like how he trashes something they like. Give him enough reason and time and he can find something of worth in a lot of things. In person however? Scott tends to keep to himself. Very much a closed book where only a few people have been lucky enough to see the title. However despite his habit not to pull verbal punches he tends to be a fairly nice guy when he talking to someone face-to-face where his tone is a lot nicer sounding than it might be in the cold feel of just text.