Alexio Ludenberg-Kirigiri



3 years, 11 months ago


Role: First murderer

Age: 20

Pronouns: He/They (cis guy)

Sexuality: Bi

Birthday: July 6th (Cancer)

Title: None


Bio: Alexio was adopted at a young age by Celeste and Kyoko, who couldn’t have a child of their own. He was adopted at a young enough age that he can’t remember and doesn’t know his birth parents, but it doesn’t bother him too much. He often jokes that while other parents were stuck with the children they had, his own parents chose him, believing that that means he’s incredibly loved by his mothers- which, of course, is true. Both Kyoko and Celeste have problems with emotional openness, but they still attempt to let Alexio know how much they love him. While they encouraged him to do his best in school, they were never overbearing parents. 

Personality: Described as the life of the party, he’s near inseparable from his best friend Daitan, and is always looking for a good time. Despite coming from a family of Ultimates, he does not have a talent of his own. That doesn't bother him, though, and finds his own way of making headlines with the stunts his pulls, which always involve Daitan. He’s reckless and often puts himself in danger without paying much mind to the consequences of his actions. He’s very much a party animal, and often throws parties himself when not attending other’s parties. He’s smarter than he seems, but dumber than he looks.

Appearance: 5’10, 150 lbs. Alexio has brown skin and dark brown hair, worn in short dreads, with an undercut and shaved sides. He almost always wears varying crop tops, and more often than not, wears skirts, only sometimes wearing shorts or pants. His go-to outfit is a Polariod crop top, matching sailor skirt, and comfortable sneakers, with a bisexual pride bracelet, two hoop bracelets, and a friendship bracelet Daitan made him when they were in kindergarten. 


  • His mothers: He’s close to his mothers, and loves them very much. He’s not the closest to either of them and doesn’t much take after them.
  • Daitan: See Daitan
  • Fumnanya: Good friends! Alexio often went to Aoi or Sakura to have his hair done, so when he would, they would also do Fumnanya’s hair. Because of this, they grew up like cousins.