Threand Island (Kindrion Species)



3 years, 10 months ago





Scientific NameAlchima Leo
DietPond fish
PowerGold Transmutation
WeaknessMagnetic forces


Kindrions fall under the morph power class and have quite the rare power! Many collectors seek the kindrion for its ability to transmute metals like lead, copper, silver, etc, into gold. It is a very nicher power and can only do real damage to emotibeasts like bladetears or skupunks who have metal as a part of their biology. Gold may be pretty but it is also fragile. 


Kindrions are big white cats with gold manes, orange fins, as well as orange spots on their body! They stand up to four feet when on all fours and have a length of eight feet. Their manes are made out of several golden strands making them extra valuable. The fins of kindrion are thin yet tough like sheet metal. The golden markings reflect light like reflective tape which help kindrions spot each other at night when the moon is out.


Falling under feral social class kindrions spend their days being playful big cats. They like to hunt, sleep, swim, and play. Despite having lots of similarities to ferocious lions they are very kind and can purr and meow like a regular cat. When swimming in their ponds they will fully explore it to its full potential and share that same mentality of if I fits I sits cats have when they want to find a den to make their own. 


Sadly kindrions are an endangered species of emotibeast. Many collectors seek them out for their power simply to make a quick buck. Their territory known as Broodvale is where they go to start a family and have began recovering their population numbers little by little. Broodvale is full of several ponds making it hard to navigate without a boat, nevertheless it is a restricted area other emotibeasts are forbidden to approach.  Lucky because of the geography of its surrounding territories Broodvale has blocked off areas protected by walls of crystals and roaming fogonsters.  When the kindrions feel their area is compromised they will flee southeast to the open ocean.


● Kindrions can survive in freshwater and saltwater.

● When they shed manes they will sell it.

● The kindrion has enough metal in its body for a magnet to have effect on it.

● Its mane will never rust thanks to its golden properties.

● The chances of two kindrions having the same spotted pattern are one in a million.

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