Anthony Managuchi



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


dad-with-teenage-daughter age


cis; male (he/him)




burgeoning dad bod


hotel magnate, head of Delta Machine


sincere goofiness, but he has a streak of determination that runs deep


securing the city, securing his family, securing his life








Anthony Managuchi is a hotel magnate and powerful figure in the city; some say the Managuchis own half the town.  Despite his intimidating social status, Anthony seems like an overall sensitive and goofy first.  He's always wearing obnoxiously patterned, ill-fitting suits and seems to have countless pairs of sunglasses.  A popular theory with the general public is that his wife is actually the one running the show, and that Anthony spends most of his time doting over his daughter, but behind the scenes there appears to be something sinister.

Known Backstory:

Once upon a time, the Managuchi family, Anthony, Andrea, and their daughter Anna were once close friends with the Jones family, Jonah and his son Josiah, with Anthony in particular being Jonah's longtime best friend.  Jonah Jones was the lead detective of the city previously known as Reno, Nevada, and also an accomplished Stand user, working closely with the Speedwagon Foundation.  Anthony was never anything so fantastical, and considered himself Jonah's supportive "normal" friend on the sidelines.  However, their interconnected lives took a tragic turn once Anthony's family got in a car accident, killing Andrea and leaving Anna in a comatose state.  Anthony quickly became depressed.  While his friends would offer their assistance, it never was enough to make him feel whole again.  How could it be?  No amount of well wishes could bring his family back.

However, Anthony knew about Stands and the supernatural though Jonah, and recalled him talking about a Stand-granting meteorite the SPW had previously obtained.  He betrayed the trust his best friend had put in him to steal the meteorite for himself, giving himself and his comatose daughter both Stands.  Anna's Stand--perhaps through sheer coincidence, or perhaps through her own unconscious desire to live again--was the incredibly powerful Endless Fantasy, capable of twisting the fabric of reality itself.  Slowly but surely, Anthony built up his life anew, creating new connections (such as Gabriele, Florence, and Curtis) and editing history to now be in his favor.  Through cultivating his daughter's ability, he became a wealthy property owner, moved into a spacious mansion, and, best of all, Andrea came back to life.

Being a detective, Jonah, of course, was suspicious of this turnaround.  While he wanted to support his friend, it had become increasingly obvious that Anthony had been up to supernatural shenanigans while he was trying to earnestly help him.  His wife's seeming reappearance was the last straw; Jonah couldn't believe how bold of a move it was.  One fateful night, celebrating the opening of a hotel Anthony had recently purchased, Jonah asked him directly about the meteorite and Andrea.  Anthony was honest with him, expecting him to understand.  After all, he's the one who's had superpowers his whole life, surely he'd understand his desperate situation?

Jonah was outraged.  Not only did Anthony steal a powerful object from his own place of work, he went behind his back about it for over a year, manipulated his child into assisting him, and is now effectively pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and committing fraud the whole way down.  The argument between friends became heated, and just as soon as Jonah was asking Anthony about his own Stand ability, Anthony killed him with it.  After that, Jonah was simply forgotten about, with people not recalling his name, or that the city even HAD a chief detective.  The city was also known by the name of "Dawn Metropolis" by that point...all the work of Endless Fantasy, and, assumedly, Anthony's own machinations.

Years have passed since then, and more victims have disappeared from history.  Not all of their stories are fully known currently, particularly because it's a bit hard to investigate something that's been struck from all records.  Regardless, it's obvious that Anthony and his bodyguards he calls "Delta Machine" have slipped down a slope they can't come back from.

In-Game Timeline (Act 1):

At the beginning of the investigation, he just seemed like an innocuous-yet-eccentric philanthropist.

His first move under the party's watch was starting a mayoral campaign.  It was interrupted, what with a murder happening at the party he was hosting, but he later smoothed things over with PR.  What better use to make of his family's money than to run for the highest position in the city he loves, so he says, in the hopes of cleaning it up?  Later testimony from Curtis claimed that he was the one to encourage Anthony to run, specifically to get back at his own father, who is the incumbent mayor.

