Hayabusa Naegi



3 years, 11 months ago


Role: Protag

Age: 21

Pronouns: He/Him (cis guy)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: October 26th (Scorpio)

Title: Ultimate Street Racer (Class 98)


  • Tsukiya Chabashira (boyfriend)
  • Komaru Naegi (mother)
  • Toko Naegi (mother)
  • Kanon Nakajima (stepmother)
  • Yuuki Naegi (sibling)
  • Jataro Kimura (brother; adopted)
  • Aki Kuwata (cousin)
  • Masaru Kuwata (cousin; adopted)
  • Nagisa Kuwata (cousin; adopted)
  • Monaca Towa (cousin; adopted)
  • Makoto Kuwata (uncle)
  • Leon Kuwata (uncle)
  • Miyuki Naegi (grandmother)
  • Kappei Naegi (grandfather)

Bio: Hayabusa was born to Komaru and Toko Naegi. While the two are still together, they are also in a relationship with Kanon Nakajima, who plays the role of his stepmother. He has a brother, Jataro, who, like Aki with Masaru and Monaca, is significantly older than he is. When he was younger, Hayabusa, with an admiration for Mondo, tried to follow him into a bar. However, this only led to him being caught in the middle of a bar fight, and getting the left side of his face slashed open. Mondo saved him, leading to an even deeper admiration. The second time Mondo had to save him was when he started street racing. His competition, seeing that he had been scouted as the Ultimate Street Racer, got jealous and cut his brake lines. This caused a horrible accident, in which he lost his left leg, and got plenty of misc scars, including one prominent slash across his chest. Mondo saved him by taking him to the hospital, and didn't leave his side till he woke up. His desperation to cover up these side effects eventually led to him putting up a cocky mask, and with his admiration for Mondo, he eventually began styling himself off of American greasers. His greaser appearance and want to become like Mondo, he eventually became a street racer. Being raised as the son of an Ultimate, with many other Ultimates in his family and around him, he strove to be the best to be able to live up to their impression on him, leading him to be scouted as the Ultimate Street Racer. He went to Itokawa High School prior to being enrolled in Hope’s Peak.

Personality: Hayabusa is confident, loud, sure of himself and constantly up to fight, though still quite respectful of those around him who show the same respect- or is he? In truth, Hayabusa is incredibly anxious, and his confident and cocky attitude is but a mask to hide his anxiety and weaknesses. Behind his mask he’s intelligent and a diligent worker, but somewhat childish and withdrawn, and a ball of fear. Only a select few- Aki and Tsukiya- know his true nature. However, mask or no, he’s respectful to those who deserve respect and chugs that respect women juice. 

Appearance: 5’6, 141 lbs. Hayabusa has tanned, freckled skin similar to Komaru’s, with teal-tinted black hair that he greases back from its usual curly state, and teal eyes. He’s partially blind in his left eye, with a scar running over it from the bar fight. He's missing his left leg, which he usually wears a prosthetic, and has lots of misc scars all over his body from the car accident and several fights, including a prominent one on the left side of his chest. He often wears a white t-shirt, blue jeans held up with a teal belt, and a dark blue leather bomber jacket with teal stripes down the sides. He wears studded combat boots, and often accessories with a wallet chain and a chain necklace, with ring earrings. Post-game, he wears Makoto's Star of David.


  • His mothers: He's close to Komaru and Toko, as they are his moms. He enjoys being around Kanon, too, and loves being able to do her hair and makeup when she’ll let him. 
  • Friend group: In his friend group consisting of Aki, Haru and Mari, they’re fairly amiable. Until the kg. They’re that ~grunge gang~ that sit around and try to be cool.
  • Haru: While they were originally great friends, having been raised closely, and having gotten even closer in the KG, after Haru is revealed as the mastermind, Hayabusa immediately begins to despise him, especially because he thought he could trust Haru.
  • Aki: Him and Aki are best friends. They were raised and treat each other like siblings. They share lots of common interests, and go to protests together.
  • Tsukiya: Starting out as best friends, they were inseparable. They shared a love for street racing, and shared a similar greaser fashion. However, their relationship fell apart after Hayabusa was picked for the academy over him. Tsukiya, believing the title was stolen from him, began antagonizing his former friend. This all came to a head when Tsukiya cut the brakes in Hayabusa's car before a race, resulting in Hayabusa's accident that almost killed him. Throughout the game, the two mend their relationship and seem to be on good terms until Tsukiya's killing. After all is set right, Hayabusa scouts out Tsukiya in an attempt to mend their friendship, and the two would go on to start a romantic relationship.
  • His uncles: Hayabusa loves his uncles. He idolizes Leon’s punk ways and enjoys listening to music with him, and loves hanging out with Makoto and learning to cook. 
  • Mondo: Hayabusa absolutely adores Mondo. He calls him "Uncle Mondo", tries to copy his every move, and especially his aesthetic. He loves automotive, racing and odd hairstyles because of him, and admires him for saving him every time he was in peril.