Aki Kuwata



3 years, 11 months ago


Role: 2nd murderer

Age: 22

Pronouns: She/Her (cis girl)

Sexuality: Lesbian

Birthday: December 4th (Sagittarius)

Title: Ultimate Florist (Class 98)


  • Fumnanya Oogami (girlfriend)
  • Makoto Kuwata (father)
  • Leon Kuwata (father)
  • Masaru Kuwata (brother; adopted)
  • Nagisa Kuwata (brother in law; adopted)
  • Monaca Towa (sister; adopted)
  • Komaru Naegi (aunt)
  • Toko Naegi/Genocide Jill (aunt)
  • Jataro Kimura (cousin; adopted)
  • Hayabusa Naegi (cousin)
  • Yuuki Naegi (cousin)
  • Kaito Momota (cousin)
  • Shuichi Momota (cousin)
  • Ginga Momota (cousin)
  • Haru Momota (cousin)
  • Kanon Nakajima (cousin/aunt)
  • Miyuki Naegi (grandmother)
  • Kappei Naegi (grandfather)

Bio: Aki was born to Leon and Makoto Kuwata. She's their third and youngest child, and the only one biologically theirs. Her two older siblings, Masaru and Monaca, were adopted by the two when they were preteens, were in their early teens when Aki was born, and are now in their late twenties. Masaru is biologically Aki’s uncle, being Leon’s younger brother, but was brought up and raised as her own brother, and thus is viewed and treated like one. Aki attends Hope’s Peak. Originally, this was seen as blatant favoritism due to Makoto being the Headmaster, and Leon being the frontman of Japan’s most popular rocks bands along with guitarist Ibuki Mioda, drummer Kazuichi Souda, and bassist Rantaro Amami. This was soon proven false, though, by Aki’s obvious green thumb and skill with flowers. As a child, she was quiet to the point of putting herself in danger, failing to fuss or whine when hungry, dirty, etc. Because of this, her fathers learned and taught her JSL, and as such, she is fluent in it. 

Personality: Aki is very introverted and spends time getting lost in her work. Despite this, though, she’s found comfort in her extroverted friends and doesn't complain when they drag her to one event after another. She’s seen as very caring and quick to fluster, giving off, as Oowada and Kirigiri describe, “killer mom energy!” She’s very strong in her opinions, though, especially when things get political. When she’s not gardening, she’s making posters to protest one thing or another with her girlfriend, Fumnanya. While usually quiet, if she’s brought into topics she’s passionate about, she can become talkative and inspired, though she’s not above listening to others in those topics. Contrary to her quiet personality, Aki shares a similar music taste and fashion sense as her musician dad, often jamming out to punk music as him or going with him to get another piercing or tattoo.

Appearance: 5’4, 120 lbs. Aki has bleach blonde hair to match Leon’s natural color, with the ends dyed green. Her hair is usually pulled back into a bun. Her body is covered in freckles, and she has sunglasses and farmers tan from working out in the sun all day. She has green eyes. She has a labret piercing, like Leon, along with her ears. She wears a green vine choker, a tattoo sleeve on her right arm that’s roses and thorns, and a double Venus tattoo on her right wrist. Aki is seen with gardener gloves on along with dark blue overalls with skull and flower patterns. Her overalls have various patches such as the lesbian flag, anarchy symbol, and Green Day’s American Idiot album cover. Underneath her overalls she has a green t-shirt with ripped sleeves.


  • Her fathers: Aki is very close with her fathers, despite their busy schedules. They are incredibly supportive and loving towards their only biological child, and as they do with their other children, they make sure to foster her interests and take interest in them to drive her on to pursue what she wants to do and feel comfortable with her family. She took her parental nature from Makoto, and her punk nature from Leon, with her opinionated drive from the both of them. In contrast to Makoto’s busy schedule being the Hope’s Peak headmaster and constantly in aid of others, and Leon being the lead singer of Japan’s most popular metal band, they always make sure to make room in their busy schedules.
  • Her siblings: Despite Masaru being her technical uncle, and Monaca not even blood related to her, she saw both Masaru and Monaca as her siblings growing up, and never thought less of them for how they fit into the family. While closer with Masaru than Monaca, because of Monaca’s nature to distance herself, she loved both of them very much.
  • Fumnanya: Fumnanya’s parents being close friends of her own, they were always around each other. They both discovered themselves at around the same time, and grew and changed together, often feeding off of each others interests and opinions as they grew, leading them to be incredibly close. Their relationship naturally progressed into a romantic prospect. Aki was very supportive of Fumnanya during her transition, and allied herself closely with the trans community while learning more about it to support Fumnanya and her trans friends.
  • Her cousins: Aki also grew up very close to Hayabusa and Yuuki. Less close to Yuuki, she still nonetheless loved them. Her and Hayabusa were very close however, often sharing their interests and time together. They still have a bond over their favorite animes to date. 

Notes: She is fluent in the language of flowers, and often references it. She carries around a notebook to keep note of the flowers she associates with others, or bouquets she wants to make for others. Other than that, her native language is Japanese, but she knows a good amount of English, JSL, and Spanish, as well as bits and pieces of Hebrew. She writes poetry in her spare time. She's autistic.