Kyle Morris



4 years, 20 days ago


NAME: Kyle Owen Morris
AGE: 21
SPECIES: Shark-human
BIRTHDAY: September 10th (Virgo)
HEIGHT: 6'3"
PERSONALITY: Kyle is a hothead, kind of a jerk, but he does care about those close to him. He doesn't trust others very easily and has been pretty alone most of his life so he has trouble opening up to people. He is more intelligent than most, but not a genius.
BACKSTORY: born to a whirlwind of a mother and never knowing his dad, kyle had a rather tumultuous upbringing. because of his mother's addiction, they were constantly poor, and he was often made fun of in school for his ratty shoes and 3 T-shirts he wore every week. as he got older he started working out, getting stronger, and fighting anyone who would make fun of him. he was very closed off. Andi was his first real friend, and Skye came shortly after. Despite his mom's shortcomings he still loves her, and will check in on her from time to time even though he has moved out and would not want to live with her again. 


- He is friends with Skye and Max, and lives with them in a townhouse
- Andi's boyfriend
- He is biracial (his mom is white and he had no idea what his dad is, but likely pacific islander as he was a result of a one night stand his mother had on vacation)
- he works as a nighttime mall security guard, and also does private bodyguard security on occasion for Carmelo. he is aware that Carmelo’s dealings are less than legal, but he’s ambivalent.
- his favorite music is classic rock. like dad rock. I'm talking REO Speedwagon, Journey, Tom Petty, Styx, Creedence Clearwater Revival, you name it
- honestly he really just has a lot of grumpy dad energy in general
- really good at cooking and baking
- he also loves cars, his dream car is a 1980s Pontiac Trans Am

- uh, idk what the black marks are tbh. i think originally they were meant to be like the scene kid skunk stripes but i honestly have no idea. i stopped drawing them a while ago but a lot of his art has them so if you're wondering. yeah. idk either
- he has sharp teeth, but not multiple rows like a shark does
- he is actually really fucking buff i just didn't know how to draw any different body types back in the day so this drawing is the most accurate depiction of his actual body type