


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Brennan Tran

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: gay

Age: 15

Personality: Brennan is usually pretty anxious, but once you get past his worrisome cover, he's very sweet underneath. He's observant and organized, but can also be convinced to go along with almost anything with enough goading. (He most likely won't participate, but he'll still watch.) He's easily spooked and kind of jumpy, so his friends make sure not to scare him as to not put him on edge for the next hour. 

Relationships: Luke (best friend/crush), Sydney, Sam, Alex, Casey (closest friends), unnamed parents (two dads)

Story/Background: Brennan is a high school student in a friend group of 6 kids, about to graduate from their freshman year, who find out a circus has come to their small Massachusetts town. The group quickly realizes that this circus is not just some random show, but actually the Dark Carnival, a show rumored to cause some of its attendants to disappear and never be seen again. The kids believe that the rumors are just rumors, and decide to visit the show.

While the kids are milling around in the game stands before the show starts, Brennan begins to notice that the attendants seem rather inattentive, and look as if they're constantly staring off into space. When Sydney mentions noticing the same thing, he backs her up. The thought is dismissed by the other kids, however, as they assume that the attendants are just bored and have spaced out to not have to deal with the inactivity of their jobs. This doesn't fully convince Brennan, though, as he remains slightly unsettled for a good portion of the night. 

[More will be added as the comic progresses]

Physical description: A white cat with black patches and green eyes. His face is half black, half white, which is seen as a symbol of luck. He usually wears cargo shorts and tucked-in t-shirts (sometimes ones he's borrowed/stolen from Luke). 


- He tends to skitter instead of walk, and will usually closely follow someone he knows if he's in an environment he doesn't like.

- He’s had a crush on Luke since 7th grade, but has never had the guts to confess to him.

- His birthday is February 7th. 

- He tends to get rather flustered around Luke, and will often follow what he says with little to no hesitation, even if his ideas are kind of stupid.

- He plays the clarinet in the school band.

- He usually doesn’t speak much, unless he’s comfortable around the people he’s with. He also prefers to listen during conversations instead of speak, which makes him a great match with Luke, who can talk anyone’s ear off.

- He hates being in charge of anything, and will be the very last person to step up for any kind of leadership position. If he is forced to take charge, his anxiety often gets the better of him, causing him to make terrible decisions. He will only take the lead if he is in an incredibly dire situation or if every other candidate is unable to step up.

- He’s considered to be a very lucky person, partially due to the half-and-half marking on his face (which is believed to be a symbol of good luck) and partially due to the fact that he tends to win things without even trying (like the duck game in the carnival, which he won 3 times in a row). 

Voice headcanon: Adam Stanheight (Saw)