Threand Island (Axslog species)



1 year, 1 month ago





Scientific NameCanis Lupis Securis
DietChicken, Ham, Pheasants
PowerGrows throwable axe blades
WeaknessAxes take time to grow back after thrown


The axslogs utilize bio power class abilities. As the name suggests, axes are involved. The axslog grows axe blades on its body which it utilizes by breaking them off and tossing them like a boomerang to cut down foes. This ability is also handy for cutting down trees for lumber and gathering grass for crafting. The drawback is that once these axes are thrown it takes a day for them to grow back which can be inconvient if the aslog needs them after using too many. However, this creature is not defenseless without their axes, like most dogs they can perceive time slower in order to react things better. Their eyes can percieve time even slower than a regular dog which lets them counter foes trying to strike them while also giving them enough time to read an opponent and strike a decisive blow. 


Axslogs resemble domestic dog breeds such as the saint benard and mastiff. Their fur has shades of brown and white coloration along with the large black axe bldes growing out of their arms and head, however they can grow from other areas as well. Their tail is fluffy and long like a duster and they have black nails at the end of their paws. Their builds are usually large and bulky with areas of fat and muscle both present. Their arms tend to be stronger than their legs. Their eyes have eyelash markings near the sides. They reach up between six and seven feet high and can run on all fours as well. 


Axslogs have been designated under the feral social class, and many theories have spawned on this creature's origin. Many emotibeasts theorize that they are descendants of a common ancestor with the lyvicans of legythos island. Both are bipdeal canines with sharp growths sprouting from their bodies with heads and arms being the most common areas of growth. Axslogs have exhibited similar behaviors of aggressive territorial behavior and fight each other a lot. Their fighting style is very "rushdown" like. They overwhelm opponents by unpredictable and unrelenting attacks through slashes and punches while throwing out their axes are random times to mess up their opponents concentration. They tend to be very assertive and strong willed about anything they want. They don't shy from bluntness when it comes to something they care about. 


Axslogs follow their guardian Rosari, an ancient axslog said to have the strength of a hundred of his kind and whose blades were permanently stained red in his foes' blood. He was a deal maker guardian who specialized in deals for protecting his people at all costs. He would always be present in their world and reside in a temple inactive until a deal came to terms. These deals would entail bringing forth a banquet feast fit for 10 men and offering it up to him. After eating he would hunt down a foe of their choosing and ensure a part of them would be sliced off, if not worse. To show proof of his deed he would bring back a bone of the victim. The deadly thing about dealmaker guardians is that deals must go through. Once the axslogs have intiated the deal there's no stopping Rosari's assault until he slices off a piece of his target. Due to resources these deals only happen once in a blue moon for the axslogs, but they still honor Rosari for all his service throughout the years.


● Xray raditation is deadly to axslogs due to the metal present in their skeletal system.

● Their blades dull over long periods of time and have to be either sharpened or taken off in order to grow new ones.

● Their home has a lot of tall grass which they like to run into for fun.

●  A popular sport  for them is similar to the discuss throw where they see who can throw their axe the farthest.

● They can handle almost any climate. Many have created homes in the mountainous regions of Threand Island and act as rescue rangers for people who end up lost.

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