


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Sam Reed

Pronouns: they/he

Sexuality: asexual/biromantic

Age: 15 (at beginning of DC)

Personality: Sam is a jokester, preferring to see the humor in something before resorting to being serious. They're chill, but don't like to be the leader of things, instead preferring to be more of a behind-the-scenes kind of guy. He is deeply loyal to those he loves, and is willing to put them first, sometimes even putting himself in danger to help them. It’s hard to get on their bad side, but if you manage it, it’s even harder to get back in their favor. 

Relationships: Sydney (best friend), Luke, Brennan, Alex, Casey (closest friends), Sean (dad), Rosa (mom), Fawn, Daisy (younger half-sisters on his mother’s side)

Story/Background: Sam is a high school student in a friend group of 6 kids, about to graduate from their freshman year, who find out a circus has come to their small Massachusetts town. The group quickly realizes that this circus is not just some random show, but actually the Dark Carnival, a show rumored to cause some of its attendants to disappear and never be seen again. The kids believe that the rumors are just rumors, and decide to visit the show.

While the kids are on the circus grounds, everything begins to go wrong. Alex and Casey go missing, and the other four accidentally stumble across a trail of blood leading into the performers' tent while looking for them. Acro, one of the performers, is sent out to scare off the kids, but her vessel breaks free, warning the kids to leave before cutting her own throat and collapsing. 

As the kids panic over what to do, Sydney sees Casey inside the tent, and takes off after her, with her friends following closely behind. Once they're inside, Casey is revealed to be an illusion cast by Ringmaster, who then reveals herself as a demon. She surrounds the circus ring with fire, trapping the kids inside, and casts a new illusion of a huge, serpent-like form of herself. She attempts to kill Sydney, but Sam pushes her out of the way, sacrificing himself to save her. 

Sam is the third member of the friend group to die, and the fourth death in the comic overall.  

[More will be added as the comic progresses]

Physical description: A golden tabby cat with amber eyes. They usually wear jeans and t-shirts with dark colors. 


- He has a passion for theater and the performing arts, but gets stage fright every time he tries to act, so he joined the theater crew as a sound technician. 

- They actually have impeccable comedic timing, but they don't always get a chance to use it. 

- His birthday is November 29th. (He’s the oldest out of the whole group, and the only one who was born in 2002.)

- Their name is actually Samuel, but they vastly prefer their nickname. Hardly anybody ever calls them Samuel.

- He speaks a little Italian, as he took an Italian course during school (as mentioned by Sydney during chapter 1). 

- They have a bad tendency to eat anything on a dare. In the past, they’ve eaten several dipping sauce packets, handfuls of grass, and once half a stick of butter. 

- He and Sydney have been best friends since kindergarten, and have been there for each other through all their hardships.

- He lives with his dad and is an only child (although technically he does have two much younger half-sisters, but doesn’t live with them)— his parents divorced when he was young, and his dad got custody. He visits his mom a couple times every year, but they have a kind of strained relationship.

- Their chill, lighthearted nature tends to balance out Sydney‘s impulsivity. In turn, she helps Sam take risks they probably would’ve never taken on their own. The two really do seem to be made for each other.

- He only met his younger half-sister Fawn once, but dies before Daisy is born. Neither of them remember him by the time they get older. 

- Unlike Sydney, he doesn’t really care when people assume the two of them are dating, and will just calmly explain that they aren’t. (He sometimes has to keep Sydney from going postal on the poor person who dared to ask.)

Voice headcanon: Sam Winchester (Supernatural) (specifically during season 1)