Hironori Amami



1 year, 1 month ago


Role: Mysterious first murdered

Age: 20

Pronouns: He/him (trans guy)

Sexuality: Gay

Birthday: 8/21 (Leo)

Title: Ultimate Photographer (Class 98)


  • Rantaro Amami (father)
  • Kokichi Amami (father)
  • 12 unnamed aunts
  • Mahiru Saionji (honorary aunt)
  • Hiyoko Saionji (honorary aunt)
  • Mao Saionji (biological sister/honorary cousin)

Bio: Hironori was born rebellious and aloof. He was a calm and easy child, but often questioned his fathers motives and why they made him do things. At first, it was written off as a curious child, but as he grew older, he never lost the trait of questioning demands and rules. He was raised with Mahiru as a motherlike figure, to the point he calls her and Hiyoko his aunts, or sometimes even mom, though this is more playful and less serious. Mahiru was his introduction into the arts, especially photography. His photography notably features beautiful scenery, cultural festivals and slice-of-life pieces, and snippets of insight into horrid conditions that people are forced to live in, including poverty and homelessness. 

Personality: Hironori is aloof, and socially awkward, however he can be very forward when he doubts something or wants to know more. He’s very artistic, and is a good artist, loving to paint and draw scenery. However, his specialty is photography. He’s very rebellious, and is hellbent on making a mark on the world by making people’s lives better. One way he does this is sneaking into places where crimes against humanity are being committed, and photographing them in depth, to post them online and bring traction against these places. He also likes to travel with his dad, and take pictures of his adventures and travel spots. Despite his mostly aloof and awkward personality, he finds joy in petty pranks and fun mayhem, like Kokichi and Hiyoko. He’s the dad friend. 

Appearance: 5’9, 130 lbs. Hironori has black hair, of which he dyes blue. He has an undercut, which is slightly grown out, and is Hironori’s original black hair color. He has dark teal eyes. By the time he’s 17, he already has a few piercings and tattoos. Some of his piercings include his labret, his septum, and his eyebrow. He wears a white? blue? long sleeve which he rolls to his elbows, with a tattered and torn jean jacket overtop. Slung across his shoulder he has a camera, with a notepad, pens, and extra film in his pockets. He wears black jeans, which are cuffed at the ankles, and grey boots. (Maybe add a beanie.)


  • His dads: He’s incredibly close with both of his dads. He loves traveling with Rantaro, and playing pranks with Kokichi. He gets his rebellious nature from Kokichi, and his aloof but caring nature from Rantaro. He loves to spend time with the both of them. 
  • Mahiru and Hiyoko: Rantaro, having grown to be good friends with Mahiru, wanted Hironori to have a more… structured upbringing. Mahiru happily helped, but with her, came Hiyoko. Hironori was close with both of them, and picked up his love of the arts from Mahiru, leading him to be scouted as the Ultimate Photographer. Hiyoko, along with Rantaro, taught him the importance of cultures, and preserving them, which went into his Ultimate Photographer talent. 
  • Mao: He’s incredibly close with Mao. The two grew up like cousins, and enjoy each other’s company. 
  • The Grunge Gang: While not directly apart of it, he often hangs out with the grunge gang, introduced to them originally because of Rantaro's part in Twisted Affair.