Anna Managuchi



Basic Info


high school senior


trans; female (she/her)


useless lesbian


100% average




cheerful, cute, just a little anxious


getting to be herself, figuring out who "herself" even is, making sure her dad's OK






Endless Fantasy


The only child of Anthony and Andrea Managuchi, Anna lives a comfortable, rich life.  Despite this privilege, she goes to public school and fits in well enough, coming across as a bubbly, energetic, normal high school girl.  While she has no abilities herself, she knows about Stands from being friends with one of the player characters, and is even in a supernatural investigation club with her.  However, her curiosity could lead to danger, especially considering her father in particular seems more deeply involved with the mystery the more the investigation continues.

Known Backstory ("Real" Anna):

Once upon a time, the Managuchi family, Anthony, Andrea, and their daughter Anna were once close friends with the Jones family, Jonah and his son Josiah, with Anthony in particular being Jonah's longtime best friend.  Jonah Jones was the lead detective of the city previously known as Reno, Nevada, and also an accomplished Stand user, working closely with the Speedwagon Foundation.  Anthony was never anything so fantastical, and considered himself Jonah's supportive "normal" friend on the sidelines.  However, their interconnected lives took a tragic turn once Anthony's family got in a car accident, killing Andrea and leaving Anna in a comatose state.

Anthony knew about Stands and the supernatural though Jonah, and recalled him talking about a Stand-granting meteorite the SPW had previously obtained.  He betrayed the trust his best friend had put in him to steal the meteorite for himself, giving himself and his comatose daughter both Stands.  Anna's Stand--perhaps through sheer coincidence, or perhaps through her own unconscious desire to live again--was the incredibly powerful Endless Fantasy, capable of twisting the fabric of reality itself.  Through this power, Anna assisted her father in building up his life anew, editing history to now be in his favor.  The Managuchis became a well-known name in the city, with Anthony handling bold new business ventures and networking with the rich.  Most daringly of all, Endless Fantasy was able to create a facsimile of the deceased Andrea, effectively restoring her to life.

This is as much concrete information that is known at current.  Most of what remains is speculation; there is an "Anna" alive and well in the city, but she appears to be a facsimile like her mother.  It's possible the real Anna is still in a coma, which could also mean that she may not be fully conscious while she uses Endless Fantasy.  All the while, there are murder victims being erased from history that are linked to Anthony--could he be asking his daughter to rewrite the timeline for his sake?  How much of the greater conspiracy at large is her, and how much of it is him?

In-Game Timeline ("Fake" Anna):

The Anna of the present is a good friend of one of the player characters.

Besides a previous run-in with Throckmorton and his band of skate punks, Anna had been thankfully removed from most plot events, though not blissfully unaware.  The party updated her here and there as it seemed her parents may be involved in the Terror's machinations, and she helped out especially when getting Anthony to remember how he once knew Jonah.  

Around this time, the party discovered that both she and her mother may be some of the "fake people" that Nemo was talking about, even though they didn't quite know what that meant at the time.  As it became more apparent that Anthony was actually intimately linked with the Terror (actually a company called "Delta Machine"), they've since kept Anna increasingly out of the loop.

After Hansen's assassination attempt on her dad, she confined herself to a hotel across town with her family, lying low, fearing for her life.

In-Game Timeline (Act 2):

Endless Fantasy first made its presence concretely known by overwriting the memories of parts of the city and characters' relationships while simultaneously skipping time forward a couple months.  The players and NPCs were victims alike, and eventually regained varying degrees of knowledge of what had been reset.  The skip ahead in the timeline seems to be more relevant to Anna than the shift in reality, as it's now coming close to senior prom.  Anna seems interested in going out with her (female) BFF (the aforementioned player character), but said BFF is getting cold feet.

Meanwhile, the party slowly discovered that her family's car crash from seven years ago may be key to the core mysteries in the city.  Considering the reality warping and Anna's own "fakeness," her existence has come under the scrutiny of the protagonists.  Beyond revealing that Anna may be Endless Fantasy, Curtis also mentioned that Anna isn't a "childhood friend" at all; rather, she's only known the party for about two years.  Is she actually the mastermind, manipulating history in her favor?!

Despite the above, there have been some interesting inconsistencies with Endless Fantasy's behavior.  Notably, the "timeline reset" the protagonists experienced was in the midst of their first big fight with the Terror/Delta Machine.  Afterwards, they were "friends" with previous antagonists Florence and Gabriele.  That duo eventually snapped out of it, and the party fought them yet again, but when they described the experience afterward, it lined up with the party's own experience with breaking out of Endless Fantasy's false memories.  If Endless Fantasy is the antagonist, why would it seemingly want everyone to get along, at the expense of Delta Machine, who were assumedly working alongside its machinations?

This all came to a head at high school prom, where one of the party members went with Anna.  The lingering questions couldn't sit anymore, and Anna was asked directly about her involvement in the city-wide conspiracy.  She reacted negatively, not revealing any information, but clearly panicking.  In the end, she ran away, with the school behind her appearing to distort...which wasn't the confrontation the party expected.  If she's working with her dad to obfuscate murders, would she really appear so...distressed?

Ability: 「Endless Fantasy

Range Irrelevant, ...Other things probably??

Seems potentially related to the fact that Anna is in a coma.  From what the party can gather, it appears to have free rein over the city, manipulating the timeline and the people inside it as it sees fit.  It is unknown how much conscious control the real Anna may have over EF; while there's evidence that she's warped reality under specific orders (Curtis getting his jacket back, Anthony hiding his crimes, etc.), the fact that there's "cracks" in the current reality of the city at all would indicate some lack of control.

It is unknown how deep the reality warping goes, or what the real world may look like as the EF-created world moves forward in time.  Non-Stand users have been replaced with copies that EF can manipulate defensively. Because EF's effects are city-wide, it may be luring in other Stand users that are attracted to it, per the red string of fate.

Given it appears focused on "fixing" the events of "Reno" under the guise of  "Dawn Metropolis," it does not seem to be the city itself.  Curtis speculated that it probably has some sort of central presence somewhere, and thus, a body. 


  • The Managuchis are a reference to, of course, Anamanaguchi.
  • Her shirt is a reference to the Anamanaguchi song "Meow."
  • The rest of her outfit is patterned after Throne angels, much like her dad, except softer; she has a wheel/eye pattern on her jacket, and costume wings.
  • Her real body actually has heterochromia; one eye is pink and the other purple.
  • Character art album cover background reference