Threand Island (Zengrip Species)



1 year, 10 months ago





Scientific NameCapto Bos Sapien
PowerHas special palms that keep grip on anything
WeaknessOnly works on solid matter


Zengrips are members of the bio power class. Their greatest asset is their palms and the diamond markings on it. Their hands are able to grip onto any solid object and using their martial arts they are able to grapple the object with ease for combat. Whatever is in their grip cannot escape and is stuck until the Zengrip wishes to release it. They can also use this power when gripped onto thrown objects like a rock to fly over long distances by hanging on it.


Zengrips are red humanoid creatures with orange diamond markings on their palms and arms. They have long yellow fur like a highland cow and orange horns like a longhorn bull. Zengrips usually maintain slender yet muscular builds and are very flexible especially with their arms. They have five fingers and five toes on their hand and feet. 


Zengrips are humanoid social class emotibeasts. They maintain a zen lifestyle and try to keep calm at all times even when they are doing something they enjoy. One of the things they happen to enjoy is fighting especially one on one. They will challenge each other directly in hand to hand combat until one passes out or a referee proclaims time has run out. They mostly fight by grappling their opponent and tossing them around into various combos until the foe is overwhelmed by their onslaught.


Zengrips are responsible for one of the main forms of entertainment on Threand Island. Every year they host a tournament in their home of Terralex where fighters from across the island and beyond are invited to challenge for the title of the champion of fighters. The only rules to the tournament are the forbidden use of weapons, staying within a certain field of battle without going out of bounds, and each match is monitored by a referee who times the battle. Many fighters come across personalia to compete in the tourney allowing a wide roster of fighters that the Zengrips are internally thrilled to take on.


● Zengrips only have the markings on their hands and arms, but can use their feet as fists too.

● A common way for a Zengrip to celebrate is to squat up and down repeatedly while swinging their arms

● Zengrips remain calm even in the face of certain death even if on the inside they may feel their emotions swelling in mass.

● Zengrip horns are hard to break off which makes it easy for Zengrips to grab each others horns and use them to suplex the other.

● They have a defined humanoid nose which is rare for most emotibeasts.

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