Andrea Managuchi



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


mom-with-teenage-daughter age


cis; female (she/her)


straight 😔


kind of a MILF. reblog


hotel magnate/general property owner/GHOST


serious on the outside...goofy mom on the inside


her family, her business, making sure everything looks perfect






The wife of hotel magnate Anthony Managuchi, Andrea takes a quiet, backseat role compared to her husband's boisterous presence.  She's social just like he is, but she carries a much more reserved and elegant air perfect for fancy parties.  While their finances aren't disclosed, many figure that she's actually the one handling most of the family business and event planning, and that Anthony's "bumbling dad" persona is mostly to act as the company's public-facing, friendly face.  But as Anthony becomes more and more suspicious to the main party, Andrea only becomes suspicious, too.

Known Backstory:

Once upon a time, the Managuchi family, Anthony, Andrea, and their daughter Anna were once close friends with the Jones family, Jonah and his son Josiah, with Anthony in particular being Jonah's longtime best friend.  Jonah Jones was the lead detective of the city previously known as Reno, Nevada, and also an accomplished Stand user, working closely with the Speedwagon Foundation.  Anthony was never anything so fantastical, and considered himself Jonah's supportive "normal" friend on the sidelines.  However, their interconnected lives took a tragic turn once Anthony's family got in a car accident, killing Andrea and leaving Anna in a comatose state.

There is where Andrea's story would have ended, if not for Anthony getting up to shit after the tragedy.  He knew about Stands and the supernatural though Jonah, and recalled him talking about a Stand-granting meteorite the SPW had previously obtained.  He betrayed the trust his best friend had put in him to steal the meteorite for himself, giving himself and his comatose daughter both Stands.  Anna's Stand--perhaps through sheer coincidence, or perhaps through her own unconscious desire to live again--was the incredibly powerful Endless Fantasy, capable of twisting the fabric of reality itself.  Through this power, Anna assisted her father in building up his life anew, editing history to now be in his favor.  Most daringly of all, Endless Fantasy was able to create a facsimile of the deceased Andrea, effectively restoring her to life.  Or, did it...?

Andrea awoke as a ghost with only the haziest memories of her previous life.  She found herself in a basement of a hotel she had never been to, bound there by some unknown force.  She couldn't even remember her own face, opting to wear a mask instead.  She stayed in this state for years, with only the passing ghost hunter providing any sort of change to her schedule.  Over time, she began observing other ghosts entering this limbo alongside her, beginning with Jonah Jones (though she didn't recognize him at the time).  They were fundamentally different than herself, being unresponsive and zombielike shades, whereas she at least possessed cognition.  To her, it seemed as though she had been condemned to a lonely, amnesiac afterlife forever.

In-Game Timeline (Act 1):

Meanwhile, the simulacrum of Andrea just seemed to be your usual, well-to-do, upper class white mom.  Given none of the main crew knew her before her death, it's hard to say either way whether or not she's an accurate representation of her former self.  The first cracks in her facade were revealed through one of the players' abilities.  The party discovered her emotions seem to change unnaturally suddenly, like an almost robotic response.  They connected this to the "fake people" Nemo had mentioned previously, thereby confirming their existence.  However, the crew didn't have a single clue as to what that really meant.

The party also met her ghost, situated in Hotel California, though they didn't connect the amnesiac "ghost lady" to Mrs. Managuchi, at first.  She explained their situation to them, and also noted the "husks" that seemed equally dead, yet so fundamentally different than her.  The only information she was able to give about herself is that she died "surrounded by her family," and also that she remembered having a child.

In-Game Timeline (Act 2):

Endless Fantasy first made its presence concretely known by overwriting the memories of parts of the city and characters' relationships while simultaneously skipping time forward a couple months.  While the players and NPCs floundered with the ripples from the previous timeline, the Andreas, both real and fake, didn't seem to be affected much.  The party was able to eventually snap out of it, and continue their investigation into the Managuchi family mystery.  A detail hidden in an old family photograph was the confirmation that something was truly wrong with the "alive" Andrea's existence: a woman that looks suspiciously like her, but with an entirely different demeanor (and hair color)!  What's more, the crew later discovered her obituary from seven years ago.  The pieces began to fall into place, not just about Andrea's fake-feeling emotions, but also about the ghost lady they had met earlier, and the extent of power Endless Fantasy truly holds.

Once able to rendezvous with ghost Andrea again (being a "ghost hotel," it takes a unique set of conditions to get it to appear), the party was finally able to jog her memory.  Or rather, they jogged Jonah's memory, being briefly able to communicate with his shade, and the details he shared about his relationship to Anthony helped the real, deceased Andrea connect some dots.  She's still not 100% sure of everything that's happened to her--especially not in the limbo between life and death--but she theorizes that the existence of a copy of herself is what's muddling the rest of her memories.  After all, none of the other deceased people stuck in the hotel have copies out and about in the city proper...she seems to be a unique case.

Most pressingly of all, she warned the party to get Anthony away from their daughter.  From what Jonah told them, it sounded like her husband was manipulating Anna in order to use Endless Fantasy for his own gain.  If he's been covering up a string of murders using his daughter's Stand, do they REALLY think she's okay with that?!  She's been seven years in a coma, dependent on his support, starting from when she was 11 years old.  That's plenty of time for an unhealthy relationship to build...Andrea is fearing the worst.


  • The Managuchis are a reference to, of course, Anamanaguchi.
  • Her "fake" self has a design based off a phoenix (and how phoenixes are commonly depicted like peacocks), since she (sort of) came back from the dead.
  • Character art album cover background reference: (fake) (ghost)
  • The reason Oingo Boingo was chosen for the "fake" Andrea is because of the song Dead Man's Party (though the album cover that song comes from doesn't make as good of a character background).  Since she doesn't have a Stand, her backgrounds are more like...theme song identifiers.