Threand Island (Jocrash Species)



2 years, 8 months ago





Scientific NameLasciva Dendrolagus
DietBig tree fruits
PowerJumps almost instantaneously
WeaknessCan't walk well


The jocrashen are bio power class emotibeasts. They have incredibly strong quads and hamstrings to the point where they almost move in the blink of an eye. The jump is so fast and sudden that when combined with their natural rocky armor exterior its like getting hit by a cannonball and can even be fatal in some cases! The average jocrash has two claws on each limb which it uses to hook itself safely into whatever surface it crashes itself into. These claws are sharp enough to pierce wood with ease, but can't do much when it comes to actually walking.


Jocrashen are blue and red. They have soft fuzzy blue bodies and red rocky armor plating around their abdomen, head, tail, and back. Their abdomen's armor is also a protective pouch for their babies to ride in. Jocrashen are small and only reach up to three feet. Their babies are even smaller and only reach a couple inches tall. They have a total of eight claws that are all navy blue. Underneath their armored beak is a fuzzy mouth and a playful smile.


Jocrashen are feral social class emotibeasts. They're playful and happy by nature and have the same amount of energy as a small child. They can usually be found in thick forests where they jump from tree to tree to find the biggest and juiciest fruits they can find to eat. A lot of times they end up crashing into these fruits and getting bits of it all over themselves. When this happens they'll try to get all the juice in their pouch, so their babies have a nice healthy drink to sip on while it rides inside. When it to comes walking, the jocrash is very bad at it sadly. It was meant only to jump from spot to spot, so attempting to walk leaves it stumbling around and falling on its butt constantly. 


Joycrashen branched off the evolutionary tree from another personalian marsupial, the armaroo of Cerebral Island. While armaroos are not sentient enough to be emotibeasts, the joycrashen evolved far enough to fall under that jurisdiction. These two species share similar features such as powerful leg muscles and armored bodies but the similarities end there. The colorful pigment of jocrashen is likely from their diet of exotic fruits from their homeland. This diet has also led to them becoming more sphere shaped which has aided them in their cannonball-like attacks. 


● Jocrashen sleep at the top of trees with their claws burrowed inside.

● A jocrash loves to play games and will try to get you involved in a game whenever it can.

● The jocrash can fit three babies inside its pouch. 

● Jocrashen have attempted to make dozens of tools to help them walk and none have succeeded.

● When two jocrashen collide they bounce off each other and end up going the opposite direction.

profile html by Hukiolukio