Fumnanya Oogami



3 years, 11 months ago


Role: Chapter 3 first killed

Age: 21

Pronouns: She/Her (trans girl)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: September 3rd (Virgo)

Title: Ultimate Swimsuit Model (Class 98)


Bio: Fumnanya was born to Aoi and Sakura Oogami a year after Aki. A year before she got her invitation to Hope’s Peak, she took an interest in modeling. Much like her mom, she has a fondness for swimming, and thus combined the two with her career. With her job, comes fame. With her fame, she advocates for trans and women’s rights, which makes her a controversial figure, especially considering the fact that she’s younger than most models and already has such a high popularity. Her following consists most of women and members of the lgbt community. This is mostly due to her avocation, and how she makes sure the photos taken of her are appealing, but not overtly sexual to make a statement against the oversexualization of women and young girls, especially darker skinned women, that’s running rampant.

Personality: Funmanya is another person who’s been described as very motherly. Although she's more outwardly bubbly and ready to party than Aki is, she’s still responsible and is more often than not the designated driver of the group whenever Aki isn't present. Despite her outwardly dainty appearance, she was raised to be able to defend herself, so one wrong move and you’ll be dazed and on the ground faster than light. Although not quick to anger, she will demonstrate some of Aoi’s hotheadedness when pushed far enough. 

Appearance: 5’7, 136 lbs. Fumnanya has dark skin and long curly hair that she often styles into cornrows, though will sometimes do her hair differently for different modeling sessions and whatnot. Her one eye is dark brown, while the other is blue due to the light birthmark she has over her eye. She wears white jean shorts along with a black and white striped crop top. Over that, she has a transparent organza coat that she wears loosely over her shoulders. She usually wears orange flip-flops with orange sunglasses to match.


  • Her mothers: Fumnanya has a good relationship with all of her mothers. All three of her mothers has contributed to giving her self-defense lessons. 
  • Genmei
  • Aki: See Aki
  • Yuta: When none of her mothers were unavailable, due to their busy lives as celebrities, her uncle would watch her. Like Aoi, she often trained, swam and ran with him. 

Notes: Like Aoi and Yuta, by force of habit, she often mimes writing names on her hand to remember them. She makes a hobby out of baking sweets in her free time, and enjoys all sorts of sweet foods, especially pastries. Her native language is Japanese, but she knows a good bit of Spanish.