The party later discovered his wife and daughter may not be real, in accordance with what Nemo told them about "fake people."  This was the first clue they obtained that Anthony may be connected to the more supernatural mysteries of the city.  The party could only speculate on what connection this could have with "the Terror" and the disappeared victims, and worried that Anthony could even be a target due to how public-facing he was.  In some ways, this was half correct, but it was instead further confirmation of his involvement with Delta Machine.  Hansen Orzabal, confirmed member of the Terror, tried to assassinate him, but Gabriele murdered Hansen in turn, possibly to silence him.

The party would later find that Curtis encouraged Hansen to go against Anthony, as he was apparently the one Hansen was "after."  It seems that Delta Machine may not be very loyal to its leader...or, at least, Curtis isn't.  Hansen was looking for his dead, disappeared brother, and his strong conviction after Curtis told him these things certainly paints Anthony in a bad light.  Anthony himself has not commented on the assassination attempt other than stating he wanted to do his campaign speech properly over TV next time, and he has not mentioned any sort of connection with Hansen at all.

Shortly after the party discovered the connection between "the Terror" and "Delta Machine," reality crashed around them, throwing a wrench into their investigation.

In-Game Timeline (Act 2):

A mysterious Stand called「Endless Fantasy」overwrote the memories of parts of the city and characters' relationships while simultaneously skipping time forward a couple months.  The players and NPCs were victims alike, and eventually regained varying degrees of knowledge of what had been reset.  The timeskip and reality shift hasn't seemed to affect Anthony's demeanor much--he still seems to be a cheery guy helping out around the city, and even recently expedited repairs at a casino that suffered a fire.  He's been polling well.  Investigation by Kathy is what unveiled "Delta Machine" is actually a shell for a bunch of (seemingly) unrelated companies in the city.  This revelation recontextualized Anthony's mayoral bid, especially as Delta Machine is still lobbying for him in this timeline.

Recently, "Anthony" delivered a box of items to the players in a panicked rush, and then disappeared.  It was later revealed this was Daniel, hijacking Anthony's body with his own Stand ability after Anthony was caught in a lie.  According to Daniel, Anthony seemed very defensive of the box, and even stabbed him over it with a Stand he couldn't properly discern--at which point Daniel's Stand activated and took over Anthony's body.  Despite this leaving his original body defenseless, he knew that something had to be up, and so he ran.  After rushing over and handing the party the box, Daniel's own body was knocked out by an unknown third party that he has no recollection of being on the scene.

Anthony himself wasn't present during the party's retrieval of Daniel, which resulted in a final fight with Delta Machine's members, but his shadow loomed over the resulting conversation.  Florence and Curtis confirmed facts the party feared, such as Anthony's leadership of the organization, him having a Stand, and his apparent murderous tendencies.  There was a recurring anxiety that betraying Delta Machine and Anthony would result in death...but even so, they seem simultaneously unimpressed with him, and do believe in at least some of his incompetent persona.  Curtis especially considers the man a clown, and even proposed that the party join "Delta Machine" only to kill him then, as it would be the quickest method to dispose of him.

The box of items would eventually link back to Jonah (or, at least, Jonah's ghost), and would thus reveal much of his personal history with Anthony to the players.  Anthony's confirmed to at least have killed one person...and Florence, Gabriele, and Curtis' claims now seem all the more real.  Of course, only so much investigation can be done tiptoeing around the main subject of it; the party knows that a confrontation with Mr. Managuchi is all but inevitable.


The party knows he has a Stand, and that at the very least, it can harm people.  Florence described it as a "little guy" about her own height, and seems to think of it as relatively harmless.  To her, Anthony having an underwhelming ability would explain why he apparently needs a handful of bodyguards to do most of the dirty work for him.  According to Jonah, it killed him via impaling him with a hook on a rope.

During the final fight with Delta Machine, residual effects from Stands of the deceased, erased victims were also observed by the party--Anthony's victims, as they'd soon discover.  Is this evidence of what his power could be?  With Endless Fantasy freely changing city events and memories, it's also possible he could be a thrall of an even bigger foe, and that these "ghost" abilities are something even beyond Stands.

Who is the real Anthony?


  • The Managuchis are a reference to, of course, Anamanaguchi.
  • His outfit patterns were based on Throne angels; his suit has a feather/wing pattern, his shirt has a wheel pattern, his pants have a fire pattern, and his tie has a pattern of multi-pupiled eyes.
  • Please don't call him "Tony."
  • The players have commented that he acts like he's both drunk and on the verge of tears at all times.